"May the Force Be With You"

Reverend Brandon Nagel explores the spiritual themes within the Star Wars universe, the Presence of God and the Hero's Journey to realization.

We look forward to seeing you there!
Prayer Chaplain Informational Meetings

Prayer Chaplain Informational Meetings

Sundays, May 3 & 17

12:30 pm in the peace chapel


Is Spirit nudging you to go deeper in your spiritual practice? Do you desire to serve your congregational family is a spiritually meaningful way? Perhaps it is time to give prayerful consideration to becoming a Prayer Chaplain. Informational meetings will be held May 3 & 17 in the peace chapel at 12:30 pm after Sunday morning services. These informal meetings provide you the opportunity to obtain more details and ask questions about the chaplaincy program. These meetings are intended to help you discern whether becoming a prayer chaplain is the next step on your personal spiritual journey. More information about the program can also be found in the brochure rack.


Unity Garden Plant Sale!
Spring is here!! Help support Unity Garden as we kick-off our much anticipated annual plant sale. Healthy, organic transplants of vegetables, herbs and flowers will be available for purchase downstairs in harmony hall on Sundays after each service, May 3 & 17. All proceeds help keep Unity Garden sustainable. Great selection and helpful advice will be available. Please contact Kelly Sturgeon at ksturgeon@ucop.org or 913-649-1750 x3010 for more information.
Sheets & Towels Drive

The homeless and displaced families served by Community Linc often find themselves without the very basics of self-care, such as bed and bath linens. So for the month of May, UCOP is collecting new sheets and towels. Sheets should be twin and/or queen sized sets (fitted, flat & pillow cases) and towels should be bath towels or sets (with bath towel, face towel & wash cloth). You may bring your sheets and towels to church anytime during business hours.
On Sundays, there will be a counter in the lobby to receive your gifts. During the week,
you may leave them at the reception counter. Thank you for making a real difference
 in the lives of Community Linc families!


UCOP Church Picnic - Saturday, May 9

We all know that UCOP feels like "family." So we are throwing a good old-fashioned "Family Picnic" to celebrate spring, Mother's Day and how much we love this community! We'll be grilling delicious food (brats & burgers and such) and everyone is invited to bring a yummy side dish to share. There will be all sorts of fun carnival-type games, including a bouncy house for the kids! And what's a family picnic without a Cake Walk?! And to celebrate all the mothers in our community, we will hold a special drawing for their chance to win great prizes! And, for a love offering, you can try your aim in the Pie-in-the-Minister's-Face contest! There is just no end to the fun we will all have on Saturday, May 9th!

Of course, an event of this size requires a lot of folks to help out. Carla Wakefield (carlawakefield@gmail.com) is the picnic coordinator and she is requesting volunteer support to help run games and events, as well as folks who would like to contribute to the various expenses of the event. There will be a counter in the lobby each week starting April 12 where you can sign-up to help in some capacity.  You can also email Carla to sign up. If we all pull together and do a small part, we can create a great big wonderful event for everyone to enjoy!


Singer/Songwriter, Daniel Nahmod - May 17

Guest Speaker, Sunday, May 17 


Daniel Nahmod


"The Leap List: Making the Jump  

from To-Do to Today"


California-based singer/songwriter, producer and humanitarian, Daniel Nahmod, began his music career in 1999. His songs are recorded and performed all over the world on a weekly basis. Daniel's poetic and evocative message of peace, love and compassion across all nations, cultures and faiths has found overwhelming acceptance wherever he has performed. He also performs as a keynote musical presenter at benefits for such organizations as Habitat for Humanity, Operation USA, Achievable and Anti-Defamation League. Daniel has presented his spectacular music and message for nearly all of the world's major faiths, including Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Bahai, and Mormon audiences, and has worked with some of the most influential and brilliant speakers and leaders in the world --- including Jean Houston, Marianne Williamson ("A Return To Love"), Deepak Chopra ("Seven Spiritual Laws of Success"), Mark Victor Hansen ("Chicken Soup For The Soul"), Arun Gandhi (grandson of Mahatma Gandhi), Yolanda King (daughter of Martin Luther King Jr.), Rhonda Britten (of NBC's "Starting Over"), and Neale Donald Walsch ("Conversations With God"). We enjoy Daniel's music from our platform many Sundays, but we are blessed beyond measure to have the artist himself here to speak and perform his own music on May 17th!

