March 31, 2014, Texas Tech
     There were two students preaching down the sidewalk when Sister Pat started preaching with our YOU DESERVE HELL sign.  Sister Pat had several come and go during the break.  By the end of the break everyone disappeared.  I decided to listen to the young preachers.  Josh was preaching on how God poured out his wrath upon his Son.  He also said, "Jesus died for all."  Although I do not agree with the doctrine that Jesus satisfied God's wrath, the boy did a good job of preaching with passion.  Several listened.  Meanwhile, I noticed that Pat had gathered about 20 students, while speaking much more softly but more directly.  Soon the boys quit speaking and started talking to a few.  Sister Pat did a good job of building an audience of over fifty. 
Policeman warns Bro. Jed that he should not be judging the students.
   We are often accused of preaching "at" people instead of "to" people.  Actually, we speak to men's conscience and to their intellect trying to provoke a response.  I had the impression the young boys were preaching more at the students instead of to them, not concerned enough about connecting with their audience.  Nevertheless, I commend them for their boldness.  Later they introduced themselves to me, which I appreciated.  I assured them that I appreciated their efforts.  I have rarely seen students actually preach on campus except for times they are attempting to refute me.  I was surprised when the boys said that they were with the Wesley Foundation.
"I informed him that we both were judging. He had to judge if student behavior was unlawful and I had to judge it as sinful," Bro. Jed.
       One black guy said, "The Bible is bull-s ___."  I rebuked him soundly.  He was in my face much of the afternoon and bumping me and attempting to prevent me from maneuvering.  Adam, a professing Christian with a Pharisaical spirit, had question after question.  I soon sensed he was not attempting to learn from me but he thought he was going to teach me.  A few times he also got in my face.  I finally got tired of him and called him a "jackass."  He claimed that I was cursing him while he was so polite to me.  He did always call me "sir," which he claimed was showing respect.  However, it was a ruse to cover his disrespect.  During one of Sister Pat's stints, he interrupted her trying to steal the crowd saying, "Preach love, not fear."  Sister Pat signaled me to take over.  I went into the crowd and preach the fear and wrath of God.  Later, he tried to get the crowd to disperse, but most stayed.  I also had a long interchange with a lesbian pagan. 
A total of eight police arrived and informed Bro. Jed that he could not do what he was doing.
        Suddenly, about 8 policemen showed up and several squad cars.  One policewoman demanded my I.D., claiming that I could not do what I had been doing.  Then another policeman warned me about name calling and offending people.  I lectured him on the first amendment, which protects offensive speech.  Inoffensive speech does not need protection.  He backed off.  A Lieutenant called all the police aside for a conference.  Then one of the policemen lectured the crowd on free speech informing them if they did not like what I had to say to move on.             Another Christian policeman asked me about my message warning me that I should not be judging the students.  I informed him that we both were judging.  He had to judge if student behavior was unlawful and I had to judge it as sinful.  Most of the police soon left but I did notice a few off at a distance.  As I walked off campus I thanked them for their presence.  They were friendly in return.  As much as possible I want to stay on the good side of the cops. 
Connecting with students is important to successful campus preaching.
   We preached until 4:30.  One boy followed us back to the car asking repeatedly, "Are we saved by Jesus alone?"  He was overly concerned that our works would somehow defile the gospel.  I have rarely met anyone whom I thought claiming to be saved by their works independently of their faith.   I am not too concerned about people trying to work their way to God.  That seems to be the last thing on the minds of most men.
Sis. Pat is great at connecting!
     Yesterday, we drove 650 miles from Flagstaff to Lubbock driving through two time zones, travelling through Gallop, Albuquerque, and cutting South off I-40 along old US 66 at Santa Rosa.  I have made the drive countless times and never grow tired of the scenery.   

April 1, 2014, Texas Tech
     Sister Pat did a good job at drawing a crowd; it took a considerable amount of perseverance to gain the students' attention.  On the sidelines Josh, who had heard me as a freshman when he held signs protesting my preaching, told me he would be graduating.  He informed me that he had changed his mind about my ministry because I had caused him to think about what he believed and why he believed it. 
Jesus said, "Pluck out the offending eye; cut off your offending hand."
     Rai shook hands with me and she asked when I would start preaching.  Later, when I preached she informed me that I had called her girlfriend from last year a bull-dike.  Now Rai was calling her ex-lesbian luster a "whore and a liar."  They are no longer together.  Rai informed me that she is a pan-sexual.  One would never believe this just looking at her she is a pretty blond with a seemingly quiet spirit.  Rai stayed for most of the afternoon.    
   A young man, who leads a weekly Bible study in the Student Union, confessed privately that he had a problem with lust and wanted to know how to overcome.  I spoke to him of Job of old, who made a covenant with his eyes and asked, "How can I look upon a woman to lust?"  I reminded him how Jesus said, "Pluck out the offending eye; cut off your offending hand."  I reminded him of the promises of 2 Corinthians 7:1, "let us cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and the sprit perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord."  He expressed his willingness to be delivered now.  So I prayed with him to be set free.  He invited me to teach at his Bible study later this week. 
