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October 18, 2012
FUMC, Harlingen
There is an old hymn that may be familiar to you, I Love to Tell the Story.  In this hymn, we are reminded of the amazing stories of God's presence in our life that we are privileged to experience and share with others:

"I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love.  I love to tell the story, because I know 'tis true; it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do."  (Words by Katherine Hankey, ca.1868).

We are focusing on the amazing stories we have about Jesus Christ and his love for us during our current sermon series.  We hope that you have lots and lots of experiences that you can't wait to share... or that through new experiences, you might have new stories.

This week, in our sermon series, I Stand At The Door, we will be talking about how Jesus builds our faith (and story) by calling us out of our comfort zones into personal ministry.  We hope you will be able to join us.

Also, I'm always looking for new ways to communicate, and my latest is to establish a blog.  My first entry is posted if you are interested.  The link is:

Yours in Christ,
David Headshot 2
David E. Payne, Sr. Pastor
First United Methodist Church
321 E. Harrison Ave.
Harlingen, TX 78550

956.423.0540 (church)
956.245.8279 (cell)
October 31, 2012
On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM, we will be holding our 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat Festival in our 4th Street Parking Lot.  Decorate your vehicle (and yourselves), get some treats, and join us as we invite the community to come and "Trunk or Treat" with us.  We hope to fill our parking lot with the vehicles of our members.  It will be fun, it will be a great community event, and we want you to join us!

It is helpful to have an idea of how many people might be participating..., if you plan on coming take a minute to register online for us... the link is:


Thanksgiving Dinner for the Needy
Thanksgiving Serving Line We will be holding our 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Outreach Dinner on Thanksgiving Day from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM in our Raimond Christian Center.  It was a wonderful event last year, and we think it will be even better this year.  If you are interested in helping, let us know!  Go to our website to register:


Spring Break 2013 to Crested Butte, Colorado

The registrations are in!  We have a full trip and are looking forward to the chance to carve up the slopes in March.  In order to get ready, we will have a meeting on Sunday, October 28, 2012 at 4:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.  We will be discussing ideas for fundraising and will be answering questions you might have in preparation for the trip.  We strongly encourage everyone going on the trip to attend this meeting with their parents.
October 14-31, 2012
The Pumpkin Patch is back!  Beginning this Sunday, the hours of the patch are:

Sundays - Fridays
12:30 PM - 8:00 PM

9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
October 21, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Dear First United Methodist Church,

We at Valley Praise would like to invite you to celebrate with us as we mark a very special milestone in our history.  On October 21, 2012, our Valley Praise family will join together to celebrate our chartering as an United Methodist Church.

After several years of existence - both as an off-site worship service of First United Methodist Church of Harlingen and as a Missional Congregation of the McAllen District of the Southwest Texas Annual Conference - Valley Praise is ready to take the next step in our journey as a movement of God in and around the community of Harlingen.  With God's grace, guidance, and support we have grown in wisdom and stature.  We also recognize that God has place many people in our path whom have had an impact on our growth throughout the years.

We value your contribution to the life of our congregation.  In both big and small ways you have had a direct impact on the success and vitality of our ministry and its mission.  We invite you to join us on Sunday, October the 21st at 10:00 AM as we will dedicate our worship service to celebrate our chartering.  We will have one joint worship service at Gutierrez Middle School, located at 3205 Wilson Road, followed by lunch at the same location.

If you are not able to attend, we covet your continued prayers for our church.  Again, thank you for your part in our movement and mission.

In Christ,
Aaron Gabriel Saenz, Pastor, Valley Praise UMC
October 21-27, 2012

 Sunday, October 21
-Thrift Shop Donations -Between Services (310 E. Van Buren)
-Confirmation Class - 9:15 AM (Confirmation Room)
-Kid's Church - 11:00 AM (Fellowship Hall)
-Gaining Altitude - 12:30 PM (Fellowship Hall)
-4:12 Live - 5:00 - 8:00 PM (Raimond Christian Center)

Monday, October 22
-Beth Moore Women's Study - 10:00 AM (Fellowship Hall)
-Beth Moore Women's Study - 6:00 PM (Fellowship Hall)

Tuesday, October 23
-Staff Meeting - 10:00 AM (Conference Room)

Wednesday, October 24
-Thrift Shop Drop Off -9AM-12PM (310 E. Van Buren)
-4:12 Community - 6:30-8:30 PM (Raimond Christian Center)
-Jammin' 4 Jesus  3:15-5:15 PM (Raimond Christian Center)
-Adult Choir Practice - 7:00 PM (Choir Room)
-Crazy Love Study - 7:00 PM (Fellowship Hall)

Thursday, October 25
-Romans Bible Study - 10:00 AM (Pletcher Parlor)

Saturday, October 27
-Thrift Shop Open - 9AM - 12PM (310 E. Van Buren)