Carolina Creations Newsletter
October 2013
About Us
Open 7 Days a Week
- Hours Monday-Saturday 10-6
- Friday 10-8 - Sunday 11-4
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Always free gift wrapping.
We have layaway!

Quick Links
Lou Plummer Evolution Paper Collage
Lou creates collage from her hand made papers. Before working with paper Lou spent many years as a professional photographer but always longed to work with her hands. After attending a class at the John C Campbell School in Brasstown she found her calling. Claudia Lee has been her teacher and mentor ever since.
Lou has chosen to title her show 'Evolution' to show the progression from her first experiments with paper to her current expression through collage. To see more of her work click here.
2013 New Bern Christmas Card & Ornament by Jan Francoeur
Since 1990 Jan has created a new Christmas card each year that celebrates the beauty of New Bern.
This year's new card shows Union Point, the "new" bridge, the spider lily sculpture, the Convention Center and our beautiful skyline.
Jan never tires of painting New Bern!
Her New Bern ornament features the SkipJack Ada Mae.

The ornament is finished in 24 kt gold and 100% in the USA. Jan designs the ornament and has it made in Rhode Island. The ornament comes in a card and is flat so is easily mailed. The cost is $13.50 and can be ordered by
Introducing New North Carolina Potter Shayne Greco
Shayne Greco was born and raised in New Jersey, but spends his adult life on the southern end of the east coast. His artistic endeavors were supported by his mother and honed by his teachers.  "I was encouraged as a youth to express creativity through many diverse mediums. From paper mach'e fish while summering on the east coast to pastel drawings of the winter sunrise over the Colorado mountains, I was blessed to be exposed to so many different forms of artistic expression." Shayne attended the Savannah College of Art and Design but insists his greatest inspirations were his high school art teachers who let him experiment freely. "They really let me do whatever I felt I needed to do for art projects. It was the most explosive learning period in my life. My projects ranged from mixed paintings of sliced up canvas to massive outdoor ceramic sawdust firings (which were a disaster by the way!)" "I have always appreciated the uniqueness of the coast from the way the sun reflects bright pastel colors to the unusual animal life that surround the beaches. Much of my work in ceramics reflects the distinctive attributes of the ocean." I love combining functionality with sculpture, whether it be at a dining room table with a group of dinner guests or on a coffee table holding fresh fruit. My art is designed to make a statement. They are conversation starters as well as great salad bowls!" We're thrilled to represent Shayne at Carolina Creations. To see more pieces or for more details visit our website by
New work by Jan Francoeur
When Jan and Michael first moved here in the early 90's Jan was working primarily in ink. Soon she began to add color to her ink drawings and proceeded to do drawings of all the historic churches in our Downtown.
This year she has decided to redo them all using only watercolor giving them a little softer look.
Centenary United Methodist Church, First Presbyterian Church, Christ Episcopal Church, First Baptist Church, Old St Paul's Catholic Church are finished. Broad Street Christian Church, Tabernacle Baptist church, Temple B'nai Sholem, St. Mary's Free Will Baptist Church and First Church of Christ, Scientist are yet to come.
Her prints are available framed or unframed.
Just Arrived!
 Delias combines cast elements with hand fabrication to bring her work to life. With an emphasis on texture, she creates layers of visual stimulation. Peruvian opal cabochons are hand set, her sterling silver is oxidized and granule detail added.
Thompson began her education with classes in fabrication at a local art center. She continued to expand her skills by learning specific techniques, such as granulation, at workshops led by instructors from Revere Academy. Intense study came later, as she was guided by master gold-smith, Helen Blythe-Hart, who led her to develop her own unique style and voice.
The Holidays are just around the corner!
 To set the scene for the holidays we've gathered a wonderful collection of nativities, pumpkins and ornaments. The pieces are hand crafted by gallery artists, Sandra McKenzie Schmidt, Berni North, Felix Kniazev and Olga Julinska, Paul Lockwood, Lisa Oakley, Clayton Dickson, Daria Knowles, Sticks and others!
Bridal Registry
Did you know we have a bridal registry at Carolina Creations? We even put it on our website for out of towners and we ship every day. Click here to go to the page on our website.Emily Deichmann & Andrew Steffens October 26, 2013 J Smith & Joan Kennit November 9, 2013 Cindy Beam & Craig Hegman November 16, 2013 Claire Norman Jay Deakin November 16, 2013
Can't get in to fill it out? Go to our website, carolinacreations.com, copy the links of pieces you like and email them to us along with the name of the bride, groom, the date of the wedding, and where the pieces should be shipped to and we'll do the rest.
Art to Wear!