"It is my understanding, Jesus was regarded and treated by men as being accursed of God but in fact he was never more pleasing to God then when he endured his sufferings as a substitute for the punishment of sin," Bro. Jed.
     Dorothy, who regularly comes to campus, quizzed me about my statement on FB yesterday, that Jesus did not suffer the wrath of God.  Later, her pastor from Temple Baptist Church also asked me about that statement.  He defended the position that Jesus was an object of God's wrath; he appealed to Galatians 3:13 to defend the view that Christ was literally cursed of God.  It is my understanding, Jesus was regarded and treated by men as being accused of God but in fact he was never more pleasing to God then when he endured his sufferings as a substitute for the punishment of sin.  Pastor Miller told me he believed that Jesus drank the cup of God's wrath.  I believe that it was the cup of suffering, not a cup of wrath.  Despite our differences on the theory of the atonement, I liked the pastor's spirit; he was not trying to be argumentative.  He passed out a tract which emphasizes repentance and holiness.  Few pastors will come out to campus to witness.  He has memorized Roman through Revelation. 
Sis. Pat teaches the Creation story.
   At 3 PM the crowd died out on Sister Pat; it was never as large as yesterday.  I decided to see if I could regain the attention of students.  I was about to give up and call it a day early, when a second wind of the Holy Spirit moved through the area as about a dozen students gathered around me.   The main subject became the conditional abiding love of God (John 15:21,23) as opposed to the unconditional love of John 3:16, which deals with God's benevolence towards all men. 
     Meanwhile, a bisexual female held a sign which read, "I need your attention."  She was a live wire so I was able to use her as a foil to maintain interest.  Rai returned to hear more as I continued to exhort her to repent.  At 4:30 I decided to call it a day even though there were several students hanging around.  There was a mature Christian to whom I left the responsibility of answering the rest of the students' questions.

April 2, 2014, Texas Tech        
        Cindy was warning how the girls lose their morals after they have had a few Margaritas.  Two girls walked by hooting and saying, "Yes that is what we do."  Cindy said, "Come back here.  I need to talk to you."  One answered, "We have to go to class." 
        Meanwhile, I took my turn preaching.  After class the girls returned and privately asked Cindy about the sex, "Is it OK to have sex if you are in a committed relationship?  What if you have a ring?  What is marriage?  Isn't it just a piece of paper?" 
" After a few Margaritas, you girls lose all your morals," Sis. Cindy.
   Cindy defined marriage and fornication.  The girls responded, "We are both Christians.   We were only joking about having sex."  [Cindy did not believe they were only joking.]   The girls admitted they smoked marijuana.  Cindy explained why it is bad.  One girl admitted she smoked marijuana for epilepsy and occasionally for recreation.  She acknowledged that it made her lazy.        
     Cindy said, "Jesus promised to give believers peace of mind; Christianity is a right relationship with God,   You won't need drugs and booze, when at peace with God.  Cindy asked, "Are both you girls really committed and love and obey God?"
Lots of good dialogue with students today.
   One answered, "We go up and down with that, no one is perfect."  The other said, "I am not where I should be or as close as I once was."  They assured each other that it is fine because God is all forgiving.
       Cindy nailed them by asking, "Would you be happy if your boyfriends treated you like you treat God?   Do you want your boyfriend totally committed to you?  Or do you just want to be his main squeeze?" 
The Jackass!
       They laughed, "We don't want to be just the main squeeze; we want a total commitment.  I see what you are getting at; thanks for talking to us."  One of them admitted that she had recently been talking to a Christian friend concerning her need to get back to God.
       We had another student jackass we had to deal with for most of the afternoon that kept interrupting with questions and comments but never really listening for answers.  Then he would move about 30 feet away and start preaching to the birds, squirrels and wind, only to return and attempt to address our audience.  Students grew tired of him.   We know they really want to listen to us; they just don't want to admit that they are really interested.  We also had to speak above a Christian group, who was playing loud rap music.  Some of the words were OK if you can stand the racket.  Later, the other jackass showed up filled with questions but never making any points.  He was the jackass, who tried to disperse my crowd and take over Sister Pat's crowd on Monday.
"I taught the students on the full Gospel that Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus sets free from sin and he fills believers with his Spirit." --Bro. Jed.
      Our audience today was lively and we had a lot of good dialogue.  One girl, said that she took marijuana under a doctor's prescription when she had cancer.  After much effort, I began to connect with her.  Finally, I asked if I could pray for her that the cancer not return.  She said, "Yes!"  I took her hand and commanded the cancer in the name of Jesus.  Then I taught the students on the full gospel that Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus sets free from sin and he fills believers with his Spirit.
     Early in the day music major shook my hand and said, "No one else will probably say this to you but I appreciate your testicular fortitude hardly anyone else on this campus will stand up for what they.


April 3, 2014, Texas Tech
     The jackass from yesterday was preaching love when I arrived today.  His message of love was totally antinomian (lawless).  The Christian fraternity was again playing the loud "Christian" rap and doing some kind of dance to the so-called music.  I thought it in vain to lift up my voice loudly above all the commotion.  Carrying my staff crucifix, I walked through the free speech area and the tables representing the different organizations.
