January 21, 2014, Louisiana State University
Cindy opened the meeting and managed to gather 20 until she turned the meeting over to me. I congregated a few more. Students listened respectfully as I answered their questions. The design requires a designer argument seemed to make an impression on several. Conversation was going well until after an hour within a five minute period everyone left.
LSU student has some good questions about the faith.
When another class break came up, I called upon Sister Pat. First two lesbians stopped to listen to her. She assembled another audience of 20 but that faded away within 30 minutes. Pat ended up having a number of profitable one-on-one conversations.
For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son...
Cindy attempted to draw another audience at 2:20, but only a few stopped for over a few minutes. She was very direct in speaking to the girls in their leggings without any skirt or pants to cover them. She said, "Boys, don't get the wrong impression; just because this girl is dressed like she is asking for it that does not mean she wants it."
One girl responded, "You are extreme, but you make a lot of sense." Sadly, the girl admitted that she had lost her virginity. I decided we would call it a day a 3 PM. I left free speech alley to get the car. Meanwhile, a policeman warned Cindy that they had received complaints about her direct preaching.
Sis. Cindy preaching the Gospel at "Free Speech Alley" at LSU.
"You are extreme, but you make a lot of sense," one LSU female admitted to Sis. Cindy.
January 22, 2014, LSU,
When we arrived, Tom Brewer, who works at the University and sometimes preaches over the noon hour, was preaching that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. He had not drawn an audience. I had a brief cordial conversation with him after he finished.
The student in the purple dress, Chelsea was a pagan who heckled us last year. This year she told Sis. Cindy that she had become a Christian. She asked to be photographed with us.
The number of our listeners really picked up today. The temperature was about the same in mid-fifties and sunny, but we did not have to contend with a strong wind like yesterday. We hoisted a banner, which usually helps gather attention. Sister Pat initially drew an audience of 25 for the first hour. More congregated as I spoke. Cindy picked up even more sinners drawing an audience of over one hundred, which remained for almost two hours. As she spoke she repeatedly promoted my lecture, "Sex Ed with Brother Jed."
For the last forty minutes these students sat at my feet listening attentively as I shared some war stories and explained why Jesus' death was necessary.
Only the students who remembered the lecture from last year ever heard sex education taught after my manner. The students were very responsive in the sense that when both Cindy and I spoke they followed our satire. Repeatedly, during my lecture I reminded them that they could become born-again virgins, which gave me the opportunity to define the new birth as a moral change from a self-centered to God-centered life.
"Students, the New Birth is turning from a self-centered life to a God-centered life," Bro. Jed.
At 2:45, the students, who had kept their distance in a semi-circle, suddenly enclosed around me. When that happened, about three-fourths of the crowd departed. I continued to dialogue with the remaining ones. For the last forty minutes 5-6 students sat at my feet listening attentively as I shared some war stories and explained why Jesus' death was necessary. I expounded that God substituted the sufferings of Christ for our penalty for sinning. However, he did not punish Jesus in our stead. He did not pour out his wrath of his Son. The motivation of the atonement was God's love, not an expedient to satisfy his wrath as is often taught.
Bro. Jed explains the New Birth by telling students that they can become born again virgins!
Chelsea was a part of this small group. When we were here last year, she was a vocal pagan. However, she is now professing Christianity. I took prayer requests. Chelsea had me pray for her future mother-in-law who has a disease she fears might be passed on to her fianc�. We took group pictures at the end. It was a satisfying day, especially, the last hour when I was able to teach the small cluster without having to defend my points.  |
Our central message is Jesus Christ and Him crucified!
"Where's Bro. Jed?" some of the students asked as Sis. Cindy preached. "He will be up soon," she responded.
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January 23, 2014, LSU,
"You and Cindy are setting the stage," said Pastor David
"Bro. Jed sets the stage!"
Diamond (Redeeming Life Church) to me after I commended him for his preaching to the students. Pastor Diamond has a dynamic personality and powerful ministry. He told the students of an instance when paramedics had tried to revive a man who had stopped breathing. As a last effort the medics were about to give him a shot in the heart. When David said, "Wait, let me pray for him." When David prayed, the man came back to life. A skeptical male challenged David's story, "But was the man brain dead? Was he completely dead?" David responded, "If he was dead, he was completely dead."
David shifted gears, "Well, let me tell you the story of a man who has been dead for forty years." God sent David to witness to Buster who was a rich college friend living in the fast lane. Buster protested that he still had some partying to do. David warned him about Hell, but the man died in a water skiing accident that same afternoon. David spared none of the dramatic details. He sang two songs to the students and afterwards stood on the sidelines while a number of students came up to talk to him, including the skeptical student.
Pastor David Diamond tells of the healing power of Jesus Christ!
Pastor Diamond is correct that we provide a stage for Christians to give their witness; however, most professing Christians want to steal our stage or upstage us by claiming we are not true Christians because we are not showing love. If a significant number of pastors like David Diamond would come out to campus and give their witness and preach to the students like Pastor Diamond, we could likely see a revival on campus.
Many local pastors have students who have even grown up in their churches attending the university. Their faith is challenged daily by their professors; their fellow students are tempting them to engage in a life style of sin; consequently, they are often wavering in their faith and succumbing to sin. If they saw their pastor publicly speaking of his faith and intelligently defending Christianity, it could likely strengthen their faltering faith. Alas, it is rare that a local pastor would dare put their faith on the line by taking advantage of the stage we have worked so hard to build. They are more likely to want to close down our platform.
Pastor David had a sideline conversation with one of the students who had challenged him.
One student, who I challenged, did late in the afternoon give a bold witness to his fellow students. After David Diamond spoke, Cindy taught her satirical piece called, "The Condom Gospel."
We started today at 11:15; the banner was helpful in Cindy drawing a crowd of 50 or so which we maintained for most of the day, despite it being cloudy and in the low fifties with the temperature dropping throughout the afternoon. Pastor David's witness was a shot in the arm to The Campus Ministry USA.
Repent or Perish!
January 24, LSU
LSU closed on account of ice.
Pray for us!
Our Mission Plans!
Winter 2014
This our tentative schedule for the spring semester 2014. Please take note when we will be in your area. Should you want me to speak in your church or home fellowship, I am available. Also, if anyone wants to offer hospitality for Sister Pat, Cindy and me, please contact us. We always encourage local folks to join us on campus. We need your help!!
Jan. 6-7, University of Florida
Jan. 8-9, University of South Florida
Jan. 10, University of Central Florida
Jan. 13-14, University of Central Florida
Jan. 15, University of South Florida
Jan. 16 University of Florida
Jan. 17 University of Florida
Jan. 21-24, Louisiana State University
Jan. 27-28, Stephan A. Austin University
Jan 29-31, Sam Houston State University
Feb. 3-7, Texas A & M
Feb. 10-University of Texas
Feb. 11-13, Texas State University
Feb. 14, University of Texas
Feb. 17-21, University of Arizona
Feb. 24-Feb 28, Arizona State University
March 3-7, San Diego area campuses
March 10-14, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Riverside
March 17-21, Fresno State
March 24-28 Long Beach State and Fullerton State
March 31-April 4, Texas Tech
April 7-9 University of Oklahoma
April 10-11, Missouri State University
April 14-May 2, IU, ISU, IUPUP, Purdue, UI,
May 5-June 6, Oregon and Washington

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