Beth David Synagogue
E-Bulletin for week of Parshat Chaye Sarah 5774
November 18 and
 December 3, 10

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9 am - 2 pm

Contact the Office
for a copy.

To Our Beth David Family,

       Mourning can be such a heavy and lonesome burden, but we are blessed to be surrounded by our extended Beth David family. From the moment Robyn's mother's passing was known, we were surrounded by love and caring and sympathy and encouragement. It was and remains uplifting!

        It was gratifying that so many of you came to the funeral and went on to the cemetery to help us with our final good-byes. When we looked around, all we saw were people we see Shabbat and yom tov who came to ease our grief.

        And the food-so much delicious food- generously and lovingly cooked by people who we know are busy with their own lives, or provided by folks who took a little extra time to have us in mind and purchase something delightful and tasty.

        Your shiva visits were so comforting and having a minyan each evening without fail was much appreciated. We also appreciate the generous donations in our mother/grandmother's memory.

        Thank you for everything. Beth David really is a special shul.


The Etelis/Weller Family


Basket of Blessing
Please remember to bring dry groceries to shul when you come. We have a collection container in the lobby, and all donations will be sent to a local food bank. 
Chesed Opportunity
There is a 90 year old man who lives alone who is seeking someone to cook his meals. Meals for a week would be prepared ideally on each Sunday. This is a compensated opportunity. Do you know anyone who might be interested? Please call Rabbi Adler.
OU 2  
Calendar of Services for the Coming Week

Friday (11/14) - Erev Shabbat

4:13pm                Candles

4:15pm                Minchah / Kaballat Shabbat

Shabbat (11/15) - Parshat Chaye Sarah

9:00am                 Shabbat Tefilot

4:05pm                 Minchah

5:13pm                 Havdallah


Week of November 16

8:30am (Sunday)   Morning Tefilot

6:30am (M-F )       Morning Tefilot

4:15pm (S-Th)       Evening Tefilot


Friday (11/21) - Erev Shabbat

4:07pm                Candles

4:10pm                Minchah / Kaballat Shabbat

Shabbat (11/22) - Parshat Toldot

9:00am                 Shabbat Tefilot

4:00pm                 Minchah

5:07pm                 Havdallah

Kiddush Fund Contributors
Marjie and Beny Zivyon and Pearl Jacobson  
in memory of Jack Jacobson and 
David and Nina Hoff in honor of
Jay Lapidus and this summer's class.
Mazel Tov to Shawn and Lital
on their wedding this week! 
Contributors in their honor:
Marianna and David Eckstein, Ben and Rachel Abrams, David and Nina Hoff, Len Felson and Julia Rosenblum, Adam, Ali, and Adina Gamzon, Donna Wolf, Alyssa, Joel, Eliot, Clara and Amy Norwood, Ruth Yancovich, Sharon and Martin Freilich,
Helen Neumann, Galya and Jonathan Greenberg, and Mark Kaye and Elayna Weller.
ROBERT FIEDLER for joining our bingo volunteer team as a caller, ROSELLE WEINER for her expertise and efforts in our library, and HOWIE SCHWAB for his steadfast committment to our Dec 6 Bridges, Bonds and Basketball Event.
Junior Congregation
It's getting better! If your kids are not attending, they are missing -
  • New Educational Games
  • New Curriculum
  • New Stories
Please support the efforts of Nathan, Avigail and Rachel as they make Shabbat morning at Shul a better experience for kids 6-12.

Adult Education Classes


The Weekly Parsha Wednesdays @ 12:30-1:30pm This class is a "lunch-n-learn", and no previous text study is required. This group convenes in the library of Beth David Synagogue. 


Talmud Sanhedrin, Thursdays @ 12:00-1:00pm This class studies a passage from the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin addresses matters pertaining to the Jewish legal system. The group is hosted by Mr. Harry Weller and meets at the Rocky Hill offices of the Connecticut States Attorney, 300 Corporate Place.


The return of "SoShul" The Milton Manuscript

Visiting Author

Sunday, November 23 @ 7:00pm

hosted by Abner and Julie Gershon

19 Buckingham Lane 


Please join us as we welcome Dr. Barry Libin, the author of The Mystery of The Milton Manuscript.

From the book's cover - An Oxford student's investigation into his professor's death unveils the hidden meaning of Milton's Paradise Lost amidst a trail of treachery and murder. Brimming with intrigue, mystery, and suspense, this book is a tale of history, literature, forgery, and religious conspiracy that exposes the enigma behind John Milton's epic poem. Paradise Lost is the most widely read and celebrated poem of Western literature and the supreme epic of the English nation and all Christendom. It was written to justify the ways of God to man and explain the moral paradox of evil. But was it truly based on Christian theology, as assumed, or from a different set of beliefs? Some believe that Milton himself wrote a lost manuscript explaining the true meaning of his poem. Was there really such a manuscript? If so, why has it remained concealed for so many years? This novel deals with the search for Milton's true spiritual beliefs.


About the author - Barry Libin is a composer, playwright, lyricist and medical researcher. His commitment to Orthodox Judaism and his daily study of Torah texts contributed to the writing of this novel.


The book is available from Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble.


Sponsorship Opportunity Available, deadline December 1

Next Study Session, November 16 at 7:30 pm 

If you missed the first session of Beth David's new Mussar Study Group (attended by over 30 people!), it is not too late to join. The group will be meeting monthly, and the next meeting will be Sunday, November 16 at 7:30pm at Beth David.


For more information and for the next study guides, contact Rabbi Adler at 860-236-1241 or click here or Len Felson at



For the status of the eruv this Shabbat, CLICK HERE.
Beth David Synagogue
"where coming to shul is like coming home"

Our pledge is to make every visit to Beth David a warm, welcoming and satısfying experience.
Let us know how we are doing. Your input helps us measure our success.