Dear Saints of God, 
     Our current generation of students has plummeted into the depths of wickedness! The youth love pleasure and despise God! Morals are mocked! Perversion, blasphemy and rebellion prevail! Knowledge of the Bible is trifling and the Gospel is distorted. It is time to lament with King David and become horrified! 
    The dictionary defines horror as: an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying or revolting. Other translations replace the word horror with burning indignation, overwhelming sadness, dreadful fear and intense fury.
"...they keep on doing evil things and they even encourage others to do them." Romans 3:23 CEV 
If David, a man after God's own heart, serving under the old covenant was horrified, how much more should we modern Christians be in the same state of mind? Multitudes are hanging over the pit of Hell! Souls are at stake! 
   Many of our college campuses were founded on Christian principles: the Bible was the chief text, theology was the queen of the sciences and men were prepared for the ministry. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law, David cried in Psalm 119:139. Should not we weep much more than David, since our culture has rejected not only the law of God, but the glorious Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ?  
   Our righteous horror compels us to action! Bro. Jed and I plan to launch the 2013-2014 academic year at Eastern Illinois University at noon on August 19. For 39 weeks (through June 6th 2014) we will spend five hours a day, five days a week, face-to-face, eyeball to eyeball, calling students to repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. "Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men."  
   Friend, are you horrified by the state of our youth? If so please help us make a difference. You might remember that for the last two summers we have had a Fundraiser to build a $10,000 cash reserve to help us end the year in the black. Thanks to your generosity, CMUSA currently has no debts! This year we are endeavoring to raise $10,000 to start 2013-2014 with a travel fund. Having the reserve gives us a small storehouse to make ends meet when the regular giving does not cover expenses. It also allows us to focus primarily on the ministry rather than fundraising during the school year. 
   So this year, we are looking for "Ten Horrified Christians" who will donate $1000 each. (II Cor. 9:6) The funds will be put in a special account and only used for travel/ministry expenses throughout the year. We are asking you to prayerfully consider being one of the "TEN HORRIFIED" who jumpstart our 2013-2014 college campus preaching mission with a sound financial strategy. If you would like to sow into CMUSA in this way, please mail your check for $1000 to our home office (note new address) on this letter payable to CMUSA or you may give online through PayPal by simply clicking one of the buttons. Donate  Please designate the gift: "Horrified Christian!" We guarantee a high return on your investment. CMUSA is a nonprofit organization and gifts may be tax deductible.   
   Fundraising is a necessary part of our ministry; Jesus commanded, "Ask and you shall receive." We look to God Almighty as our ultimate source, not man; however, we believe that the ask and you shall receive principle applies to man also. We are letting you know what our needs are and at the same time trusting God with the final results.  
   If you are Horrified, but you cannot be one of the TEN, any size gift is much appreciated. Also, see the back of this letter for many other ways to be a "Horrified Helper." You saints on the home front are vital to CMUSA and the Kingdom! 
   "May fruit abound to your account," and "our God supply all your needs according to His riches in glory." Philippines 4:16-19  
For the Glory of Christ, 
Sister Cindy
 Prayer and intercession: We know that faithful saints who pray daily are a key to our success on campus. Drop us a note or an email and let us know that you are praying. Or friend Jed Smock on Facebook to get a daily update.

Financial gifts:
Monthly Support-- Monthly support is a great blessing, whether large or small, because it helps with budget planning. If you have online bill pay with your bank you can schedule a check to be sent to CMUSA each month automatically, that way you don't have to remember to do it. Or you can give through PayPal by clicking the button here. Donate  Most just mail a check to our home office. Please note our new address!
Anytime, Any Size Gift-- This provides a great percentage of our support and is much appreciated, large or small.

Church and home meetings: Bro. Jed has many powerful messages and teachings to bless the believers in your area. When he comes to your community, don't miss the opportunity to hear a call to evangelism, a challenge to live holy, or an inspiring teaching on the atonement. Ask your pastor to invite him to your church or Sunday school class or plan a home meeting to bless and revive your friends and family. Hint: If you provide pizza, people will come!

Lodging and/or meals: If you can provide lodging in your home, that saves us an enormous amount of money. Even one meal or night is a great help. 
Bro. Jed , Sis. Cindy and Sis. Pat look forward to seeing you in 2013-2014.
Join us in the battlefield when we come to your community; your witness for just an hour on campus can make a difference! Take a week vacation and travel with us.
Visit our website at and tell others about it.

Subscribe to Bro Jed's free e-journal by emailing, and receive a weekly report. This is a day-by-day account of the highlights on campus as well as some inspiring teaching and apologetics, plus lots of great pictures. Learn how to defend the faith.
Tell a friend about CMUSA! 
Thank you co-laborers in the Gospel!!
Coming To A Campus Near You!
Make a Donation

Fall 2013
   The following is my tentative schedule for the fall semester. It should be noted that this is a tentative schedule and subject to change.  We urge our friends to join us this fall. We have the room to house you during the time of outreach to the Indiana/Illinois campuses. Notice we have targeted Sept. 19 as an open house for Indiana State or neighboring campus students. We have used these open houses effectively at the University of Missouri. When we visit your area, we also challenge you to unite with us on campus. Notice, I still have some Sundays open for speaking engagements in churches and I am always available for home fellowships as a teacher. We also appreciate offers of hospitality for Sister Pat, Sister Cindy and me when we are on the road. 
Thank you,
Bro. Jed

Aug. 19-20, Eastern Ill. U.
Aug. 21, Indiana State
Aug. 22, IUPU-Indianapolis
Aug. 23, Purdue
Aug. 26-27, Indiana University
Aug. 28, IUPUI
Aug. 29, Purdue
Aug. 30, Grand Valley State, MI
Aug. 31-Sept. 1, Iron Sharpens Iron Conf.

