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For Immediate Release


New MBOT Initiative Targeted to Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs: NGen (Next Generation)
First event to be held October 16, 2012

Mississauga, Ontario (October 2012) - Mississauga Board of Trade is pleased to announce the creation of its newest initiative: NGen (Next Generation); a new brand of business networking and education series for Mississauga professionals and entrepreneurs under 40 years of age.

"Mississauga is fortunate to have an abundant pool of young and developing talent - in

our schools, businesses, community and public sector organizations, and as emerging innovators and entrepreneurs," said MBOT President & CEO, Sheldon Leiba.  


"These are not only our leaders of tomorrow, but leaders today, and are an important asset to nurture for the sustainable economic development, prosperity and quality of life of our community."


MBOT NGen's objectives are to: better engage young professionals from member MBOT organizations and attract new young entrepreneurs to MBOT to ignite new, creative and innovative opportunities to elevate Mississauga's young talent and connect them with established and successful businesses and leaders; develop a connected network of young professionals and entrepreneurs in Mississauga for sharing and exchange of ideas, referrals and connections, and: create opportunities for young professionals to learn and develop leadership skills and build relationships that will help them advance in their professions and ventures.

"As Mississauga's leading business association, we need to serve the diverse interests of our business community, and be proactive in leveraging the potential for young professionals and entrepreneurs to be playing a more significant role in shaping Mississauga's future," said Leiba.

One thing that will be unique about NGen is ensuring that its activities provide a social and fun environment.

NGen is being led by a small group of young MBOT members. Its first event will be a lively informal networking event with music and networking activities, commencing on October 16, 2012 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Boston Pizza Square One.

Future networking events along with educational and professional development programming is being planned. The group has also initiated a Facebook Page with the most up-to-date information.


As the voice of business since 1976, Mississauga Board of Trade is a private-sector, not-for-profit business organization representing over 1,500 businesses employing 65,000 people in Mississauga.  MBOT is well-positioned to meet the needs of business by using its considerable influence at all levels of government.  MBOT is dedicated to providing a Mississauga business perspective on public policy and to promoting a better understanding of the marketplace among policy makers, media and the general public.

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Media Contact: 
Sheldon Leiba

President & CEO

Mississauga Board of Trade

905-273-6151 ext. 27

[email protected]