AND...that's not all... there's more!

Daniel Nahmod in CONCERT
at 1:30 pm in the sanctuary!

If you didn't get enough Daniel Nahmod music in our Sunday service, you can come back at 1:30
and hear a whole lot more of this amazing singer!
Tickets are $20 and available online HERE.
They may be picked up at Will Call the day of the concert. 
Tickets may also be purchased at the door on May 17.


New Spotlight Gallery Artist -Eugenia Ortiz

In May and June we feature the works of Eugenia Ortiz, a visionary, intuitive, light worker creating spiritually based artwork. She channels Divine Universal Energies that flow, express and communicate through her information and healing frequencies to raise the vibration and energy of the viewer and the space in which her work is displayed.


Eugenia and her spouse, Roman Bermudez, celebrate the opening of their new space, Jaguar Eagle Spiritual Healing Source in Olathe. Together, they will be offering many spiritual healing modalities for divine alignment, such as Resonance Repatterning�, Attunement, chromotherapy, sacred geometry activating, intuitive drawings, energy cleansing/balancing and life coaching, to name a few. They will have a grand opening of Jaguar Eagle Saturday, May 16th at 1pm located at 500 East Santa Fe, Olathe, 66061.


Eugenia has also been appointed to the City of Olathe Arts Master Plan Committee and is looking forward to brightening Olathe!


Women to Women Empowered Sharing Circle
Thursday, May 7  -  7 to 9 pm in the peace chapel 
Join the Women in Unity for a sacred time of empowered sharing in which we may deepen our connections and offer unconditional support to one another.  For questions please email womeninunity@ucop.org.

Fair Trade Open House in the Bookstore - May 17
Unity is celebrating World Fair Trade Day on May 17th and this year a special milestone has been reached - Fair Trade Towns, the national organization, has declared Overland Park a "Fair Trade Town!" UCOP has been an active participant in the fair trade movement by offering fair trade coffee in harmony hall and selling fair trade products in the UCOP Bookstore. Members of the bookstore participate on the Overland Park Fair Trade Steering Committee, created to promote the principles of fair trade and educate the public about the positive impact of conscious consumerism. UCOP is proud to be part of the fair trade movement and endorses an economic system that provides opportunities and transforms the lives of farmers and artisans around the world.

In celebration of World Fair Trade Day join us in the bookstore for an open house event on May 17. Come and enjoy cake and cookies and 20% off all Fair Trade Items. Sign up for prizes. When you choose Fair Trade products, you endorse an economic system that provides opportunities for international farmers, artisans and workers to lift themselves out of poverty. Thank you for your support.  
Men's (AND Women's!) Breakfast - May 16

Men's Breakfast - 8 to 10 am, Saturday, May 16 in harmony hall

guest speaker, Pamela Wagner of Mindful Counseling, LLC.

featuring "How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime" TED Talk by Nadine Burke Harris.


The Women in Unity are also invited to share in this breakfast and presentation! 


Childhood trauma isn't something you just get over as you grow up. Repeated stress of abuse, neglect and parents struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues has real, tangible effects on the development of the brain. This unfolds across a lifetime, to the point where those who've experienced high levels of trauma are at triple the risk for heart disease and lung cancer. During our time together we will learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and the impacts they have on our health. Did you know that everyone has experienced at least one ACE in their lifetime and many of us more than three? These experiences have tangible effects on the development of our brain and can impact our physical health.  

