Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety
Summer 2014
In This Issue
Welcome to all new MAPS Members!!!


MAPS would like to extend a warm welcome to 10 new members in 2014.


CentraCare - St. Benedict's Senior Community


Essentia Health-Virginia Care Center

Knute Nelson

Mahnomen Health Center (Hospital)

Mahnomen Health Center (LTC)

Maple Lawn Nursing Home

Minnesota Department of Human Services

Minnesota Masonic Home

Minnesota Nurses Association

Tealwood Senior Living/Care Communities

Three Links Care Center


In addition, MAPS also has two new consumer members.  Welcome! 


For a full list of MAPS members, please go to MAPS website.

MAPS Welcomes the Minnesota Nurses Association to its Board of Directors

MAPS would like to introduce our newest Strategic Partner and MAPS Board member, the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA). The MAPS board sought to add the perspective of nurses and the profession of nursing to help guide its work to ensure safe care everywhere. In the early days of MAPS, the MNA was a community participant. Now as MAPS has transitioned to an independent, not for profit organization with a new board of directors and a focus on safety across the continuum of care, MAPS is pleased to be working once again with the MNA.


MAPS is a unique collaboration with a broad representation of health care stakeholders, representation across the continuum of health care and participation from both the public and private sectors. These combinations make MAPS a truly exceptional collaboration of organizations working to improve health care safety.


A full list of the MAPS Board of Directors can be found here.


MAPS Safe Transitions of Care Grant Progress


In Fall 2013, MAPS started work on a grant to improve the safety of care at transitions through better engagement of patients, residents, families and consumers. This grant came to MAPS through an expansion of MHA's Hospital Engagement Network (HEN) grant from CMS. This initiative's goal is to identify effective ways to engage health care consumers in taking a more active and informed role in the management of their health care transitions to reduce potential harm.  

After consumer research, tools were developed to help patients in transition. The tools have been compiled into a packet of information which a patient receives at a point of transition in their care. In May, MAPS distributed 975 project packets to 11 pilot sites. The pilot sites include 6 Area Agencies on Aging, Glacial Ridge Hospital, Cambridge Hospital - Allina, The Colony transitional living in Eden Prairie (Tealwood), Fairview Lakes Hospital in Wyoming, and Essentia Health St. Joseph's-Brainerd. Pilot sites are distributing the packets and recipients will be asked to complete a survey, either electronically or paper-based, to share their feedback on the effectiveness of the packet materials.


Survey results from our pilot sites will start coming in shortly and we are excited to learn from them and will share those results.


An associated consumer awareness campaign is being finalized and will likely include radio and print ads. We are also investigating the feasibility of an app for people to use to manage their care transitions/discharges.


MAPS Conference is Coming in October!

Don't Forget!!! MAPS Conference is October 23 & 24, 2014


As a reminder, MAPS Patient Safety Awards applications are due September 2. MAPS will be recognizing both individual and system-wide safety leaders and/or projects. Please see MAPS website for additional information on awards.  


General Session and Keynote speakers at the conference are as follows:


  • Scott Griffith - A Bold New Approach to Healthcare Improvement Through Collaboration
  • Allison Massari - The Heart and Soul of Patient Care
  • Bryan Sexton - Making the Connection Between Employee Resiliency and Patient Safety
  • Val Ulstad - Facing Reality and Remaining Hopeful
  • Patient Panel - Adverse Patient Events in Minnesota - Patient, Provider and Organizational Perspectives - Panelists: Susan Johnson, Vonda Vaden Bates and Margo Bowman

Breakout sessions will cover topics in each of the following four areas:

  • Safety Across Settings
  • Innovations in Workforce and Workplace Safety
  • Hot Topics
  • Safety at Transitions of Care


The complete agenda and registration information will be available on MAPS website in July.

MAPS Member Meeting

Feedback from last year's Fall Event was very positive and one of the activities members requested was more opportunities to network with each other. With that in mind, there is no better place to network than the MAPS Conference in October! Watch for details regarding a member meeting during the conference.


Find MAPS on LinkedIn & Facebook

MAPS is excited to have joined LinkedIn. Please connect with us there for important updates and discussions.


We are also on Facebook, so please "Like" MAPS there as well!


Please help us identify topics you'd like to discuss and learn more about on both LinkedIn and Facebook.


TeamSTEPPS Conference

As this goes to print, we are headed off to the TeamSTEPPS Conference here in Minneapolis. We look forward to sharing what we learn from this great local opportunity.

More information on TeamSTEPPS and its conference can be found here. 


MAPS Member Survey Coming Soon!

MAPS will be conducting its third annual Member Survey this summer. The goal is to gather important information about how MAPS provides value to members. Please stay tuned for this important survey and we appreciate your timely and thoughtful responses.

Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety | 612-362-3756 |
 [email protected] | http://www.mnpatientsafety.org/
1300 Godward St NE, Suite 2500
Minneapolis, MN 55413

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