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Welcome to New York Sea Grant's (NYSG) Summer 2013 e-issue of New York Coastlines, an electronic version of our program's flagship newsletter.

You can also read all of the articles featured below via the issue's table of contents on our Web site.

Happy reading ...

Lake Erie Research
Summer 2013
NY Coastlines, Vol. 42, No. 1
Lake Erie: Warmest in Summer, Coldest in Winter
Dr. Michael Twiss, professor at Clarkson University, on examining Lake Erie, the Great Lake most impacted by summer hypoxia (the loss of oxygen at the bottom that affects fish and other living communities): "Lake Erie, the shallowest of the Great Lakes, is warmest in summer and coldest in winter," he says. "These extremes make it a good environment to predict how the lakes will change with global climate change." Read on >>

From The Director
Senator Johnson SBU Event NYSG's Interim Director Bill Wise discusses transitions, from his post to other Sea Grant staffers and even a Sea Grant-supportive legislator. Read on >>

Web Extra: Stony Brook University
's School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences and NYSG honor retiring State Senator Owen Johnson, a leader in New York on marine resource issues Read on >>
Long Island Sound
LI Sound harbor artwork
LI Sound workshops
LI Sound mapping
New Research
In Spring 2013, the Sea Grant programs of Connecticut and New York, with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Long Island Sound Study program, began funding over $708K in research to help improve water quality and adapt to climate change. Read on >>

New Workshops
Starting in the Summer and running through Fall 2013, NYSG's new Long Island Sound Study outreach coordinator, Amy Boyajian, offers a workshop series to show high school teachers how to incorporate hands-on activities like seining and water quality testing into their curricula. Read on >>

Seafloor Survey
In early Summer 2012, partners - including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Sea Grant College Program's federal funding agency - announced a multi-year seafloor mapping project for Long Island Sound. Read on >>

Sea Grant Scholars & Fellows
Knauss Fellows
Scholars - DiLiberto
Scholars - Treible
Knauss Fellowships
Two 'Class of 2013' NYSG Fellows were selected for the prestigious Knauss Fellowship Program named in honor of a Sea Grant's founder, former NOAA Administrator John A. Knauss. Read on >>

Fellow Wins 'Science Idol'
Stony Brook University Master's graduate Tom Di Liberto won the American Association for the Advancement of Science's 2013 "America's Science Idol" competition. Read on >>

& Awards
Earlier this year, Stony Brook University graduate students (also Sea Grant scholars) received high accolades and presented their thesis work on some NYSG- funded research. Read on >>

Publications Spotlight: Lake Erie Fact Sheet
Lake Erie Fact Sheet In addition to some basic information, this four-page fact sheet addresses invasive species, harmful algal blooms and other concerns for Lake Erie, the shallowest, but one of the most productive Great Lakes in the system.

As detailed in the publication, harmful algal blooms are currently one of the Lake's most pressing issues, especially in its shallow western basin, where blooms often change clear waters into a bright green soup.
Read on >>

Publications Spotlight: AIS Brochure & Rack Card
AIS Rack Card An eight-panel brochure and two-panel rack card provide boaters with how-to tips for slowing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) and profiles for some AIS of concern.

Also featured here is a collection of some recent news items on invasive plants like Hydrilla and water chestnut, both of which are impacting the economies of waterfront communities. Read on >>

WWWhat's Trending: Superstorm Sandy
Sandy - Folio Award
Sandy - MWA Conference
Sandy - SBU Media
FMC Award
NYSG is awarded for the research-based content it provided via its Web site, Facebook and Twitter before, during and after landfall of Sandy late last October. Read on >>

MWA Conference
NYSG colleagues and funded-researchers joined some 600+ attendees, including New York City Mayoral Candidates, at the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance's first post-Sandy Conference Read on >>

Media Archives
A comprehensive archive of media mentions and content from NYSG-funded researchers and specialists on Fall 2012's Superstorm Sandy. Read on >>

For more on how NYSG's funded researchers and specialists have responded to Sandy, check out Also, NYSG's severe storm and hurricane resources can be found at
WWWhat's Trending
Social Media Week In Review
E-Currents - Lake Guardian
Social Media
"Week In Review"

Find NYSG on Facebook and Twitter, where we thank our new followers and 're-tweet' partners at the end of every week and provide visitors with a "social media wrap-up" of news you may have missed from the program that week. Read on >>

E-Currents Newsletter Preview
NYSG's Currents, the program's E-supplement to New York Coastlines, will report out on Summer 2013 with a variety of "What-We-Did-During-One-Of-Our-Most-Active-Season-Yet" stories. Read on >>

NYSG's Online News Archives  (NY Coastlines, Vol. 42, No. 2)
In case you missed any of NYSG's news that we've been posting on our Web site between issues of E-Currents and NY Coastlines, below is a sampling of some of those stories.