Following a viewing of pediatrician, Nadine Burke Harris' TED talk, "How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime," you will be offered an opportunity to complete the ACES survey. We will conclude with an exploration of resiliency factors you can develop to maintain and thrive physically, mentally and emotionally.  


Our speaker is Pamela Wagner, who has a private psychotherapy practice called Mindful Counseling, LLC. She brings mindfulness, authenticity, compassion, movement and play into her practice with children, their families and caregivers. Pamela is a licensed social worker with over 3 years experience offering individual and family therapy to children and families at psychiatric residential treatment centers, Head Start and community-based therapeutic programs. Additionally, she is an adult educator offering a Mindfulness with Children class with KU's School of Social Welfare. She has over 20 years experience as an executive coach and creator and facilitator of leadership development programs within telecommunications and engineering firms. You might want to visit Pam at www.mindfulcounselingllc.com


Benefit Concert for Levi Ross

Please join us for an afternoon of fun, frolic and music at Davey's Uptown!! Fast Johnny - Two Headed Cow - Laura Lisbeth - and MANY more bands TBA. There's a silent auction to enjoy. Tickets are $15 per person with  

all proceeds going to Levi and his family to help with expenses while he continues his fight with cancer.


Levi Ross is an 18 yr. old student/athlete from LaCygne, KS and the younger brother of UCOP's beloved soloist, Kelly Potter. He is fighting a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Levi is currently being treated at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis. Here are some links if you would like to learn more about Levi and his story.








If anybody would care to donate items for the silent auction, please contact the event organizer, BJ McArthur at 913-687-2214.

You can also help fund Levi's medical expenses by purchasing a "Team Levi" wristband in our
UCOP Bookstore for $2.



Join us as we explore Brene Brown's 10 Guideposts based on her book,

The Gifts of Imperfection and her Oprah Life Class. Each week we will uncover new ways of letting go of thoughts such as the need to be right, worrying about what others think and the "shoulds" of daily life. We'll refocus on consciously cultivating authenticity, self-compassion, a resilient spirit, gratitude and joy, intuition and faith and meaningful work. We will venture into your creative spirit as we sing, dance and play using various art supplies (paints, stickers, stamping, glitter, your photos and much more). You will create your own six weeks of Rainbow Reminders that  I AM ENOUGH as we delve into and discuss questions like:


*    Who has earned the right to hear my story?

*     How can I give myself permission to be imperfect?

*     What's the most courageous thing I can do for myself when I feel small and hurt?

*     What is holding me back from __?

*     And many more!

Come and try the first week. You will discover your soul urging you to return.


Suggested book: The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown


Suggested love offering: $10 per session, plus a One Time Materials Fee of $10.  

This includes a take-home 7x10" multimedia journal, photo printing and

use of art supplies.



National Presidential Award winning teacher, transformational life coach, motivational speaker and author of The Journey Through Metamorphosis Workbook, Sue Gibson-Wilson's intuitive, energetic and creative workshops have made her a successful "go to" person for those wishing to change old behaviors. Using spirituality as the basis for her work, Sue has developed and implemented powerful tools, based on research, to empower those who struggle with many issues. Sue has a Master's degree in Education, a BS degree in Science Education and has taught in public high schools and coached athletic teams for twenty four years. As a dynamic, successful high school science teacher, Sue was a recipient of several local, state and national awards. Sue is currently facilitating two extensive Twelve Step Studies, teaching workshops and coaching individuals, as she builds trusting relationships with those willing to step out of their comfort zones and grow with Spirit.


Quantum Prayer! Quantum Reality!

Quantum Prayer: It's Already Answered!  

Quantum Reality: It Already Exists!

7:00 to 9:00 pm, Mondays, May 4 - 18

with Cathy Combs


Join UCOP congregant and author Cathy Combs as she shares from her recently published book, Quantum Prayer: It's Already Answered! Quantum Reality: It Already Exists! In an interactive and experiential format, participants will discover God, prayer and ego from the perspective of the Unity principles. If the reality that 'there is no adversary' intrigues you, come enjoy as Cathy offers her perspective on this idea. This class will offer you an inspirational, uplifting view of yourself and your world.


