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In This Issue
Happy Holidays
Fellowship Opportunities
From the Director
CoastWatch: Are Birds Singing a Different Tune?
Long Island Green Infrastructure Conference
New York City Coastal Change Educational Curricula
New York Marine Science Consortium Research Symposium
Great Lakes Coastal Stewardship Resources
WWWhat's Trending: Scientists Go 'Social' with Superstorm Sandy
Community Supported Fisheries Concept Simmers
Currents, NYSG's E-Newsletter, Makes Waves


About NY Coastlines
New York Coastlines is a product of NYSG's project C/PC-11funded under award NA10OAR4170064 granted to the Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of NYSG from the National Sea Grant College Program of the US Dept. of Commerce's NOAA.

Sea Grant is a national network of 32 university- based programs whose research, extension and outreach programs promote better understanding, conservation and use of America's coastal resources. NYSG has been "Bringing Science to the Shore" since 1971 as a joint program of the State University of New York and Cornell University.

New York Sea Grant provides equal opportunities in employment and programming.

For more about NYSG, visit

Fall 2012
New York Coastlines, Vol. 41, No. 1  

Below, you will find information on our latest issue of New York Coastlines, an electronic version of New York Sea Grant (NYSG)'s flagship newsletter. Both New York Coastlines and Currents - our e-supplement featuring additional program news and events - will each be e-distributed 3-4 times a year.

A print version of this and other issues of New York Coastlines can be found at

To revise your information for our print and/or electronic editions of  New York Coastlines or Currents, click on the "Update Profile/E-mail address" link in the footer of this message. We encourage new subscribers to join our e-list via our online form.

For updates on Sea Grant activities in New York's Great Lakes and marine waters, go online to where you can subscribe to an RSS news feed and follow NYSG via social media on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Happy Reading and Here's to a bright New Year,


New York Sea Grant
Happy Holidays
NYSG Holiday Greeting 2012

Over river, lake and ocean
And waters in between
We wish you happy holiday
And joyous twenty thirteen

From your friends at New York Sea Grant 
Fellowship Opportunities: Apply Now

New York Sea Grant is currently accepting applications for five fellowships - four for graduate and one for post-graduate students. Deadlines, which vary for each, are in January and February 2013. Submit via our online portal at
From the Director: James Ammerman

As this issue goes to press, Hurricane Sandy is still dominating the news as shoreline areas of metropolitan New York struggle to recover from this devastating October 29th superstorm. NYSG's Web site and social media have provided frequent updates on the storm and its aftermath, thanks to our Web Content Manager, Paul Focazio. Read on>

Almost all of these stories are in some way affected by Hurricane Sandy. We continue to welcome small proposals to investigate the important impacts of Sandy on New York coastal areas. For more details, please check under "Out-of-Cycle Funding" at  

Are Birds Singing a Different Tune?
Bird Song II
Sara DeLeon in the field along the Hudson records the songs of black-capped chickadees and song sparrows. Photo courtesy of Sara DeLeon

Investigators of a NYSG-funded project examined the birdsong of several songbirds common to New York State as an indicator of effects of exposure to sublethal levels of contaminants such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in the environment.

Web extras include audio tracks of songs for some of the birds featured in the study. Read on>


NYSG at Forefront of 1st Annual Long Island Green Infrastructure Conference
NEMO Water Quality
Eileen Keenan, manager of the New York Sea Grant NEMO (Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials) Program addresses coastal managers, engineers, construction industry executives, media, and interested citizens at the first annual Long Island Green Infrastructure Conference held at Brookhaven National Laboratory in June 2012. Photo by Rory MacNish

NYSG was one of several cosponsors of this event, at which municipal officials and engineers, planners, consultants, property owners, landscape architects, and business leaders were provided with information on how green infrastructure can be an effective means of protecting Long Island's valuable groundwater and coastal resources. Read on>


Sea Grant Helps Cornell Document Change, Develop Educational Curricula for New York City Sites
NYC Edu Curriculum
Each year, Cornell's intern program matches students with on-campus faculty mentors and extension programs. This past summer, (l-r) Cornell CALS intern Bryan Chan joined NYSG's Paul C. Focazio and Nordica Holochuck on Liberty Island, one of several sites for a Web-based mapping project on coastal change over time in NY's urban environment. After superstorm Sandy hit in late October, both Liberty and Ellis Islands were closed while the National Park Service assessed the damages. Photo courtesy of Paul C. Focazio.