Sept. 3, Indiana State
Sept. 4, Univ. of Ill.
Sept. 5, Eastern Ill.
Sept. 6, Indiana U.
Sept. 9, Indiana State
Sept. 10, Indiana U.
Sept. 11, Purdue

Sept. 12, IUPUI
Sept. 13-14, EEM Conf.,
Shipshewana, IN

Sept. 15, Bob Allen Home Fellowship, MI
Sept. 16, Purdue
Sept. 17, Eastern Ill. U.
Sept. 18, IUPUI
Sept. 19, ISU, Open House in our new home
Sept. 20, IU
Sept. 23-24, U. of Ill.
Sept. 25-26, Ill. State
Sept. 27, UW-Madison
Sept. 27-29, Shock & Awe Seminar, Milwaukee, WI
Sept. 30-Oct. 2, UW-Milwaukee

Oct. 3, UW-Oshkosh
Oct.6, Cornerstone Church, Spring Green
Oct. 4, UW-Madison
Oct. 7-8, UW, Platteville
Oct. 9, Northern Iowa
October 9, PM, Calvary Evangelistic Center, Independence, IA
Oct.10, Univ. of Iowa
Oct. 11, Iowa State
Oct. 13 Victory World Outreach Cheyenne, WY
Oct. 14, University of Northern Colorado
Oct. 15-16, Colorado State
October 16, PM, Victory World Outreach,
Thorton, CO
Oct. 17-18, Colorado U.
Oct. 20, Victory World Outreach, Colorado Springs
Oct. 21, Colorado College jed and cindy
Oct. 22, Kansas State U.
Oct. 23, Kansas U.
Oct. 24, University of Missouri
Oct. 25, Indiana University
Oct. 28-Nov. 1, Kentucky campuses

Nov. 4-8, Some Campus Somewhere! 
Nov. 11-15, Arkansas campuses
Nov. 18-22, Georgia campuses
Nov. 25, Florida State

Dec. 2-6, Florida campuses
Dec. 9-13, Indiana campuses

Back Home in Indiana
   We have returned to reside in Terre Haute, IN, home of my alma mater Indiana State University, and where my ministry was spawned in 1972.  IUPU-Indianapolis, Indiana University, Purdue, University of Illinois and Eastern Illinois are all within 60 to 100 minutes of Terre Haute. Three of these universities are notably among the top in the country. The Indianapolis airport is only an hour from our new home.
   The Lord spoke two words to me this past December, "unfinished business." There are old acquaintances which I hope to reach with the Gospel.  These campuses are the ones Brother Max Lynch and I concentrated on for over a decade and spent much time in prayer that the Lord would bring revival. 
   Above is our new home and the CMUSA headquarters. It is a 4-bedroom Georgian home constructed in 1925.  The purchase price was less than the home that we sold so we do not have a mortage. Our residence is open to all who want to visit and/or join us in area ministry.

    Pastor Clyde Swalls is my old school chum, who led me to the Lord.  After hearing of my returning home, he prophesied, "Is this called the cycle of life?  And like a salmon we return to the place of birth fighting the waters moving upstream challenged by circumstances to stay alive.  Yet through it all you've lived well my son, you lived well! I've never forgotten your words sitting in my living room quoting Gen. Douglas McArthur, "Old soldiers never die they just fade away."  The mark that you've left on generations will never fade away, because you have been and are now a soldier of the Cross!"   
    The salmons' life is dangerous; after years of swimming in the ocean and fending off predators and fisherman, their instincts kick in and they return to the stream where they were spawned, swimming upstream, jumping waterfalls and dams and still, like always, evading predators.  Bruised and battered, the female lays her eggs in the gravel of the stream; the male salmon, tried and tested, fertilizes the eggs and a new cycle begins.  
   Cindy and I are battle worn, but we are not slowing down!  We will still be going out into salt waters of lost humanity preaching on campuses from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  Concentrating on Indiana and Illinois campuses early fall, we are anticipating continuing to spawn a multitude of souls into the Kingdom of God and hatching a new generation of preachers to continue the cycle of redemption indefinitely.
In Christ, 
Bro. Jed

Please note our new mailing address:
PO Box 3845 Terre Haute, IN 47803

In This Issue
Be Horrified
Horrified Helpers Needed
Fall Schedule
Contact Us
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Contact Us:

Home Office:
PO Box 3845
Terre Haute, IN
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You may give through PayPal by clicking on the button below.  (You do not need a PayPal account to use PayPal, just a debit card.)  If you prefer, you may mail a check to our home office. 

Thank you for your generosity. 




CMUSA is a

nonprofit organization and your gifts may be tax deductible.