Student preachers from the Wesleyan association.
   The antinomian preacher had a few people listening to him.  But when I walked by his few surrounded me with questions, soon others joined us until I had an audience of 10-12.  After a while the antinomian came up and asked forgiveness for interrupting me yesterday.  I shook hands with him and said, "I forgive you." 
       Meanwhile, more joined my circle, which ranged from 10-25 for the rest of the afternoon.  I never did lift up my voice like a trumpet, since the rap racket was amplified for most of the afternoon.  However, I did have in depth dialogue concerning "the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy and faith."-Matt 23:23. 
Bro. Jed taught on the rich young ruler to counteract the teaching that inheriting eternal life has nothing to do with what we do.
    The antinomian preacher repented of his repentance and interrupted me at one point to preach love to my crowd.  Still, he wasn't as much of an annoyance as yesterday.  One fellow protested, "It is not about perfection; it is about love."  I responded, "We are to be perfect in love." 
      Perhaps some were touched by the message in the Christian rap.  However, I heard nothing that would likely bring conviction of sin.  As I preached throughout the afternoon I saw much conviction of sin in my audience.  One good old boy type was laughing at my preaching but throughout the afternoon I noticed an attitude change.  At the end of the day, he brought me a bottle of water and said how much he enjoyed the preaching.
"All in all, it was a very good day!"-- Bro. Jed. 
      I taught on the rich young ruler to counteract the teaching that inheriting eternal life has nothing to do with what we do.  Under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, I taught on the necessity of daily taking up our cross and suffering with the Lord.  My spirit soured as I spoke of Jesus' resurrection.  At times I simply had fun with the students pressing their buttons.  All in all it was a very good day.  Sister Pat and Cindy stayed at the hotel resting.   
April 4, 2014, Texas Tech
     Today I preached with the banner listing sins typical on college campuses.  I knew that the banner would have to draw the attention since the rap racket was blaring again today.  The antinomian preacher was lifting up his voice and mostly being ignored.  It did not take long for me to gather an audience, which ranged from six to 25 until 3:30 PM.  Sister Pat did not want to preach because of the loud racket.  However, she did have numerous students talk to her throughout the afternoon. 
     One girl was distributing animal rights literature.  I explained that animals do not have rights; human beings have rights.  I have never met an animal rights advocate, who actually believes in human rights.  The most basic right of all is the right to life.  As far as I know they all support abortion.  A lesbian was helping her distribute the literature.  She had the wicked idea that she should be able to marry her girlfriend.  When people reject God, they will believe all sorts of stupid and or vile ideas. 
     I used a lot of humor today.  A few times I admitted that sometimes I am kidding.   "Why don't you tell us when you are kidding?"  I explained, "That is not how you use humor; one does not start a parody by announcing, 'Now I am going to be satirical.'  You have to figure it out.  Even when I am kidding you, I am making serious points." 
"You have a fantastic act," student to Bro. Jed.
     Some students appreciate my humor.  At the end of the afternoon a student said to me, "You have a fantastic act."  I replied, "I am preparing to replace David Letterman now that he has announced his retirement." 
      At 7 PM I was invited to speak at a CRU Bible study; all the twelve students who attended were blacks.  They were very receptive to my message, "Who Will Rise Up?" I spoke for over an hour challenging the students to be bold witnesses, live holy, and intelligently defend the faith.  I had another 45 minutes of Q & A in which I taught the difference between temptation and sin, explained the fear of God, hatred of sin and so on.  One fellow, who arrived about 15 minutes into my message, said, "I own you an apology.  I have been against your ministry since I first heard you my freshman year.  I did not know you were speaking tonight."  He indicated he was shocked when he arrived and saw that I was speaking; however, after listening he agreed with most of what I had to say.  He still questioned me concerning emphasizing the fear of God; he made a plea for stressing the love of God.  I quoted from Jude, "On some having compassion making a difference; others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garments spotted by the flesh."
      I said a final prayer and departed.  The spirit of the Lord moved mightily.  I should be speaking to the Christian groups on every campus.  However, my invitations are few and far between.  Norris will be blessed for his boldness as head of the group to invite me to speak.  Pray with me that I will have more opportunities to speak to the Christian group. 


Great Northwest Mission
and S. California 
May 18 Gresham Family Worship Center, Gresham, OR
May 19 Portland State University
May 20-23 University of Oregon and Oregon State
May 25 AM, 28, 29 Praise Chapel Yuba City
May 25 PM and 30 Faith Alive Sacramento
May 27 -30 UC Davis
June 1 Praise Chapel Huntington Park
June 4 Praise Chapel, Anaheim
June 2-6 UC Santa Barbara, UCLA, UC Irvine, UC Riverside
Bro. Mikhail, Bro. Fred and Bro. Jed on the Gospel Road!
In This Issue
Route 66
A Second Wind
Main Squeeze??
The Rappers...
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