Class Fee: $15 per session



Cathy Combs is passionately devoted to Unity, UCOP, personal empowerment, spiritual community leadership development and public service. Her background is in education and counseling, having received an MA in Psychology from John F. Kennedy University in California. She has been in Unity since 1974 and has been a very active volunteer at UCOP for several years. She loves and lives Gandhi's statement: 'Be the change you wish to see in the world.'


Jesus' Teachings with Rev. Jesse Tanner, Ph.D.
In this course, students will use the Gospels, as well as ancient literary sources outside biblical canon, to discover both the concepts that have been reported that Jesus taught and the methods he used to teach his disciples. Students will learn to build a strong spiritual foundation based on what we believe Jesus actually taught rather than what others taught about him and his work.


Text: Charlesworth, James. The Historical Jesus: An Essential Guide. Abingdon Press, 2008.


Class Fee: $15 per session

Class is available for SEE Core Credit



Jesse Tanner is an ordained Unity minister and professor of Scriptural and Religious Studies at Unity Institute and Seminary. He holds an M.T.S. in New Testament and a Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Religion. His research interests are centered on religious pluralism, interfaith dialogue and textual interpretation. Jesse enjoys conversation, coffee, hiking, playing music and spending time with his wife and son.
Yoganetics Summer Session Starting Soon


Summer Class Series

Smart Yoga for Bodies in Transition

24  Mondays & Thursdays  

May 11 - August 3

Mornings: 9:30-10:45am

with Wyatt Townley, E-RYT 500


Yoganetics is a user-friendly, gentle-yet-deep yoga system. Its breath-based, core-based, slow-motion approach increases flexibility while reducing stress. People with back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia have found relief with Yoganetics.            


Poet Laureate of Kansas, Wyatt Townley, has been teaching yoga for over thirty years. Her Yoganetics book was deemed an "Editor's Choice" by Yoga Journal and her work has also been featured in Self, Dance Magazine, Parents, Body and Soul and The New York Times.


For more information, call (913) 381-1984, go to www.yoganetics.com or visit the Yoganetics table May 3 & 10. (Fee-based class-first class free for new students!)


Who Have You Come Here to Be?

Are you ready to live a life of purpose and passion? Attend this two-part workshop and learn how you can live a more fulfilling life where you live more freely from your deepest values. Have fun expressing your life purpose and passion with more grace and ease!


This transformative workshop weaves together the most current findings in the fields of brain research and quantum science with profound wisdom teachings. Rev. Diana Kennedy shares ancient wisdom through a modern message of empowerment and wholeness.  

During this interactive workshop you will experience powerful exercises and cutting edge teachings, all presented through vivid multi-media.


Class Fee: $15 per session



Diana Kennedy has been in the Unity movement over twenty years and currently serves at Unity Worldwide Ministries. She is a Unity Minister, a Certified Q Coach and an Intuitive Change Agent. A powerful speaker, Diana is passionate about sharing spiritual teachings and supporting individuals on their journey. Her approachable style inspires her students to dive in deeply and get the most from her transformative workshops.


The Art of One Flower with Kevin Kelly

Paradise is here...in this moment! But how often we forget. In this session, as we spend time with a flower, we will practice paradise. During this simple lesson held in quiet, you will write a brief poem and create a lovely arrangement with just one flower.    

Materials fee: $9   

Class Fee: $15  

Reservations: by noon, Thursday May 14    



Kevin Kelly has been a professional floral designer for nearly four decades and is author of the book Letting the Lotus Bloom, the Expression of Soul through Flowers with forward by bestselling author Thomas Moore and the recently released Conscious Creativity and the Power of Yes. Kevin has also been arranging the flowers for our platform each Sunday for 25 years.


