ARIN is hosting Community Outreach Events this Spring in Southern California that might interest someone you know.

Please read and then forward this email to a church, pregnancy center, women's resource program, counseling office or other ministry that might benefit from networking with Abortion Recovery InterNational.  

Thank you....

Dear Pastor or Ministry Leader, 


We would like to take a quick minute to introduce ourselves. We greatly appreciate your time, as we know you are busy!

Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc. (aka ARIN) is a Christian, non-profit membership organization serving individuals and families impacted by reproductive loss. As our name implies, we specialize in offering "recovery" opportunities to those suffering with after abortion grief and trauma. Our Affiliates are comprised of peer, pastoral and professional counselors, pregnancy resource centers, life coaches and other Christian ministries similar in mission. We are not a political or legal organization, but a global ministry called to healing! 


ARIN was established in 2003 as a resource to those hurting emotionally, psychologically or spiritually. Our online CARE Directory ( and CARE Line (866-4-My-Recovery) provide assistance to anyone who reaches out for help. In 2012 we served over 40,000 individuals and families impacted by abortion. Since our inception, over 250,000 have been healed by the love of Christ, while being personally supported by an ARIN Affiliate. Praise God! 

All reproductive loss can carry with it a range of feelings; grief, loss, loneliness, regret, relief and sadness. One in three Christian women/men may be hurting, either directly or indirectly from an abortion experience.  Consider, the parents of the unborn, grandparents, siblings, extended family members ... the list is endless. Unfortunately, for those impacted by abortion, it is not always easy to ask for help.  


Did you know that seventy-three percent of women who personally experience abortion claim a religious affiliation?         
(Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2011, 117(6):1358-1366)

Hurting individuals need their Christian brothers and sisters to help them see there is hope in Christ. It is a privilege to watch the Lord work in the lives of men and women, who once were at arms length from God, now begin to trust Him and apply His Grace and Mercy to their lives. We acknowledge that abortion is often a complicated subject for the church, or other Christian ministries, to address, thus we humbly offer our personal assistance. 

We would love to spend an hour or so with a representative of your church or ministry and explain a little more about what we do, why we do it and how we can help to provide emotional support to those silently hurting in our communities. We consider it a blessing to serve in this compassionate Kingdom Assignment.


We are hosting an Open House and two "Ministry Mixer" events this Spring! We would like your ministry leadership to be our guests! 


If you are not local to our Orange County, California office... we still wish to be of assistance. Might we block out some time to get aquatinted with you by phone? We'd love to introduce you to our Affiliates in your area.  

To "Save Your Space" for the Spring Events, or have us contact you for further introductions, please click here: ARIN Spring Events

Thank you again for your time. We look forward to working alongside you, to help heal those that are brokenhearted and to set those held captive free!  Psalm 147:3; Isaiah 61:1


Forgiven and Restored, 


Stacy Massey
President / Founding Partner
Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc.

Other ARIN Events can be viewed here:   ARIN Monthly Events
ARIN greatly appreciates your ongoing donations so that we may continue to help restore lives and relationships after abortion as well as train and educate Abortion Recovery Leaders, world wide!


We presently need financial assistance for the following Upcoming Events:
Thank you!

ARIN Staff, Board and Volunteers 
ARIN in new colors, long name  

Abortion Recovery InterNational (ARIN) is a Christian association of
peer, pastoral and professional counselors 

helping to restore lives and relationships.




  • Encourage and Extend healing opportunities to those hurting.
  • Enlighten society on the affects of reproductive loss on individuals and families.   
  • Educate others through continued education, conferences and specialized training.   
  • Establish and Equip a world-wide association of CARE* Centers/Teams united in mission, cohesive in nature and similar in practice. 



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