Wearables are coming in! We never used to carry wearables. We only started a couple years ago but we are so pleased with their reception. We have ruanas, jackets, scarves, hand bags and of course socks!  One of our newest artists is Leni Hoch (on right). Her beautiful hand dyed silk scarves are yummy.
On the left are hand woven scarves with hand dyed thread by Wendy Clark in rayon, silk and cotton. Jackets by Cindy Walsh, in light weight polartec and Dintex. Dintex is
a fabric engineered to resist the wind and rain and remain  beautifully breathable. Best of all you just throw it in the washer and dryer to clean! Also cover ups by Caron Miller and Princy!
Carolina Creations Calendar
 Through October 31
- Featured Artist Lou Plummer - Handmade Paper.
Watch a video of Lou speaking about her show by
November 8, 2013 5-8 pm ArtWalk - Make this a "Hand Crafted Holiday" show opens with hand crafted and hand blown ornaments, jewelry, paintings and clay by gallery artists. Including ornaments by Felix Kniazev, Lisa Oakley, Rick and Val Beck, Clayton Dickson, Peter Newton, and Teresa Thibault. A large collection of hand crafted Nativities have been created by Sticks, Steven Wise, Terre Christensen, Sandra McKenzie Schmidt, Sara Meadows and Clayton Dickson. New ceramics include potters Shayne Greco, Hamilton Williams, Geoffrey Lloyd, Paul and Sheila Ray and Tonda and Joe Jeffcoat. New paintings are by Jan Francoeur, Maggie Arndt, Robert Rigsby, Brenda Behr, Sally Anger and others.
November 29 & 30 Annual Holiday Open House - Add a little sparkle to your holidays Friday, 10-8 pm, November 29 and Saturday, 10-6 pm, November 30 as Carolina Creations hosts their annual Christmas Open House "Spirit of Christmas" with holiday treats, new holiday d�cor and Santa arrival on Middle Street at 5. Santa will flip the switch to Light Up the Season in Downtown New Bern with thousands of white lights.
Saturday is also Small Business Saturday, last year more than 100 million people nationwide shopped small on Small Business Saturday. And if you need an easier way to drop hints for those perfect gifts on your Christmas wish list...check out the Christmas Wish List which does everything for your holiday shopper! Well, everything but actually pay for that perfect gift!
Watch our November newsletter for extended hours for the holidays.
Sunday Hours
We've been open 7 days a week for about 15 years and yet we still hear "we didn't know you were open on Sundays!" Our Sunday hours are 11-4 pm. During the holidays 11-5.
Downtown Calendar
To keep up with what's going on downtown "Like" the Downtown New Bern Facebook Page or bookmark our Downtown Blog.
Downtown News and Calendar
Follow Downtown New Bern on Facebook to keep up with Downtown happenings.
Oct 10 OKT Music Fest - Autumn Concert Series - 6 pm - Isaac Taylor Garden - EverAll Trio in Concert
Oct 11 ArtCrawl throughout Downtown New Bern.
Oct 11-13 Disney's The Little Mermaid, Jr, RiverTowne's Rising Stars, RiverTowne Players, Historic Masonic Theatre Hancock St
Oct 11 RiverTowne Ballroom: Fools Rush In, live acoustic jazz, swing and Dixieland Music 7-10 pm http://www.rivertowneballroom.com
Oct 11 Benefit Concert for Merci Clinic Bear Town Market 5 pm
Oct 11-12 Fall Heritage Plant Sale at Tryon Palace Grounds
Oct 12, 13 Mumfest click here for the schedule! Extended hours this year 9:30-7:30 Saturday and 9:30-5 pm Sunday. Oct 13 MumFest 5k Race 7:30 am to Benefit the Coastal Women's Shelter presented by New Bern Parks and Recreation
Oct 17 OKT Music Fest - Autumn Concert Series - 6 pm - Isaac Taylor Garden Bryan Payer and Band
Oct 18 Moors and McCumber in Concert Down East Folk Arts Society, Trent River Coffee 7 pm
Downtown is hopping! Here is some of our news -
We are really excited to announce that you will be able to snow slide in Downtown New Bern on Sunday, December 15!!
Midtown Olive Oil is now open on Middle Street.
Bank of the Arts is back open and the skylight is a magnificent addition.
A Hopeful Balance - now open on Middle Street.
Where we once had little or no music Downtown we now have it everywhere - Isaac Taylor Garden, ukulele jam sessions at Surf, Wind and Fire, the Bear Town Market, all summer we enjoyed music on the deck at the Doubletree, you'll find music sometimes at Ribeyes, Trent River Coffee, the Rivertowne Ballroom and soon at Lawson's Landing Riverside Cafe at the History Center.
October Drawing!
Framed size 13 x 15" $65 value.
We always love your notes too!
Congratulations to Marion Bunn who won the toad house! |