Campus Soul-Winning Mission 2014-2015--Fundraiser
                                         August 13, 2014
TOPDear Christians,

   Where is our love for souls? Where is our passion to see men and women reconciled to our Creator through faith in Jesus Christ? 

   In 2 Corinthians 5, the Apostle Paul explained that it was the love of GOD that motivated, indeed compelled him to become an ambassador for Jesus taking the message of reconciliation to people dead in their sins. Some in Corinth had accused Paul of being "beside himself" or "out of his mind." The Apostle's explanation for his radical zeal was that he was convinced, "that if one died for all...those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised again." 

   We are likewise convinced of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus for all people and therefore the love of GOD motivates and compels us to action! On August 18, Bro. Jed, Sis. Pat and I plan to take the "word of reconciliation" to Illinois State University and launch Campus Mission 2014-2015. For 39 weeks (through June 5th 2015) we will spend five hours a day, five days a week, face-to-face, eyeball to eyeball, imploring students on Christ's behalf to be reconciled to their benevolent Maker. Some will allege that we are "out of our minds" but we will proclaim that God made his Son Jesus, "who knew no sin, to be a sin offering" for each of them that they "might become the righteousness of God" 2 Cor. 5:21. 

   Friend, would you like to team with us in this ministry of reconciliation? You might remember that for the last few summers we have had a Fundraiser to build a $10,000 cash reserve to help us end the year in the black. Thanks to your generosity, CMUSA currently has no debts! This year we are endeavoring to raise $10,000 by September 1 to start 2014-2015 with a travel fund. Having the reserve gives us a small storehouse to make ends meet when the regular giving does not cover expenses. It also allows us to focus primarily on the ministry of the word rather than fundraising during the rigorous school year.

   So this year, we are looking for "Ten Love-Compelled Christians" who will donate $1000 each. (II Cor. 9:6) The funds will be put in a special account and only used for travel/ministry expenses throughout the year. We are asking you to prayerfully consider being one of the "TEN LOVE-COMPELLED" who jump-start our 2014-2015 campus preaching mission with a sound financial strategy. If you would like to sow into CMUSA in this way, please mail your check for $1000 to our home office on this letter payable to CMUSA or you may give online through PayPal by clicking here:  Love Compelled!  We guarantee a high return on your investment. 

   Fundraising is a necessary part of our ministry; Jesus commanded, "Ask and you shall receive." We look to God Almighty as our ultimate source, not man; however, we believe that the ask and you shall receive principle applies to man also. We are letting you know what our needs are and at the same time trusting God with the final results.
If you are Love-Compelled, but you cannot be one of the TEN, any size gift is much appreciated. In years past sometimes a church or Sunday school class would go together on a gift. You saints on the home front are vital to CMUSA and the Kingdom!

   When students ask us where we get our money this is our reply: "Christians who are motived by the love of God and that really care about your lost souls give of their hard earned resources to help us reach you with the Gospel."

   Dear saints of God, "May fruit abound to your account" and "our God supply all your needs according to His riches in glory."  Philippines 4:16-19

For the Ministry of Reconciliation, 

Sister Cindy


Our Partners In Christ!
Dear Friends,
   We are not "lone rangers" in this campus mission. We are evangelists who realize the importance of all the members of the body. We have succeeded in four decades of ministry, not alone with God, but with the help of the saints: laymen, pastors, campus ministers, our converts and YOU!   Click below to meet a sampling of our partners. We asked these longtime co-laborers to write a word of recommendation for this fundraiser letter. Maybe you can use it to help us promote the calling of CMUSA among your fellow Christians. Let us renew our love for souls!  Bro. Jed

Meet OUR Partners Click here! 
Bro. Jed, Mikhail Savenko and Ruben Israel
I agree with your message BUT the approach...

Communication is Key!

"Brother Jed is one of the best communicators that you will have the opportunity to hear," University of Oklahoma political science professor, April 9, 2014.

"You had them eating out of your hands," remarked Jimmie Lewis, Boise State, Idaho, May 8, 2014.

"Brother Jed you are a great showman!" -Paul Tarantino, executive producer, Red Desert Media, April 23, 2014.

What is the key to Bro. Jed's effectiveness in communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Read more below:

The Five Stages of a Crowd
The Art and Aim of Crowd Drawing
by Bro. Cope
   Bro. Cope has written an excellent article on crowd control and how the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of our listeners. This is a must read for any campus preachers but also a help for those who are trying to understand the methods that God has called us to so that you can pray effectively. Click below to read more:
Our Schedule
Aug. 18 Illinois State University
Aug. 19 Illinois State University
Aug. 20 Indiana State University
Aug. 21 Indiana State University
Aug. 22 Illinois State University
Aug. 25 Indiana University
Aug. 26 Indiana University
Aug. 27 University of Illinois
Aug. 28 Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Aug. 29 Grand Valley State,  Grand Rapids, Michigan

Labor Day Weekend: Iron Sharpens Iron Conference, Atlanta, Michigan

Sept. 2-11 Indiana and Illinois campuses
Sept. 12-13 EEM Conference 
Sept. 14 Bob Allen Fellowship,Grand Rapids, MI
Sept. 15 University of Michigan
Sept. 16-19 Bowling Green State and Oberlin in Ohio
September 21 Rockford, Illinois,  Chapel Wood AM
                      Living Faith, PM
Sept. 22-26 Wisconsin campuses
Sept. 29- Oct. 3 University of Minnesota
Oct. 6-10 Iowa
Oct. 13-17 University of Nebraska
Oct. 19-27 Wyoming and Colorado
October 26 Victory World Outreach, Colorado Springs
Oct. 28 Kansas University
Oct. 29 Kansas State
Oct. 30-31 University of Missouri
Nov. 3-8 Arkansas campuses
Nov. 10-25 Kentucky, Indiana and Georgia

Attention:  This schedule is tentative.  Call us before coming to campus!!
In This Issue
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PO Box 3845
Terre Haute, IN

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   You may partner with us by giving through PayPal; click on the button below. (You do not need a PayPal account to use PayPal, just a debit card.) 


   If you prefer, you may mail a check to our home office. Our secretary is collecting the mail.
Thank you for helping us reach the campuses with the Gospel

   CMUSA is a
nonprofit organization and your gifts may be tax deductible. Check with your accountant.

Prayer Warriors             Needed!

   We are believing for saved souls and a revival in our land. Our success depends on your intercessory prayers!!

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  James 5:16
   Get fervent saints!!!

Campus Ministry USA | 573-999-0346 | [email protected] |
PO Box 3845
Terre Haute, ID 47803