Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety
Fall 2014
In This Issue
MAPS Conference is Coming Soon!

You won't want to miss the fantastic line up of keynote speakers including:

  •  Scott Griffith - A Bold New Approach to Health Care Improvement Through Collaboration
  • Allison Massari - The Heart and Soul of Patient Care
  • Bryan Sexton - Making the Connection Between Employee Resiliency and Patient Safety
  • Val Ulstad - Facing Reality and Remaining Hopeful
  • Patient Panel - Adverse Patient Events in Minnesota - Patient, Provider and Organizational Perspectives - Panelists: Susan Johnson, Vonda Vaden Bates and Margo Bowman

If you haven't already, register today for the conference which will be on October 22-24, 2014 at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest in Brooklyn Park. Please visit MAPS website to see the complete conference brochure and registration information.  





Please join us for MAPS 2014 Member Meeting

MAPS will hold its annual Member Meeting at the Conference, on Friday October 24 from 7:15am-8:15am. All members are invited to attend and learn more about:

  • our 2014 financials
  • our new strategic partners and an overview of additions to the 2014 membership
  • our safe transitions grant work update and results thus far
  • the September Board of Directors retreat and recommended future strategic priorities
We look forward to seeing you there!
Safe Transitions of Care and Grant Update


MAPS has received terrific feedback from the pilot sites that helped distribute the consumer research developed packets to patients at points of transition. One site has data indicating that the red folders and their contents may have increased patient satisfaction.   Overall, the red folders were very well received by patients and health care staff. A popular comment was how the packets help keep everything organized and easily accessible.


While there has been a small survey return so far, results have already highlighted respondents' willingness to change their behavior and keep better track of their own medical information in the future due to this project.


The ad campaign portion of the project has just begun, with radio ads on MPR starting September 15.  Other print and radio ads will be added in October. MAPS is also working on a smart phone and tablet app which will both be released in October.


The LEAPT project ends in early December and we are looking forward to exploring ways to use our findings in future work!


For more information about this project and the tools available for patients and providers, please visit the grant website at www.ownbestmedicine.mn





Reminder to complete MAPS 2014 Member Survey

MAPS recently distributed its 3rd annual Member Survey. Each member organization received one and the recipient was asked to share with others interested within his/her organization.


If you have already responded, THANK YOU! If not, please do so soon! We plan to share feedback during our Member Meeting in October.


We greatly appreciate your timely and thoughtful responses


Recent Article on the Impact of Leaders and Managers in Quality and Safety Shows Positive Results, but also Highlights a Lack of Good Research.

A recent article published in bmj.com provides a review of the literature to identify activities, time spent and engagement of hospital managers toward promoting quality of care. Specifically, the researchers wanted to answer the question, "What is the role of hospital managers (including senior leaders and boards) in promoting quality and safety and impacting improvement?".


The researchers noted a dearth of literature on hospital management and its influence on the quality of care. The literature that does exist shows that leaders and managers can influence the quality and safety of clinical outcomes with their time spent and engagement on these activities.


Best practices that link to higher quality outcomes include:

  • Establishing measurable quality & safety goals tied to individual performance,
  • Providing a performance measurement report with national benchmarks,
  • Promoting a culture of quality,
  • Providing resources for QI activity,
  • Establishing a Board quality committee and having quality as a item on the Board agenda, and
  • Providing an infrastructure for staff-manager interactions on quality strategies.


The analysis highlighted that Boards needed to spend 20-25% of their time on quality & safety to have an impact. Most Boards spent well below this amount.  In addition, the research showed a mixed result regarding senior manager support and engagement with quality and safety. The number of articles indicating positive influences equaled the number showing no or a negative impact.


Click here to see the full article. 


Register now for APIC Minnesota's Basic Infection Prevention Course
October 8-10, 2014 * Rochester, MN
Attend the APIC Minnesota Basic Infection Prevention Course-the only course
of its kind locally and winner of The 2011 Heroes of Infection Prevention Award!

Click here to see the full brochure and registration information. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! Our email and phone number are below.


Marie, Lynette and Betsy

Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety | 612-362-3756 |
1300 Godward St NE, Suite 2500
Minneapolis, MN 55413

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