Gemstone Class with Greg Pregon

Learn about a special class of therapeutic gemstones whose primary focus is healing, energizing and nourishing the physical body. These therapeutic gems can help you attract whatever your physical body needs for healing, feel more grounded and stable, accelerate or integrate the positive effects of other therapies, develop healthier personal boundaries, handle multiple tasks with greater ease and feel more energetic, positive and joyful. After we discuss this class of therapeutic gemstones you will have a chance to experience one of many different gemstone treatments. So come and join in the fun and treat yourself to an experience of gemstone energies.


Class Fee: $15



Greg Pregon has been attending UCOP for the past 4 years. He has served UCOP as a Prayer Chaplain and is one of our Youth and Family volunteers serving as a classroom teacher. He is an educator and has taught children and adults alike. He has served in several school districts across the metropolitan area, as well as at UMKC and the Metropolitan Community College at the Longview Campus. He has taught adults with disabilities, children in Behavioral Health Centers, children from preschool through high school and is currently working with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. In the last year his diverse interests and abilities have led him to studying and working with gemstones for health and spiritual growth. He has completed Gemstone Energy Medicine Foundation and Advanced Color Ray Healing Color Dynamics classes. Greg wants to use his newly gained knowledge and abilities to as a way to serve our community.


UCOP & You - May 18

This class has been designed for those who are newer to Unity Church of Overland Park. The materials presented will offer the history of Unity and UCOP. In addition, participants will hear about the various ministry staff members and their individual roles and responsibilities. Participants will be provided information about volunteer teams, outreach programs and affinity groups. The class will offer opportunities for attendees to uncover and begin offering their gifts through stepping into service for the ministry in some way. As with all classes, participants will begin to build relationships and community with one another.


This class is a prerequisite to membership at Unity Church of Overland Park and is offered on a love offering basis. REGISTER HERE! 


Rev. Jan Stromseth is Associate Minister of Congregational Care here at Unity Church of Overland Park. Rachel Asbury is the Volunteer Coordinator at UCOP.


Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics is a psychological/spiritual model that presents a new framework for understanding the dynamic forces at work in human affairs, looking at the history of humankind and how the same forces are reflected in the psychological development of individuals. It is based on decades of research, real-world applications and the latest findings of both organizational theorists and neurobiology. Spiral Dynamics is a useful model to understand one's personal values and one's current levels of consciousness, to better understand what is happening in the world today, as well as what is happening in individuals, organizations and communities.


Class Fee: $15 per session



In 1988 Rev. E.J. Niles retired from 30 years as a career civil servant and entered Unity ministerial school. After being ordained in 1990, she entered church ministry in Bandon, Oregon. In 1993 she became the minister at Unity of Fairfax, Virginia where she stayed until 1998. In January 1999 she founded an alternative ministry called "Embracing the Bible" and, with her husband, Harv Morrow, toured the country doing classes and workshops. In June 1995 she came to Unity Institute as the Bible instructor until September 2011. She continues to serve as adjunct at Unity Institute teaching part time. The alternative ministry continued under three different ministers and went through several changes. It is now called "Spiral Pathways" and Rev. Niles is again the minister and teaching classes and workshops at a number of Unity churches.


In the Presence Meditation
This meditation provides the opportunity to go into a deep, deep experience of the Presence. Meditation does wonderful things to our human bodies, giving them time to revitalize and heal themselves. At the same time, our souls experience their real, true selves, going to the place inside that is timeless and eternal. After the meditation, there will be a sacred prayer circle to share and honor one another's prayer intentions. You'll experience such serenity you'll want it to go on forever.


Class Fee: $15



Debra Baker is a spiritual counselor, energy worker, Reiki master, Oneness blessing giver and teacher who has been helping people heal their lives since 1988. A gifted medium and intuitive, Debra is the author of Amazing Intuition, Expanding Your Most Important Resource, which is available in the UCOP bookstore.
Youth & Family Ministry Summer Camps!

