Sanctuary cross
St. Paul's Church News Magazine
A Publication of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Concord, NH
"A place to belong . . . Whoever you are . . . Just as you are."
Summer 2014

In This Issue
July & August Calendar Highlights
Clergy Corner
Ministries and Missions
From the Vestry
Photo Feature
Behind the Scenes
Youth Happenings
Personal Reflection
July & August
Calendar Highlights
7/4  Offices Closed for
Independence Day
7/6  Chapter Two Open - 
9:30 AM
7/9  Summer Breeze Adult                   Formation - 6:00 PM
7/13 Kenneth Overton Concert to
Benefit Kids for Peace
4:00 PM
7/15  Fellowship Pot Luck 
5:30 PM
Vestry Meeting 6:30 PM

7/23 Summer Breeze Adult                  Formation - 6:00 PM

8/2 & 8/3 - Celebration of the
        40th Anniversary of the               Ordination of Women
8/3  Chapter Two Open - 
9:30 AM
8/5  Building and Grounds
5:00 PM
8/6  Summer Breeze Adult                    Formation - 6:00 PM
8/6  EfM Information Session -            6:30 PM
8/17, 24 &31 Family Choir
9:00 AM
8/18 - 8-22
Summer Celebration Camp
9 - 12:00 Daily
8/19 Fellowship Pot Luck - 
5:30 PM
8/20 Summer Breeze Adult                   Formation - 6:00 PM

See entire calendar               


For details of these and other parish events, check the monthly
May 4, New London

Cecily Braley

Sophia Johnson

Lucy Martinson,

Joseph Nyhan

Oliver G. Spencer 

Ronna Frazier

 Received: Kenneth Daggett


EfM Graduations
June 8

Edith N. Bourne

David E. Cawley

R. Frances Clapp

Philip J. Denoncourt

Kristin W. Dunklee

Michel LaFond

Shawn V. LaFrance

Constance R. Mitchell 

Theresa D. Neves

Tamar M.J.M. Roberts

Virginia S. Schartner

Jerry R. Tepe

Denyse Totten



Chapter Two

Chapter Two is now open on the first Sunday of each month from 8:45 - Noon. Come browse our Summer fashions. Your purchases help support the Outreach Ministries of St. Paul's.  All sales are cash only.


Family Choir

All those who love music are invited to join in our worship on August 17, 24 and 31.  Meet in the choir room at 9 AM to learn the songs for that day and sing during the 10 AM service.  This is for all ages, and no choir experience is necessary.


Quick Links...
Come Worship With Us


4:30 PM Our Simple Saturday Service of Holy Eucharist.



8:00 AM This celebration of  Holy Eucharist is quiet and reflective. Occasional music, but no choir.

10:00 AM This is a traditional service of  Holy Eucharist. Music includes traditional and contemporary hymns and choir anthems. All ages welcome.


Tuesdays and Thursdays:  12:10 PM  Holy Eucharist in the chapel.

The Episcopal Church Welcomes You

St. Paul's Episcopal Church
21 Centre Street
Concord, NH 03301
Tel: 603-224-2523
Fax: 603-224-

            Clergy and Staff 

Rev. Kate Atkinson,

Rev. Keith Patterson,


Rev. Darrell Huddleston,
Priest Associate 

Rev. Charles Edward LeClerc, BSG,

Mark Pace,

Director of Music Ministries 

Kristin Dunklee,
Parish Administrator
Sarah Nyhan,
Minister for Youth, Children and Families

Andy Brundrett,

Join Our Mailing List
The Good News, St. Paul's seasonal news magazine, is working on a new look - on our webpage!  Check our the Newsletter page at, (soon to be joined by our Good News page) for more details of our efforts, more photos and fun!  Please exercise patience as we work toward a great new look! Vote in our poll this month to let us know which delivery method of the Good News is the best for you.

Clergy Corner 

    by Rev. Keith Patterson
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,  
But I have promises to keep,  
And miles to go before I sleep,  
And miles to go before I sleep.
- Robert Frost



Dear Friends,

I have literally traveled many miles before coming to St. Paul's, Concord. 

When I graduated from the Episcopal Divinity School in May of 2008 I had no idea where I would wind up.  I knew that I was on a journey of Abrahamic proportions.  I was searching for that place where like Abram I might be blessed. 

I remember thinking, "Why am I doing this?" when on a particularly rough patch of rural road, one Sunday, following a slow moving horse carrier.  I would ask that question many times during my five years in Vermont. 

The life of any ordained person is transient.  One goes where God calls and where the need will be made known over time.  Jesus' disciples knew this.

God doesn't make answering his call easy.  What would be the point in that?  I don't think it was any different for the disciples whom Jesus called from their various workaday lives.  The disciples too, would begin a journey of many miles with Jesus and in the end become radically transformed.  The disciples knew that the trip with Jesus was going to make a difference in their lives.  This thought came to my mind (and heart) while traversing Hogback Mountain in Vermont to Concord - how my decision to be here at St. Paul's would also be life altering.  Radical transformation is the reason why I journeyed those many miles.

