Carolina Creations News & Upcoming Events!
October 2014
About Us
Open 7 Days a Week
- Summer/Fall Hours
Monday-Saturday 10-6
- Sunday 11-4
- Until 8 for ArtWalk
We ship!
Always free gift wrapping.
We have layaway!

Quick Links
"Food, Farm, and Community" Show Continues with new paintings by Sally Sutton, Janet Dixon, Brenda Behr and Janet Francoeur
Our current featured show "Food, Farm and Community" features paintings of farmer's markets, cotton, flowers, fruits and vegetables!
The show runs though October 31, 2014.
 Painting Demonstration by
Sally Sutton
during ArtCrawl
October 10, 5-8 pm
We'll look forward to seeing you at ArtCrawl!
What's New?

Wax sachets
Our scented botanical wax sachets can be hung in closets or placed in drawers, but they're so pretty you may not want to put them away. Each sachet is strung with a suede cord and sweetly packaged. We think they will look beautiful on your Christmas Tree or they'll make a great hostess gift. Box of two of single scent.
Glass Icicle ornaments by Konrad Hunter
Artist Konrad Hunter has been working with hot glass since attending Penland School of Craft in the North Carolina mountains in 2000.
Konrad graduating with a degree in, surprisingly, mathematics, but began work as an independent artist shortly thereafter. Konrad's favorite things about glass blowing are playing with fire and the way glass moves. "When I work, I turn out the lights. The glass glows an orange or red when it is hot. Besides being beautiful, it is a great indicator of glass temperature. This in turn tells me the right moment to make a move. Timing is everything but after the first hour or so it all flows into one long dance. There is a natural elegance to the entire process."
These ornaments measure between 5 & 6 inches and are priced $ 8-14. _____________________________________________________
Handcrafted Bells and Ornaments by Jon Ellenbogen and Rebecca Plummer
Bells and Christmas ornaments and decorated eggs are a departure from Barking Spiders traditional stoneware.  They are available in a glossy snow white and are glazed with bright reds, blues, purples and greens, with silver and gold accents. Because they are handmade, no two are alike, and all are very lightweight for hanging on a tree. Our friends have told us that these ornaments have become cherished family heirlooms that will be passed on for generations. We hope you will feel the same!
Bells are $24 and ornaments are $30.
Plein Air Workshop with Dan Nelson
Sun Journal Reader Awards
Thank you for these honors!
October Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Survivor Garden Art Pole
Our 20-inch Survivor Art Pole is a beautiful symbol of hope, strength, and courage for anyone who has been affected by cancer. It was designed by breast cancer survivor Stephanie Burgess.
This is a reproduction of her original art, put on pvc. It comes with a stake that goes into the ground to secure it.
It measures 4 x 4 x 20 and costs $48. You can purchase online! We also have a dozen other poles that range in height from 20" to 6'.
We have shipped these poles all over the country!
Click here to see the entire collection.
______________________________________ Liztech Breast Cancer Awareness Pin
Source of hope & strength and love & remembrance.