Parents grab your calendars and save these dates for the UCOP Youth & Family Ministry Summer Camps! More details about each camp will follow. To register your kiddos just contact Kelly Sturgeon at ksturgeon@ucop.org or call 649-1750 x-3010.


Pre-K Camp (ages 3 through Kindergarten - must be potty trained)

June 1-3   6:30-8:00pm



(Theatre, Boys & Girls camps are for 1st graders and up)  

Theatre Camp

June 15-19 6:00- 8:30pm



Boys Camp

June 29 - July 1 6:30-8:30pm



Girls Camp

July 13-15 6:30-8:30pm


Small Groups Webpage
You can view all the latest information on our new small groups on our website. Learn what groups have formed and how to get involved with them. Learn what steps you can take if you're interested in forming a new small group yourself.  You can find the Small Groups page under the "Get Involved" tab of our website homepage at www.ucop.org.  Or, you can just click right here!


Wholly Health Empowerment

Sundays, 12:15 to 1:00 pm in harmony hall 3 

with Barbara Gintzel


Can you improve your health, prevent disease and stay healthy with spiritual and natural activities? Join us after church on Sundays for 45 minutes or so as we pool our knowledge, our skills and our prayer power to raise each other to greater awareness of ways we can bless our bodies and help each other achieve our personal health goals. The focus of each meeting will be to discuss our individual health goals (as desired) and one health topic. The health topic for the month of May will be:

"What is really right for my body?"
Singles Group Sunday Brunch 
Singles Group

Want to connect with other singles at Unity Church of Overland Park? Each Sunday at 12:30 this group meets at various local restaurants. Put these dates and locations on your schedule. We'd love to have you join us. 


May 3rd - Bo Ling's  9055 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS
May 10th - 
Old Chicago Pizza  11721 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS
May 17 - Cinzetti's Italian Buffet  7201 W. 91st St., Overland Park, KS
May 24 - First Watch  9916 College Blvd., Overland Park, KS
May 31 - Jack's Stack  9520 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS     
Contact Linda Brozanic for more information at 913-219-7538.
Please arrive at the restaurant no later than 12:45. 
CommUnity Books & Gifts
20% off all Fair Trade Items in May!   
Bookstore hours: Monday-Thursday 12 to 5pm
Friday & Saturday closed /Sunday 8:30am to 1:00pm

On-Call Weekend Facilities Position Available

This job involves setting up and tearing down after weddings, receptions and workshops, as well as cleaning meeting rooms & bathrooms.


If interested, please contact Jane Sauve at jsauve@ucop.org

or call 649-1750 x-3012 



Do You Shop on Amazon?

Many of us do our shopping these days from the comfort and convenience of our own homes using the Amazon marketplace.
Did you know that if you go to our website first, and then enter the Amazon site through our link, the church will then get a small percentage of that purchase?  It's like free money for the church!  And it doesn't have to be a spiritual book or something church-related either. We will get a small percentage of anything you purchase on Amazon, if you go through our site first on your way there. How cool is that?!  It doesn't cost you anything to help support your spiritual community because you were going to shop anyway, weren't you!  Now you can do it and help UCOP at the same time. Just click here and it will take you to the UCOP Amazon access page.  You can also find the Amazon access page from a link on our Homepage as well at www.ucop.org.

So happy shopping and thank you for your support! 
We truly appreciate you.

Does Unity Church of Overland Park feed you spiritually? Your gifts and tithes are greatly appreciated and lovingly accepted. Gifts are made through PayPal, a safe and secure way to make online donations. Make an online donation today. 
Get Involved 










Care & Support

About Us
Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, Kansas 66212
913.649.1750, www.ucop.org

Office Hours:     Monday-Thursday:  9am to 5pm
Building Hours:  Sunday  8am to 1pm; Monday-Thursday: 9am to 9pm
We offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.