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Albuquerque Apparel Center

Special Announcement:


Melissa Lea, custom designer of fine southwest clothing and jewelry, is proud to announce the opening of her new online boutique, MelissaLea.com. She comments, "I am so excited to have this online boutique where my clients throughout the US and beyond can purchase my jewelry from anywhere at anytime. Plus, to add a unique twist, many pieces can be customized by the client through the site. They also have an easier means of communicating with me for custom clothing design services".

The store's grand opening is in conjunction with Cyber Monday, the e-commerce equivalent of Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. "This is a great way to de-stress holiday shopping, while simultaneously shopping local," Melissa added. 


In addition to her new website, Melissa Lea has launched her new Pinterest page, pinterest.com/MelissaLeaDsgn, whereby fans can view all of her fine art and pin favorites to their own Pinterest boards.


Melissa Lea's new Facebook page, has also been created featuring Melissa's creative line plus updates and personal insights.


MelissaLea.com accepts secure online payments via Paypal.