The Ampersand

August NewsletterAugust 2015
Senior Student Council Meet New President, Mr. John Cooke 

A few members of our student council came up last week to meet our new President and get a chance to learn a little about what it takes to run Bonner & Prendie.

The Class of 2019 and Family Arrive for Orientation!

Hosted by the School Administration, the incoming class of students and their families heard from all areas of the school from a variety of presenters, Freshman mingled and were introduced to some upperclassmen, and everyone finished the evening with a BBQ in the Cafeteria.

It is a great way for our students and families to meet each other and get a jump start on joining the Bonner & Prendie community.

Beach Blast 2015 a Success!
Many thanks to all of our sponsors, our Beach Blast Committee and to the over 700 alumni, family, and friends that attended this years Beach Blast and All-Class Reunion.

As always, it was a great time
 for all and showed what a great community B&P is.  Alumni from both schools were in attendance with representation ranging from the 1950's up to 2010!

See you all again next August!
Prendie Alumnae
Game Day
October 11, 2015
Alumnae vs Varsity

Field Hockey - 12:30 (on turf)
Volleyball - 1:30 (gym)
Tennis - 2:00 (Upper Darby Courts)
Soccer - 2:30 (on turf)

All Participants will receive a complimentary
Prendie Alumnae Team T-Shirt

Please e-mail with any questions and your t-shirt size, if you are planning (no obligation)
to play.   
The Cause for Fr. Bill Atkinson, O.S.A

Alumni and Friends- We are reaching out to you today on behalf of the Augustinians and their efforts for our beloved Fr. Bill Atkinson, O.S.A.. If you were a student of, or knew Fr. Atkinson, we encourage you to read the attached article and note below. Any help that you can provide to the Augustinians is much appreciated.

The Augustinians request stories and remembrances from those who knew Father Bill Atkinson, O.S.A., or in some way benefited from his ministry, so that we can continue to collect information about his life as we take up his cause. Please direct correspondence to:

Father Bill's Cause
Augustinian Provincial Offices
PO Box 340 
Villanova, PA 19085

Please feel free to share with any and all that might be interested.

It is hard to believe that another summer is already coming to an end and we are about to start a new school year here at Bonner & Prendie. This September brings much excitement as we welcome back returning students and a new incoming class of freshmen to our campus; experience the highly anticipated visit of Pope Francis to our area; and I personally, starting my first official school year in my role as president of Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast High School.

Since the announcement of my appointment (Article Here  , and Here) was made back in late July, I have been humbled by the outpouring of support by many of the alumni who have emailed, called, written letters, and introduced themselves to me at Beach Blast in Sea Isle City earlier this summer. In addition, in the last few days I have had the opportunity to meet members of the student council  and participate in new student orientation (pictures on the left of the newsletter). I was told coming into this position that Bonner & Prendie had a unique culture of community and family, and after a few weeks in the position with these experiences, I can attest that we do have something special here.

Father Olson has left me with big shoes to fill and I welcome the opportunities and challenges that come with the responsibilities of being president. I am confident that together, as a community, we can move Bonner & Prendie to another great chapter in it's storied history.  I feel truly blessed and excited about being here. 

In closing, I look forward to meeting many of you at upcoming events, reunions, or in the hallways of our school. Please feel free to introduce yourself and share with me your ideas, stories and memories of Bonner & Prendie!

Thank you again for all your support and may God Bless you!

John Cooke
Bonner & Prendie Catholic High School

Fall Athletics in Full Swing!

If you have happened to drive by campus in the morning you have had the chance to see some very busy and full fields -  Fall practice has begun for Cross Country, Football, Boy's and Girl's Soccer, Volleyball, and Field Hockey!

You can get all of the teams schedules: here at Schedule Star

We hope to see you at a game or two!

B&P Seniors provide new decorations for the Main Lobby

Many thanks to Andrew Bell '16 and Sarah Ropski '16 who over a three week period created woodwork images of a B&P logo, and the front of the Bonner and Prendie buildings.  Andrew did all of the woodwork, and Sarah painted.  They are on display as you come through the main entrance. Make sure to take a look next time you are on campus. 

