A Look Back, and Ahead
December 2015

Welcome to 
WISHIN Connections, the monthly e-Newsletter from the Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network (WISHIN).  We will keep you up to date with WISHIN activities, news on health information exchange (HIE) and new product developments.
A Look Back, and Ahead
A holiday message from WISHIN

This year has been a time of tremendous growth for WISHIN. 

The WISHIN Pulse Community Health Record now contains clinical data for nearly 3.4 million unique individuals, an increase of 86 percent since the beginning of the year. That clinical information covers many different categories (ADTs, lab results, radiology results, etc.), each of which has shown even more rapid growth in 2015.

We are proud of the client relationships we have built as we work together to advance interoperability in Wisconsin. And we are grateful that for the privilege of working with so many partners who share our vision and see the strategic value in independent, vendor-neutral health information exchange services.

We look forward to continuing and deepening our client relationships in 2016. Our theme for next year is "move to the next level" - whether it is the types of clinical data being shared, the types of health care organizations that are participating, system functionality or end-user adoption.

On behalf of the WISHIN staff and Board of Directors, I thank you for your partnership. Please accept our best wishes for a safe and joyous holiday season and a prosperous 2016.
Join us on February 2nd at Glacier Canyon Lodge at the Wilderness to learn how health care stakeholders across Wisconsin are meeting their Meaningful Use requirements and using health information exchange (HIE) technology to provide quality care and improve health outcomes for their patients and the community. The conference will highlight examples of proven and successful uses of HIE from existing Wisconsin HIE participants and from HIEs nationwide and will include a preview of new functionality coming soon.

Agenda Topics:
  • Clinically connected communities and the importance of HIE
  • Real-life uses of HIE in long-term and post-acute care
  • How using and customizing notifications can improve care coordination in your community
  • The Wisconsin Experience - how health care stakeholders in Wisconsin are finding value in Wisconsin's statewide HIE

This event is open to providers, health systems, and health insurers in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network | Company | (608) 274-1820 | wishin@wishin.org | www.wishin.org | PO Box 259038 | Madison, WI 53725-9038