As I begin my journey of many miles with you I hope a similar radical transformation will take place and we will all shall be blessed. Together let us all enjoy the journey!

Your faithful companion,


Ministries and Missions:                   
 Vestry and St. Paul's Refugee Partnership
by Jean Gillespie  Jean Gillespie


Our Mission of the Month for July is the Vestry of St. Paul's.  The Vestry members play an integral role in the ongoing affairs as well as the future of our magnificent church and are a support and sounding board for your Clergy.  St. Paul's Vestry consists of sixteen elected members plus clergy, and our administrator, Kristin Dunklee. The election of four new Vestry members is held at the annual meeting each January.  The term limit is three years, served non-consecutively, with at least one year between terms. 

Every member is assigned to be the liaison between a specific committee, such as Stewardship, Buildings & Grounds, or Finances, and to report back to the Vestry about developments or plans of that specific committee. The Vestry meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month and are open to all parishioners who are welcomed and encouraged to ask questions or bring a certain topic to the table.  

Why not talk to a Vestry member and find out more about their responsibilities?  Perhaps serving on this important board is in your future.


Our Mission of the month for August is the Saint Paul's Refugee Partnership, all of whom have been trained by Lutheran Social Services.  Their work includes helping new Americans to settle into the community (e.g., getting a bank account set-up, getting library cards, helping to improve English language skills, assist with finding employment, etc).  During the last year, significant help was provided to one new family who were threatened with eviction from their apartment due to mis-communication between the landlord and social services agency.  The eviction was avoided and a better system put in place to prevent the problem in the future.  The SPRP is also working with a family to provide scholarships for the children to attend a week of summer camp in southern New Hampshire.

Remember this August to visit with one of our refugee families selling vegetables on Sundays after the services.

Formation: Summer Breeze

Discerning the Breath of the Spirit  


St. Paul's new formation series focuses on finding personal ways to connect with the power of the Holy Spirit - through mindfulness, prayer, reflection and more.  Experience new ideas and be prepared to recharge and refresh your faith.

The sessions include a fresh summer meal.

Participants are asked to bring a salad bar contribution to share.

Please sign up in advance in the Upper Parish Hall - but you do not need to commit to all of the sessions - you are welcome to join the series at any time.

Summer Breeze meets from 6-7:30 pm in the Upper Parish Hall,on the following Wednesdays:

June 25, July 9, July 23, August 6, August 20

 Click here for tickets!
And we will share in his talents as he joins us to sing at the 10 am service here at St. Paul's on July 13th.

The poll question in the last issue asked respondents which of the regular features in Good News! they read first. Clearly our readers like to know what is happening, as the Calendar Highlights were the overwhelming favorite.

Our question for this edition focuses on the ways in which you like to receive our news.

Which format for the Good News would you find most useful?

  • E-mailed to you via Constant Contact
  • Printed and available at the church
  • Shared on the church webpage
To vote, click  here. 
Vocation: Jerry Tepe, Architect
Jerry Tepe 3


By Cherie Konyha Greene


"Everyone needs a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment in which to work, live and play. Architecture can provide all of these when it is at its best." This was Jerry Tepe's answer when I asked him how his passion and talent meet a need in the world. When he was a full-time architect, Jerry designed such public spaces as schools and libraries, industrial facilities and aircraft hangars.

In recent years, Jerry's architectural practice has focused more on assisting other architects and engineers than on designing buildings. He offers his expertise to churches and towns to ensure their buildings meet safety, fire and accessibility requirements.

Jerry often offers his knowledge to St. Paul's and other churches in the Diocese of New Hampshire, "To help them dream about expanding or renovating their buildings, showing them what might be possible and what that might cost." His recent church clients include Holy Spirit, Plymouth and St. Peter's, Derry. He also consulted with Holy Cross, Weare in the designing and construction of their new church.

Jerry Tepe understands that a well-built church is a resource open to all people. Safety, accessibility, aesthetics and care of the environment are built into Jerry's architectural ideas, which he sees as a way of expressing God's love through Jesus, the One "through whom all things were made."

Asked how his experience with EfM has informed his weekday vocation, Jerry writes, "If you share Christ's love with everyone you meet and work with, the outcome of whatever you are doing will be good." By creating spaces for people to inhabit, an architect can offer others a place "to take time in our hectic lives to... tune out the surrounding world," to collect one's thoughts and possibly even hear "the soft voice of the Holy Spirit." 

