Rev. Jan Stromseth

Bukeka Blakemore
We pause to remember this Sunday.

Join Rev. Jan Stromseth for our honorable Memorial Day service with a special tribute to those who lost their lives in service to our country. This heartfelt Sunday will feature amazing soloist Bukeka Blakemore along with our UCOP band.

Following services, hospitality will be set up outdoors on the lawn.  We will have fun "yard games" like ladder golf, croquet, horseshoes, basket Frisbee and more available for all to enjoy!  

Join us this Sunday, May 29 at 9 and 11am

Curious about the upcoming Unity Convention?

Watch to learn more about the Unity People's Convention!
Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17, 2016
Sponsor An Area of the Ministry!

Youth & Family Ministry
2016 Nominees for the Board of Directors

We Have Immediate Staff Openings
Entrepreneur Small Group Meeting this Friday
Membership Classes Continue Next Week

Enroll Your Kiddos!  Registration Closes June 1st!

Parents Group Meets Wednesday, June 1st

Twelve Powers Meditation with Debra Baker 

Mark Your Calendars
Join Us for A Unique Celebration of Diversity

Annual Membership Meeting - Sunday, June 26

Congratulations, Janeal!

Singles Group Brunch - Sundays @ 12:30pm

Bookstore Discount Through May

Donate Now to Support Your Church Family

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Care & Support
About Us
Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, Kansas 66212

Office Hours:     Monday-Thursday:  9am to 5pm
Building Hours:  Sunday:  8am to 1pm; Monday-Thursday: 9am to 9pm

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We offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.