You can come ashore anytime for the latest at And for even more Currents, check out the topics in the archives section of NYSG's Web site,

  • Currents E-Newsletter to Feature Update on Coastal Change Education Materials for Metro NY Area Read on >>
    New content will be available this Fall from a Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - New York Sea Grant project. This Web-based mapping project, which charts coastal change over time along more than 500 miles of New York's urban coastal and estuarine environments, includes the development of educational curricula for a number of Metro NY and Hudson Valley sites, including Liberty Island.

    Also featured in this news item: a post-Sandy photo series from Liberty & Ellis Islands. In the wake of Sandy late in October 2012, Liberty and Ellis Islands were both closed indefinitely while the National Park Service (NPS) assessed post-storm damage. NPS re-opened the Statue of Liberty on July 4, 2013.

  • NOAA and Sea Grant Raise Awareness of 'The Grip of the Rip' Read on >>
    At the start of the summer, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Sea Grant Program, the U.S. Lifesaving Association, and the National Park Service reminded the public: there are things you can do to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable time at the beach or seashore.

  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Launch in Lake Ontario Read on >>
    Once released into Sodus Point, Oswego, Rochester and Oak Orchard, NY late this past Spring, the high-tech, remote-controlled equipment began producing intensive data for analysis of nearshore-offshore interactions, fish productivity in Lake Ontario, changes to the lower food web, and algal abundance. Research will also focus on how the thermal bar - a seasonal/spring temperature barrier - impacts nutrients in nearshore aquatic environment.

    Also available: A photo gallery from the first of this four-leg research mission, taken in mid-May off the Oswego shoreline at the State University of New York at Oswego Read on >>      

  • NYSMEA-NYSG Second Teacher Share-A-Thon a Success Read on >>
    What do tectonic plates, fish tanks, and baby birds have in common? They all were presentations at the New York State Marine Education Association's 2013 Marine Science Share-A-Thon workshop held this past Spring at Mercy College on the Hudson River. 

  • New York Sea Grant Board Appoints William Wise as Interim NYSG Director Read on >>
    William Wise, Associate Director of Stony Brook's School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, appointed in mid-May as Dr. Jim Ammerman, director since 2008, steps down to lead post-Hurricane Sandy effort.

  • Stony Brook University Researchers Evaluate How Coastal Marine Habitats Are Classified Read on >>
    In a two-year NYSG-funded research project that wrapped up earlier this year, a Stony Brook University research team provided insights about benthic habitats, from the Hudson River to Jamaica Bay to several embayments on Long Island's North Shore as well as its Peconic Bays ecosystem. Video clips featuring each of the habitats are included.

  • NYSG 'Greens Up' 2013 Earth Day Fests in NYC, on Long Island Read on >>
    This past Spring, there were plenty of stewardship and green-friendly activities and events to go around, from Stony Brook University on Long Island to Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn. NYSG was in attendance at Earth Day festivals on both campuses.

    Included here: resources and news on recent research (eg., Jamaica Bay marsh loss and effects of toxins on the Bay's fisheries), education (eg., 'don't flush pharmaceuticals'), stewardship activities and initiatives and more.

  • Why Donate to New York Sea Grant Read on >>
    Every gift matters. That's why NYSG offers this primer on how it's been "Bringing Science to the Shore" for over 40 years. Donations to NYSG are accepted securely through an online portal via the Stony Brook Foundation
About Currents and New York Sea Grant

New York Coastlines
is a product of NYSG's project C/PC-11funded under award NA10OAR4170064 granted to the Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of NYSG from the National Sea Grant College Program of the US Dept. of Commerce's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Currents, our program's E-supplement to New York Coastlines, features additional program news and events not found in our flagship coastal science newsletter. An archive of previous issues of NYSG's Currents is at:

Both New York Coastlines and Currents will each be e-distributed several times a year. An archive of all the articles featured in this and previous issues of NYSG's New York Coastlines is at:

Sea Grant is a national network of 33 university- based programs whose research, extension and outreach programs promote better understanding, conservation and use of America's coastal resources. NYSG has been "Bringing Science to the Shore" since 1971 as a joint program of the State University of New York and Cornell University. For more about NYSG, visit New York Sea Grant provides equal opportunities in employment and programming.
For updates on Sea Grant activities in New York's Great Lakes and marine waters, go online to where you can subscribe to an RSS news feed and follow NYSG via social media on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

To revise your information for our print and/or electronic editions of New York Coastlines or Currents, click on the "Update Profile/E-mail address" link in the footer of this message. We encourage new subscribers to join our e-list via our online form.

New York Sea Grant Administration
121 Discovery Hall / Stony Brook University / Stony Brook, NY 11794-5001
E: [email protected] / P: 631.632.6905

New York Sea Grant Extension
112 Rice Hall / Cornell University / Ithaca, NY 14853-5601
E: [email protected] / P: 607.255.2386

For a list of NYSG's offices and staff, visit