From the Vestry 




FROM THE VESTRY - notes provided by Marcia Harrison


St Paul's Vestry monthly meeting was held June 17th with 13 members present. We were joined by Rev. Keith Patterson. We took a few minutes at the beginning of our meeting to check in with our vestry prayer partners, then Valerie Blake shared a reflection on Self Care and Recreation (our vestry Way Of Life rule for the month). Yes, it IS essential to slow down and de-stress. Unscheduled time at home can be more rejuvenating than tightly scheduled "vacations". Ain't that the truth!


We reviewed and approved the minutes of our last meeting, and moved on to informative updates from some of our ministries. Steve Baker reported that Sinfully Sweet was a successful revenue raiser and that prep work for the 2015 Divine Comedy has begun. Brian Pontius led discussion around several other "Revenue Raising" activities. 


Treasurer Valerie then presented the Profit and Loss Budget Report for May. Overall, our expense and income relationship can presently be described as fairly healthy, from a conservative and cautiously circumspect perspective. May we be ever mindful in our efforts.


Rev. Keith Patterson reported that he is having a positive experience here at St. Paul's, and he is enjoying the experience of serving in a larger parish.


Warden Casper Kranenburg introduced the topic of some issues regarding needs of our church building. Marcia Harrison reported on the need to find a volunteer to take over for Gail Welch, who is leaving after many years of faithfully organizing garden maintenance. 


Our lift/elevator is aging and may need to be replaced. It may be quite expensive. Vestry suggests that Building and Grounds Committee explore some options so that we may make a plan. 


Casper led us in a closing prayer.


 Casper Kranenburg, Senior Warden             



Photo Feature: Sinfully Sweet

Behind the Scenes: Tracy Pace - High Octane Music Helper 
by Gail Schilling


Ebullient Tracy Pace describes herself as St. Paul's "Volunteer Music Helper" - perhaps an unlikely ministry for the Kansas City, MO, native who never studied music as a child and was "petrified" to audition for her high school choir. Instead, she stuck to safety in numbers with her church choir - until her music director tapped her for her first ever solo.

Meanwhile, down the street from Tracy's Presbyterian Church in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Mark Pace served as music director for the Methodist Church. The two met, lunched daily after their respective Vacation Bible Schools  -- and the rest is sweet harmony. Once married, Tracy began "helping him out with church music and bells." Tracy credits her husband, St. Paul's music director for 11 years, for his musical nurturing. "I was taught by Mark, and 90% of what I do is courtesy of him."

A high school biology and physics teacher by profession, Tracy's ministry includes teaching songs to children's choir and youth hand bells. This requires a weekly, hour-long rehearsal divided into segments with Mark, Cindy White, and Vicky Chiappetta teaching different skills. Tracy says, "We also have a different Bible story every week, especially as it relates to an anthem, and use the church (windows, baptismal font) to tie together what we do at St. Paul's  to the life of the church."

Tracy is quick to point out that despite her visibility when she directs the children's singing and bell playing, Mark has done all the prep work. "He does tons and tons of work!"  

Now 11 years at St. Paul's, Tracy most appreciates its diversity.  She explains, "There are a lot of different people from different walks of life and different faith backgrounds - even different faith concepts. I like raising my son [Nathan, 15] in that environment. It seems like a very accepting faith environment."   Tracy knows that harmony is all about blending.  

Youth Happenings: A Poem - Finding God in the Summer
by Meaghan Nyhan

Next to blue blossoms
Next to the dark green sea

Next to the sunblock sitting next to me


Next to the ocean

Next to the burning hot sand

Even the rolling hills covering the land


God is with us

Everywhere that we go

He is just letting us know

We can find him anywhere


Personal Reflection: Friday EfM Group


For our last class of the year, members of the Education for Ministry program were asked to take time to reflect upon their experiences.  Shared here are excerpts from the Friday morning EfM class reflections, which truly speak to the learning and community experienced in the group.

"Studying the Bible and Christian tradition is to study the human story.  I am left breathless by the fact that faith and religion survive despite the atrocities that have been (since the beginning of time and still are) committed in its name.  I am heartened by the discovery that, even though the dominant religious dogma of the western church has branded them heretics, there have been and still are people who interpret their experience of God and Jesus in ways that I find more sympathetic to my own experience." - Connie

"Studying, learning, affirming, "family", discerning "call" to ministry, learning about my faith with the discussion with other EfMers, questioning/thinking about what my faith is and why I feel that way" - Kristin

"Apart from the study I have learned the importance of listening.  I have learned to listen to the people in my group.  There is so much to learn from these special people.  There is richness in the group sharing and exploring.  I feel I am surrounded by people that listen.  They do try to hear what you are saying.  It is a true gift of the group." - Susan

"As I reflect on these four years of being in a safe place to share who we were, share our difficult times, happy times, questions about our faith, beliefs or not, just be ourselves and all was trusted to be confidential - what a gift of a special time in my life to have a group of people that will forever be in my heart and being." - Fran 


� St. Paul's Church, 2014. Next Newsletter: July 1; deadline for submissions: August 21.  Please do not reprint text or graphics without permission.