Letters to the White House Campaign!


Letters to the White House Campaign

In approximately two months, the 40th anniversary of Roe vs Wade will be upon us.

ARIN doesn't usually get involved with the whole political side of things. However, we believe the White House needs to hear, in love, from those of us effected by abortion! 

Our "voices" can be shared as a collective message that we, and those whom we care about, have been hurt by a past choice.

Abortion Recovery InterNational is collecting letters from those directly or indirectly impacted by abortion. And letters from those who have had their lives and relationships restored by experiencing an abortion recovery program.

Maybe you've personally laid on the abortion table, maybe you wrote the check, or drove your daughter. Maybe you didn't find out until years later. Maybe it was a friend. Maybe you worked in the clinic. Maybe you just don't like to witness the damage often caused by "the choice"! 

We'd love to include your personal testimony as part of this "collaborative" message. It does not have to be a long letter. It could be three sentences. This is not a petition or a survey. This is not a declarations or affidavit ... All of those have a different place in the pro-life movement. 

The letters we are sending are compassionate letters from the heart! A personal response from individuals and families who's lives were forever changed by the loss of a child by choice!

Please send your letters by December 31, 2012 to:

Abortion Recovery InterNational, Inc.
Letters to the White House Campaign
5319 University Drive #252
Irvine, CA. 92612

We will bundle the whole "Compassionate Collection" up and send it to the White House to arrive on the 40th Anniversary of Roe vs Wade. 

On the top of your letter, please include a small sticky note, letting ARIN know your organization, your contact information, if you offer after abortion support as well as if you are an ARIN Affiliate. 
If you wish to include a small donation to help cover postage costs, please feel free to do so. We'd greatly appreciate it. 

Feel free to join the Facebook group here and invite others:   

We might not change the President's mind on abortion. Or even impact his relationship with Planned Parenthood... but if our efforts touch a few hearts along the way, and cause some White House staff to think twice. Then we've served the Lord and our Kingdom Assignment well.

Thank you,

Stacy Massey
President / Founding Partner

Please note... We are still accepting 2013 ARIN Affiliation Updates.  Details here: JoinARIN.org

We can not process a renewal or new Partnership without the application being completed. Please do not send checks or money without first completing the membership application.  Thank you :)


ARIN, Inc. is a Christian association of peer and professional counselors

helping to restore lives and relationships after reproductive loss.


         We Are...
  • Encouraging and Extending healing opportunities to those hurting.
  • Enlightening society on the affects of reproductive loss on individuals and families
  • Educating others through continued education, conferences and specialized training and awareness opportunities.
  • Establishing and Equipping a world-wide association of CARE* Centers/Teams united in mission, cohesive in nature and similar in practice.   *Compassionate Abortion Recovery Efforts


1-866-4-MyRecovery    info@arininc.org 

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