Beth David Synagogue
E-Bulletin for week of Parshat Shemot 5775

7:30 PM
(for board members only)

Basket of Blessing
Please remember to bring dry groceries to shul when you come. We have a collection container in the lobby, and all donations will be sent to a local food bank. 

Sunday, Jan 11
10am - 11:30am
Solomon Schechter Day School
Open House
SSDS is a Jewish Day School offering an integrated curriculum for students early childhood through 8th grade.
RSVP to Karen at:

Saturday, Jan 17
Mikveh Bess Israel
A night at
the movies

8 pm at the home of Deena Rubin.
LUZ, a short documentary about the relationship between a mother and her adopted daughter Luz.  $5 donations suggested,
women only.

Monday, Jan 19
Solomon Schechter Day School
A Taste of Kindergarten
9am to 10:30 am
Prospective Student Visiting Day
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
SSDS is a Jewish Day School offering an integrated curriculum for students early childhood through 8th grade.
RSVP to Karen at:

Monday, Feb 23
Hartford Jewish Coalition for Literacy
PreSchool Pals Training Session
6:30 - 9 pm
Community Services Building
333 Bloomfield Ave
West Hartford, CT
call 860-236-7323 for information.

OU 2  
Calendar of Services for the Coming Week

Friday (1/9) - Erev Shabbat

4:20pm                Candles

4:25pm                Minchah / Kaballat Shabbat

Shabbat (1/10) - Parshat Shemot

9:00am                 Shabbat Tefilot

4:10pm                 Minchah

5:20pm                 Havdallah


Week of January 11

8:30am (Sunday)   Morning Tefilot

6:30am (M-F )       Morning Tefilot

4:30pm (S-Th)       Evening Tefilot


Friday (1/16) - Erev Shabbat

4:28pm                Candles

4:30pm                Minchah / Kaballat Shabbat

Shabbat (1/17) - Parshat Vaera

9:00am                 Shabbat Tefilot

4:20pm                 Minchah

5:28pm                 Havdallah

Kiddush Fund Contributors:

Rebecca, Robert and Chava Kalmar
in honor of Nisim's 6th Birthday.  


Mazel Tov -
Jonathan Bilmes and Barbara Becker are proud to announce the engagement of their son Eli to Sara Esrig of St. Louis, MO. The engagement took place in Jerusalem's Old City overlooking the Kotel. Eli's brother, Uri, and friends were present. A June, 2015 wedding in the US is planned.
Special Movie Presentation

Sunday, January 11 @ 7:00pm
at Beth David

If you see one documentary movie this year, Beneath the Helmet should be it. This movie follows the lives of five Israeli teenagers from high school graduation through IDF basic training. These five include native born Israelis and "olim" from Europe and Ethiopia. At the age of 18, away from home, family and friends, these young individuals undergo a demanding and inspiring journey, revealing the core of who they are and who they want to be. From the creators of the PBS-featured documentary Inside Israel, Beneath the Helmet illustrates how these young men and women are defending not only their homes, but also the values of peace, equality, opportunity, democracy, religious tolerance and women's rights. 

This program is free and open to the community.
Kaleidoscope Shabbat - January 17

Choices, Connections, Community

What is Kaleidoscope? Kaleidoscope is a Shabbat morning experience that provides selected opportunities to dedicate time towards a specific area of religious interest.Here is how it will happen at Beth David on January 17 -

  • We will pray as a congregation as we always do, with Shabbat Tefilot beginning at 9:00am.
  • As soon as our prayers are completed (hopefully by 11:00am), we will divide into three groups. Every person will self select which group to attend.These groups (listed below) will convene for thirty minutes.
  • Everyone will come together for Kiddush at the conclusion of the Syna-Plex workshops.

What will be the Kaleioscope options?

  • Torah Yoga - led by Yael Keller. Yael is the wife of our rabbinic intern and she is the Director of Operations at Yeshivat Maharat.
  • Parsha HaShavua (the Torah portion of the week) - an in-depth text study led by Rabbi Adler.
  • Holistic Prayer - led by YCT Rabbinic Intern Will Keller. Classic texts will be used to explore the origins and purposes of prayer.

Kaleidescope Shabbat is new to Beth David, but it is not a new concept. It has been used in other communities as a way of offering multiple opportunities. Please be in contact with Rabbi Adler after January 17 to share your opinion about your experience.


Mark your calendars Feb. 6-7 for a Shabbaton you won't want to miss! Guaranteed to be the talk of the town. Visiting Scholar Stephen Savitsky, head of the Orthodox Union, is sure to get you thinking. And nationally renowned, rising star Joey Weisenberg will lift your spirits and have you stomping on your feet, as he leads us in services. He is creative director of the Hadar Center for Communal Jewish Music, a cantor and composer of dozens of niggunim or wordless melodies. Read Beth David member Len Felson's profile of Joey Weisenberg in Tablet Magazine to fully appreciate what a can't miss Shabbat this will be.


The schedule for the Shabbat will be -

Friday, February 6 -

4:55pm - Candle lighting

5:00pm - Minchah and Kabbalat Shabbat, led by Joey Weisenberg

6:00pm - Dinner

7:15pm - Address by Stephen Savitsky

Shabbat, February 7 -

9:00am - Shabbat Tefilot, led by Cantor Weisenberg

11:30am - Kiddush (we need sponsorships!!)

12:00pm - Address by Stephen Savitsky


There will be supervised child care during the two addresses, as well as during Shabbat morning Tefilot.


CLICK HERE for Shabbaton details and to register.

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How do I select a charitable organization to support when shopping on AmazonSmile?
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Everyday Holiness, Mussar II

If you missed the Taste of Mussar sessions this Fall, we're starting a new group in January based on the book "Everyday Holiness," by Alan Morinis. The first session begins Sunday, January 25 at 7:30 pm at Beth David. The only requirement is that you acquire a copy of "Everyday Holiness" which can easily be purchased through, or there may also be copies at the Judaica Store. Call Rivka at 860.236.9956.


The late January date gives you plenty of time to read the introductory chapters as well as the chapter on Humility or anavah, the first middah we will focus on. Going forward, we'll meet monthly and strive to meet around the middle of the month on a Sunday evening. 


More to come, but please be in touch and spread the word.
Reminder for Young Moms -
The upstairs 'nursing' lounge is open every Shabbat for your privacy and to provide a place for you and your baby. If you need it and it is not open (by mistake), simply ask Ozzie to open the room for you.

Adult Education Classes 


The Weekly Parsha Wednesdays @ 12:30-1:30pm This class is a "lunch-n-learn", and no previous text study is required. This group convenes in the library of Beth David Synagogue. 


Talmud Sanhedrin, Thursdays @ 12:00-1:00pm This class studies a passage from the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin addresses matters pertaining to the Jewish legal system. The group is hosted by Mr. Harry Weller and meets at the Rocky Hill offices of the Connecticut States Attorney, 300 Corporate Place.
For the status of the eruv this Shabbat, CLICK HERE.
Beth David Synagogue
"where coming to shul is like coming home"

Our pledge is to make every visit to Beth David a warm, welcoming and satısfying experience.
Let us know how we are doing. Your input helps us measure our success.