Summer Knight News

Kindergarten JAM!  
Thank you to Kindergarten parents, grandparents, K students, 6th grade STREAM buddies and school community for raising $702 for Make-A-Wish Foundation 

Donate your tennis balls to fourth grade!
If you have tennis balls you can donate to Ms. Kelley and the fourth grade class please drop them by the office this summer.  The tennis balls are used on the bottom of student chairs to protect the floor and lessen the noise of chairs on the floor.

Swap Shop
The Swap Shop is currently closed for clean up and sorting.  When the Swap Shop reopens it will be located in the former Religion classroom on the second floor.  Uniform pieces will now be stored in labeled tubs and the Swap Shop open for business on certain days each month.  Our continued school growth no longer allows for a dedicated space for our Swap Shop.  Bear with us as we make the transition this summer!

Fourth Grade Bake Sale
Our Fourth Grade Bake Sale was a huge success!  Thank you for your purchases and donations for the Gilmore family.  The fourth grade raised $1,010 and after the match by the Denise M. Flaherty Foundation the family will receive $2,020.

BSS Rec Soccer Teams
Coach Jonathan Lopez is ready and excited to welcome the BSS Animals back to the pitch this fall.  If your child is eligible to play at the Biddy level please join our team through Burlington Recreation and Parks and ask for the BSS Animals or Jonathan Lopez.  Registration begins June 20th and runs through July 14th.  Biddy (U6): Must be 4 years old by October 22, 2016 and not 6 by August 1, 2016

Parents and Grandparents if you are interested in coaching a Peewee or Mite team sponsored by Blessed Sacrament School please contact Tara Hackman and Casey Eggleston at and with questions or to confirm your ability to volunteer.  

Peewee (U8): Not 8 before August 1, 2016
Mite (U10): Not 10 before August, 1, 2016

For more details click on THIS link.

Summer Help
We need your help. Every summer the school building is cleaned from top to bottom. This summer there are several more maintenance requests than the previous years. Several rooms need to be painted, the chapel being transformed into the Learning Center, moving the 8th grade classroom and the needing to throw away items. During the week of July 11-July 14, we will have set times for parents, students, friend, etc. to help us make our school building sparkle. The dates and times are as follows:

Monday, July 11- 10:00-2:00
Tuesday, July 12- 5:00-9:00
Wednesday, July 13- 1:00-4:00
Thursday, July 14-5:00-8:00

School will provide refreshments and pizza. Please sign up here for one day, two days or for the week. All hands are appreciated. Thank you, Mrs. Gomez

Physical/ Immunizations Requirements for rising Kindergarten 6th or 7th Graders
If you have a rising Kindergarten, 6th or 7th grader, please review the physical/immunizations requirements for the 2016-2017 school year.

- A physical is required. The NC Kindergarten Assessment Form will be mailed the week of June 13.
-Polio Vaccine the booster (4th dose) is required on or after the 4th birthday and before entering school for the first time.
-Varicella Vaccine-2 doses administered at least 28 days apart
   a) Second dose before entering school for the first time

6th or 7th Grade
-Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) -Tdap
  a) Booster dose of Tdap for individuals who have not previously received it and are entering 7thgrade
      or by 12 years of age whichever comes first.
-  Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV)
   a) One dose for individuals who are entering 7thgrade or by 12 years of age whichever comes first.
Please remember that students that do not meet the NC requirements shall have 30 days from the start of school-August 24 to meet the requirements. Any students that do not have the physical/vaccines will not be able to return to school after September 24, 2017, until the requirements have been met. If you have any questions please consult your physician. 

Summer Tutoring Available
Ms. Kelley is offering tutoring services this summer.  Please contact her at 336.269.4232 for cost and availability.  You may call or text!

2016-17 Yearbook Assistant Needed
Mrs. Kearney is looking for a yearbook assistant for the 2016-17 school year.  Mrs. Sioussat will continue taking photographs so the role of the assistant is to help with the layout and placement of the photos and and text.  The program is very self-intuitive and Mrs. Kearney will offer assistance throughout the process. Contact her at with questions or to offer assistance.