All Liztech Jewelry is made using mirrored chrome. The mirrored chrome contains three different elements - polyethylene, aluminum and an electroplated mirror surface. Each piece is wire wrapped and beaded with a coated cable wire. The pieces are all adorned using vintage stones, metal findings, parts, bits and anodized aluminum. This mirror is unlike any other jewelry making material- it will never break, tarnish, crack or shatter.
Liztech jewelry is all handmade, each piece of mirror is hand-cut using a scroll saw. The edges are then sandblasted and burnished. The piece then gets drilled and the stones are all set in there bezels. The pieces are then wire wrapped and beaded. Every piece of jewelry then gets steam cleaned, signed and dated. Just turn yours over to see the year it was created!
______________________________________ Pewter Ribbon Ornament
This hand crafted pewter ornament reads "believe, courage, faith, strength."
Approximately 3".
The artist donates 10% of all profits to cancer research.
Available online by clicking here. ______________________________________
Sterling Silver Ribbon Pin
Inscription on the ribbon reads: "Strong Women- Our Sisters - Our Daughters - Ourselves", sterling silver necklace by Laurel Elliott.
Pendant: 1" x 3/8" Chain: 18"
This necklace is a perfect gift for someone with breast cancer or a breast cancer survivor.
See it on our website.
Sandra Mckenzie Schmitt
If you've been waiting to purchase your piece of Sandra McKenzie Schmitt pottery you had better hurry.
Sandra has announced her retirement!
We have a wonderful collection of it at the moment and for the next month we'll be able to place special orders.
Then NO MORE!!
Check out our current collection online. |
Downtown New Bern is Always on The Move!
We love being involved in our Downtown. There is always a new project, business, or activity going on! Here is the short list!
The Painted Pelican - bar - on Broad Street - new business.
Lawsons Landing Riverwalk Cafe at the History Center is under new management with a great new menu. Ribeyes - Under new management with an updated look and new extended hours.
The Downtown Christmas Committee has great plans for Christmas, the festivities start on November 28th with Downtown Open Houses and Light Up the Season.
Have you stopped in at Prohibition Drinks & Desserts? A great addition to our Downtown, next to 247 Craven St.
Become a Beary Merry Christmas Sponsor or just check to see what exciting things are coming up for the holidays in OUR DOWNTOWN! Lots of events for the entire community with emphasis on making a memorable Christmas for the kids. Beary Merry Christmas! Christmas held in Downtown New Bern and it has really grown since 2010! Last year's events drew record numbers. A new record was reached as snow fell over a 4 week period for approximately 20 hours, Santa and his helpers took over 1,200 pictures and received over 400 letters, and over 2,500 people attended our 1st Annual Sledding & Shopping Sunday, donating nearly 2,000lbs of food to RCS. Presented by the Downtown Council of the New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce.
What's HOT (big sellers) on our Website!
Armed Forces Towels
Recycled Aluminum Jewelry
Peace Poles
 | Paper Mache Ladies |
Glass Pumpkins & Gourds
 | New Bern Coasters |
 Bridal Registry
Did you know we have a bridal registry at Carolina Creations? We even put it on our website for out of towners and we ship every day.
Can't get in to fill it out? Go to our website, www.carolinacreations.com, copy the links of pieces you like and email them to us along with the name of the bride, groom, the date of the wedding, and where the pieces should be shipped to and we'll do the rest.
Carolina Creations Calendar
Through October 31 - "Food, Farm, and Community" with paintings by featured artists Sally Sutton, Brenda Behr, Janet Dixon. October 10 - ArtCrawl - 5-8 pm - Demo by Artist Sally Sutton! October 17 (evening) 18 (10-4) 19 (10-4) Plein Air Workshop with Dan Nelson - room for 2 more students! Sign up on our website at this link. November 14 - ArtWalk Holiday Show Collage by Kathleen Master, Calligraphy by Jan Francoeur, Brian Andreas and Mary Ann Radmacher, and other gallery artists. Show runs through January 8.
November 28 & 29 - Holiday Open House
Sunday Hours
We've been open 7 days a week for about 15 years and yet we still hear "we didn't know you were open on Sundays!" Sunday hours are 11-4 pm. 11-5 during the holidays.
Downtown Calendar
To keep up with what's going on downtown "Like" the Downtown New Bern Facebook Page or bookmark our Downtown Blog.
Downtown New Bern Calendar
October 1 - 31 " Food, Farm and Community" new work by artists Sally Sutton, Brenda Behr, Jan Francoeur, Janet Dixon. Open daily. At Carolina Creations.
October 7: Peter Makuck, will be reading from his poetry and short stories in New Bern at the New Bern-Craven County Public Library 4 pm. He will then read and sign books as the Featured Poet at the First Tuesday Poetry Open Mike at 7 pm at the Trent River Coffee Company. Both events are free.
October 9-19: Peter Pan Jr. Rivertowne Players
October 10: MUM ART crawl Downtown New Bern 5pm - 8pm
October 10: 5-8 pm Painting demonstration by Sally Sutton during ArtCrawl at Carolina Creations.
October 11, 12: MUMFEST Saturday Oct. 11th - 9:30am - 6:30pm Sunday Oct. 12th - 10:30am - 5pm
October 16: NC Symphony Riverfront Convention Center
October 17: Carolann Solebello in Concert Trent River Coffee Company Down East Folk Arts Society 7:30pm
October 18: Neuse River Bridge Run 2014 10th Anniversary Run!
October 23: New Bern Historical Society Fundraiser Morgan's Tavern and Grill 50% of all sales go directly to the Historical Society
October 24 ,25: Ghostwalk 2014 New Bern Historical Society
October 25: At the Gallery : 20th Century American Composers "Johnny Mercer" Performed by John Van Dyke and Brandon Banks Bank of the Arts 7pm
October 25: Alzheimer's Walk New Bern Walk to End Alzheimer's Meet at the Galley Stores 300 E. Front Street Registration 10am Walk 11am
October 31: Preschool Parade Downtown New Bern Sponsor - New Bern Recreation Department 9:30am
October 31-Nov 1: Bee By The River 2014 Quilt Show Riverfront Convention Center Oct. 31st - 10am -7pm Nov 1st - 9am - 5pm
To see upcoming events for the rest of the year visit www.DowntownNewBern.blogspot.com
Thank you for your business and support!
Jan and Michael and our AWESOME staff at Carolina Creations,
Lou, Donna, Irene, Lori, Donna, Maggie, and Donna!!
October 2014 Drawing!
Enter to win this Felted Wood Totebag!
To enter just email us by clicking here and put in the message line - what a tote!
We always love your notes too!
Congratulations to Betsy Figueroa for winning the polymer clay Prayer Sculpture in last months newsletter.