Since 2008, Cornell Institute for Resource Information Sciences and NYSG have been developing stewardship education materials to help educators better understand and teach students about coastal change over time in our NY-NJ Harbor-Hudson region's urban coast and the resulting impacts to its coastal environments.

Web extras include a series of video blogs (or, vlogs, by Cornell CALS intern Bryan Chan) that document the progression of this work over Summer 2012. Read on>


Stony Brook University Hosts 5th Annual NYMSC Research Symposium
From the Director
NYSG Assistant Director Cornelia Schlenk (r.) leads a breakout group at the NY Marine Consortium conference along with School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) Associate Director William Wise while Sea Grant Scholars record. Photo by Barbara A. Branca

The New York Marine Sciences Consortium (NYMSC) met this Fall for its Annual Conference in order to review the research priorities for implementing ecosystem-based management in the New York Bight. Read on>


New Great Lakes Coastal Stewardship How-To Resources
GL Coastal Stewardship
New York Sea Grant Launch Steward Shelby Persons educates boaters about the importance of watercraft inspection. The other 2012 Launch Stewards are Matthew Brincka, Julia Gilbert, Ashley Regan, Nicholas Spera, and Kyle Teufel. Photo by Matthew Brincka

NYSG's new Great Lakes coastal stewardship how-to resources focus on slowing the spread of aquatic invasive species in New York State. Read on>


WWWhat's Trending: Scientists Go 'Social' with Superstorm Sandy
Superstorm Sandy
A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) GOES-13 satellite-produced image of Sandy descending on the U.S. Northeast on Monday, October 29, 2012. This image shows the storm as it is centered off of Maryland and Virginia, is heading in a northwestern direction towards the Delaware and southern New Jersey coast.

Before, during and after landfall of Sandy in late October, NYSG-funded Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) researchers kept close tabs on the storm. Read on>


WWWhat's Trending: Community Supported Fisheries Concept Simmers
Seafood Throwdown - Summer 2012
New York Sea Grant Director James Ammerman talks with Erin Fairbanks, Executive Director of Heritage Radio Network, about Sea Grant's role in Community Supported Fisheries, a concept emphasized at the first Seafood Throwdown we partnered on, held in Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn this past July. The event was a partnership of NYSG, Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance (NAMA), GrowNYC/NYC Greenmarket and others. Photo courtesy of NAMA.

NYSG partnered with Cornell Cooperative Extension and others for a couple of unique cooking competitions that showcase the importance of local seafood in restoring a healthy ocean ecosystem.

Web extras include an informative postcard and YouTube clip from one of the events. Read on>


WWWhat's Trending: Currents, NYSG's E-Newsletter, Makes Waves
E-List Postcard - Fall 2012
New York Sea Grant distributed a series of themed postcards starting in Summer 2012 in an effort to encourage its users to connect in via the program's Constant Contact E-list, from which New York Coastlines and Currents are sent.
Keep up with New York Sea Grant by joining our E-mail list for New York Coastlines, our flagship coastal science newsletter, and/or Currents, our e-supplement featuring additional program news and events. Both NY Coastlines and Currents will be e-distributed 3-4 times a year. Read on>


New York Sea Grant Administration
121 Discovery Hall / Stony Brook University / Stony Brook, NY 11794-5001
E: [email protected] / P: 631.632.6905

New York Sea Grant Extension
112 Rice Hall / Cornell University / Ithaca, NY 14853-5601
E: [email protected] / P: 607.255.2386

For a list of NYSG's offices and staff, visit