Daisy Scout Opportunity
Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School Class of 2016 Fast Facts
$6, 218,700 in Scholarships Awarded
The largest number of Bishop students attending an in-state college is the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Duke University Trinity Scholarship awarded to a Bishop student
Students will be attending colleges in 25 different states: North Carolina to California and Vermont to Florida
6 students will  play college athletics
Congratulations to Blessed Sacrament AlumKnights who are members of the 2016 Graduation Class of Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School

Derek Spencer Wright          Bradley University
Victoria A. Gonzalez             University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Save the Date for our Summer Class Gatherings!
Thank you to the families who have committed to hosting summer play dates, pool parties, and movie nights!  Contact Tara Hackman if you'd like to host a summer event.  This is a great way to introduce our new students to their classmates and keep our current students connected over the summer!

These events can be at the school playground or a local park and the movie night at BSS.  I'll provide the snacks and beverages if you'll serve as the friendly and welcoming face of the event! I'm looking for hosts or hostesses for preschool through third grade play dates and 4th grade through 8th grade movie nights.  Email for questions or to set a date!

Class invites will be sent with dates, time, and location soon!

Rising Little Knights Preschool: host family needed

Rising Little Knights PreK: host family needed

Rising Kindergarten:  Play Date TBA/Hosted by the Fitzgerald family and a Play Date July 14th from 10:00am-12:00pm at Blessed Sacrament School/Hosted by the Monahan family

Rising 1st Grade: Saturday, July 16th at 11:00 a.m. at the Kiwanis Shelter at Burlington City Park/Hosted by the McDuffie family

Rising 2nd Grade: Saturday, July 23rd from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. at Olde Forest Racquet Club/Hosted by the Weske family

Rising 3rd Grade: Play Date TBA/Hosted by the Klein family and a TBA Pool Party hosted by the Andress family

Rising 4th Grade: host family needed

Rising 5th Grade: host family needed

Rising 6th Grade: Movie Night July 21st from 6-9pm/Hosted by the Young family at their home

Rising 7th Grade: Movie night hosted by the Dappen Family & Sioussat Family at the Dappen's home.

Rising 8th Grade: Movie Night July 21st from 6-9pm/Hosted by the Young family at their home 
Summer Reminders!
Paperwork Past Due!
Back to school packets went home prior to the end of the school year.  Please complete this packet and return it to Mrs. Libera ASAP.  Forms can be mailed, faxed, scanned and emailed, or dropped off in person.  You may also be printed from the links below.

A hard copy of this paperwork will be in your child's Wednesday envelope.

2016-17 Internet Use Policy (Preschool-8th Grade)

Summer Office Hours
Summer office hours begin June 6th and end August 16th.  During this time the school office is open from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.  
2016 Summer Reading Assignments

Save the Date
Thursday August 11: New Family Orientation
6:00pm Little Knights Preschool & PreKindergarten
6:40pm Elementary
7:20pm Middle School

Friday, August 19: Back to School Pool Party, 6:00 p.m. at Olde Forest Racquet Club

Monday, August 22: Little Knights Back to School Play Date, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Unpack, Peek, and Connect for students in grades K-8th from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
HSA Volunteer Fair, from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, August 24: First Day of School
HSA Back to School Parent Breakfast, 7:45 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
2016-2017 Information
2016-17 School Calendar -Revised 6.1.16
MyHotLunchBox school lunch program
2016-17 Uniform Guidelines--NEW UPDATES for 2016-17!
How to order uniforms from Land's End

Uniform Updates for the 2016-17 School Year
You asked and we answered!  After countless parent requests to make Land's End our vendor for the PE Uniform, we are excited to announce that our PE uniform shirt is now only available through Land's End.  We will now have a shirt that stays looking new, longer.  PE shorts are also available in the LE store.  PE shorts must be plain navy athletic shorts.

The Blessed Sacrament sweatshirt and hoodie is no longer an option in the school uniform.  For the 2016-17 school year ONLY the 8th grade class may wear the BSS sweatshirt or hoodie.

The Land's End PE shirt does qualify for free logo promotions.

ONLY middle school students may wear their previous year's Field Day shirt on one of their PE days with the gold shirt worn on the other PE day. Elementary students always wear their gold PE shirt.

Middle School Chorus students will need black pants and a white button down (boys) or a black skirt and white blouse (girls).  Students will need this outfit throughout the fall and spring for performances and competitions.