WISHIN's eNewsletter
Welcome to WISHIN Connections, the monthly e-Newsletter for the Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network (WISHIN).  We will keep you up to date with WISHIN activities, news on health information exchange (HIE) and new product developments.
 WISHIN Dashboard

WISHIN's Community Health Record Continues to Grow

As implementations progress, the WISHIN Pulse community health record dashboard continues to show growth in key metrics.

Now, with nearly 800,000 unique patients and more than 13 million encounters, the "community" represented in the community health record is substantial.  Moreover, every week the numbers are growing as WISHIN clients are onboarded to the network.


Recent WISHIN Beat Posts

Which Way to the Future?

The problem with the future is that it's not here yet.  But it begins soon; maybe even tomorrow. Read more

WISHIN partner, Medicity highlighted

By: Government Health IT Staff | Government Health IT | August 15, 2014

Salt Lake City, August 14, 2014 - Medicity, the leading provider of integrated workflow solutions for network-enabled population health, has announced it was the first vendor to be recognized as an eHealth Exchange Validated System, and in June, Medicity® Network™ v7 was the first product to be deemed eHealth Exchange validated. This validation will significantly reduce the level of effort and cost to Medicity customers who want to participate in the eHealth Exchange in the future.


August 2014
In This Issue
Quick Links
WISHIN Pulse is a community health record that provides an aggregated summary view of a patient's health information from all providers that have seen the patient.  WISHIN Pulse is HIE technology that gives providers secure access to patients' medical information where and when they need it. 
Click here for more information on WISHIN Pulse
WISHIN Direct+
WISHIN Direct+ allows providers to easily connect and communicate with one another electronically across EMR systems.  Direct+ offers a suite of tools including Referrals and Secure Messaging to easily coordinate and exchange patient care. 
Click here for more information on WISHIN Direct+

Click here to view WISHIN's upcoming events.


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Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network | 608-274-1820 wishin@wishin.org | http://www.wishin.org
PO Box 259038
Madison, WI 53725-9038

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