Hall of Fame Nominations Requested!

Both Bonner and Prendie will be holding Hall of Fame events in the upcoming months.  They are currently accepting nominations for potential inductees.

Archbishop Prendergast Hall of Fame
Save the Date - Saturday May 21st at Llanerch Country Club

To submit someone for consideration, please complete the nomination form found HERE and send to: or

APHS Hall of Fame
c/o Linda Bullock
403 N. Lansdowne Ave, 
Drexel Hill, PA 19026

Any questions or concerns can be sent to

Monsignor Bonner Hall of Fame
Saturday October 22, 2016 - Drexelbrook Banquet Hall

To submit someone for consideration, please complete the nomination form found HERE and submit by no later than October 23, 2015.
Happy Feast Day!
In honor of the Feast of St. Augustine, we pass along this prayer.

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.  Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.  Draw my heart, 
O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy.  Strengthen me,  O  Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy.  Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.  Amen.  

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."

Calling ALL Alum!  Is it your reunion time?

APHS Class of 1960 
55th Reunion
Date: Sunday, October 11, 2015

Springfield Country Club
Cocktails: Noon to 1 pm
Luncheon: 1 pm to 4pm
For more information Contact:
Eleanor Serverino MacDonald
Janet Comerford Shahade

Prendie Class of 1965
50th Reunion 
October 10, 2015

Anthony's Restaurant Drexel Hill
2:00 P.M to 6:00 P.M. 
Cocktail hour 2:00 followed by buffet dinner
For details and to update your contact information call or email:
Margaret (Logue) Roccio (nickname Honey)
610-259-0280 ex 1312 

Bonner & Prendie Class of 1996 
20th Reunion
Planning Committee is being organized now.  
Looking for help to get this started! If interested in participating please contact:

Prendie Class of 1981
35th Reunion Planning
Reunion Committee forming now for the celebration.  If interested in being on the committee please email:
Kathy Green at

Prendie Class of 2005 - 10 Year Reunion 
August 29th
6:00pm - 9:00pm

The Deck at Harbor Point (101 Taylor Ave. Essington PA)
Cost: $50 per person
For more information visit Facebook Page: "Archbishop Prendergast Class of 2005 10 Year Reunion"
To RSVP contact Jessica Enright at or (610) 505-8045 

Bonner & Prendie Class of 1995
20th Reunion Planning
For details and to update your contact information email:
Dave Schaffer at or
Kelly O'Connor Meliti at
Prendie and Bonner Class of 1975
Coming Home
40th Reunion
November 14, 2015
Reunion Plans are in the works!

Tentative schedule:
Mass at 4:00 p.m. in the Prendie Chapel
Reunion immediately following on Campus.  
Specific information will be updated.

If interested in helping with the reunion or to update your contact information please contact:
Patti Germanovich - or
Linda Bullock -

Bonner Class of 2005
10 Year Reunion
November 21, 2015
Plans for the Bonner 10 year Reunion is underway!  Additional details to follow.
To help with this reunion and/or to update your contact information please contact:

Mike Nolan at 



In Memoriam


Thomas Quinn Steenberg '71

To View This Obituary Click Here: 

Christine Quinn Greenawalt '84

To View This Obituary Click Here: 

James J. McLaughlin, Jr '66

To View This Obituary Click here: 

Elizabeth "Liz" Costello '67

To View This Obituary Click Here: 

William James Smith '65

To View This Obituary Click Here: 

Timothy G. Convery, Sr '80

To View This Obituary Click Here: 

Rev. Joseph A. Jordan, O.S.A - 

Former Bonner Teacher 1959-1983

To View This Obituary Click Here:  

William J. Bittner, Jr. '03
To View This Obituary Click Here:
Frances Gummel Smythe '80
To View This Obituary Click Here:

                                              Peaceful Rest Grant
                                             Unto Them, O Lord!

Msgr.Bonner & Archbishop Prendergast Advancement
403 N Lansdowne Ave
Drexel Hill, PA 19026