"More Than Meets the I"
We invite you to join us this Sunday as
Reverend Brandon Nagel takes us on an exploration of transformation. We will look at how for each of us our spiritual transformation begins as an internal process. Seeds are planted that take time to break through the ground, but they are growing and changing us at depth even when we don't know it.  
We look forward to seeing you there!



Daylight Saving Time starts this weekend!

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, or you may get to church
just in time for
the Benediction!

Able-Bodied Volunteers Requested
Do you have a strong back and wish to serve your spiritual community in an upcoming project?  We will be changing out all the light bulbs and re-focusing stage lighting instruments in the sanctuary on March 7.  To do so requires moving a very large 25 foot, 3-story, A-frame ladder that weighs 150lbs around the sanctuary so that we can get up there and fix these lights. 
Volunteers will not be asked to climb this ladder, just move it around.  We really need at least 4 able-bodied volunteers to maneuver this thing.
If you are willing to help, please contact Jane Sauve as soon as possible at 649-1750 x-3012 or jsauve@ucop.org
Easter Basket Outreach Gets Under Way!

'Tis the season to bless our community with lovingly filled Easter baskets for children and adults in need. You will have the opportunity to adopt the tags and fill baskets full of love and goodies through March 22. All baskets are due back to the church by March 29. This year we are supporting Little Sisters of the Poor, Lake Mary Center, Community Linc and members of our own UCOP family.


And you have a wonderful additional way to serve during the Easter Basket Outreach Program. It takes many volunteers to support the adoption tables each Sunday, to help organize and inventory the baskets, and most fun of all... to help deliver these beautiful baskets to their grateful recipients! Basket deliveries are scheduled for Wednesday evening, April 1 at 5pm and Saturday morning, April 4 at 9 am. If you would like to give of your time and love by serving on this team, please contact team leader, Glenda Analla at easter@ucop.org or call 913-593-5380.



Board of Directors Applications Now Available


Have you ever considered serving on the Unity Board of Directors?  We are looking for people who have been a member of UCOP for at least one year, regularly attend worship services and other activities, support the ministry with their time, finances, love and prayers, are conversant with Unity teachings and strive to "walk the talk" of our mission and goals. Board members are a tremendous blessing to the church. People who have  

served often say how they were blessed by being in service in this way.  

As one person described it, serving on the board was "the most  

spiritually uplifting experience I have ever had."   


Applications are available now through April 5. Please CLICK HERE to visit our website and fill in your application. Or you may pick up a printed application at the reception counter in the lobby. The deadline for submitting applications is 12:00 noon on April 7.
The election will be on June 28 at our annual business meeting.
Please feel free to talk with any member of the nominating committee if you have further questions:  Shirley Hill (Chair) hill@ku.edu or 913.732.2027,
Ellis Megee, Amy Elliot or Evelyn Criswell (Board Liaison).





Mulch Madness Returns March 28!

It's time to put on your work gloves, grab those rakes and shovels and wheel barrows and move some mulch around again to help beautify our campus landscaping. We would also be appreciative of some volunteers to graciously provide snacks and water for our mulch movers. If you can help out please contact Jane Sauve at jsauve@ucop.org or 913-649-1750 x-3012.  


Volunteer Appreciation Healing Fair - March 28

 In celebration of your sacred service, all who have served in a volunteer position this last year are invited to join with us in taking a pause to revitalize, relax, rejuvenate and heal in our Volunteer Appreciation Healing Fair on Saturday, March 28 from 2-6 pm in harmony hall. Indulge in a myriad of healing arts provided to our volunteers as a thank you from UCOP and the healers in our own spiritual community for your willingness to step into the flow of service.
Healers Requested

Are you blessed with a healing gift or have you studied a form of healing? Are you a massage therapist, energy healer, chiropractor, yoga instructor, intuitive, manicurist or a practitioner of any other healing art? Are you willing to share your gifts and knowledge at our Volunteer Appreciation Healing Fair on March 28th? Then please contact Rachel Asbury at rasbury@ucop.org or call 649-1750 x-3025 for more details on how you can donate your time and talent in gratitude for the service of our UCOP volunteers..
Is the Silent Prayer Team Calling You?
Reverend Jan Stromseth is expanding the Silent Prayer team and looking for committed pray-ers. Team members will receive a new list every other week of approximately 30 first names to then hold in prayer each day. Rev. Jan will offer a training in the next few weeks for all interested volunteers. Please e-mail jstromseth @ucop.org or call 913-649-1750, ext. 3056.


Bookstore Position Available

Do you love spiritual books and possess excellent customer service skills? There is a new opening in the bookstore for a part-time Assistant Manager. Our beloved assistant is moving. Enjoy the peaceful music, wonderful volunteers and being more involved in UCOP. Must have excellent math and computer skills, organization and customer service skills. Position is 15 - 18 hours per week and includes Sundays. The position involves ordering greeting cards, managing consignments and inputting inventory into our computer system. A job description is available in the bookstore. Please send a resume to Karen Marie at kmarie@ucop.org.


Women to Women Circle - Tonight

Women to Women Circle

Thursday, March 5 

7 to 9 pm in the peace chapel

The Women in Unity welcome you to a sacred time of empowered sharing each month where we may deepen our connections and offer unconditional support to one another.  For questions please email
womeninunity@ucop.org or call Heather at 828-553-4156.
Men's Breakfast - March 7

Men's Group Breakfast

Saturday, March 7

8 to 10 am in harmony hall


"Relaxation, Visualization & Celebration:  Effective Tools  

for Success in All Areas of One's Life" with Craig McAndrew


Have you wondered why some people have it all? Do you find yourself making excuses for your life? Have you wanted to find that "one thing" that can change everything? Craig McAndrew will present three key tools that can change your life. By using these tools in a disciplined manner, you can make amazing changes to your life that will have you wondering how it happened. The fact is, YOU will make it happen. These principles have been used over the years by the happiest, healthiest, most successful people. They are also just one of the heart-centered success principles from the "8 to Great" process.


Craig McAndrew MA, LPC, LCAC is a counselor in private practice in the Kansas City area. He works as a therapist specializing in addictions, stress, anxiety and depression as well as PTSD and other disorders.  Craig is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor. He recently became a certified power coach in the 8 to Great process for powerful change. Craig has written two books in a trilogy and has the third book in the works. The title of the first book "Forgiving Judas - A Man's Journey to Forgive His Brother" is available from Family Affair Publishing as well as through Amazon. The second book, "Forgiving Our Fathers, Forgiving Ourselves" is only available through Family Affair Publishing at this time. He also developed and produced a meditation CD with guided meditations on forgiveness and progressive relaxation.



Workshop with Guest Artist, Charles Holt

With every opportunity to step further into our greater good and life journey is the likelihood that something from our past will resurface. In most cases these events and memories have been hanging around in our minds for long periods of time... years even. It is inevitable, however, that these dangling participles make their way into our field of vision. They should not, by any stretch of the imagination, be the genesis of our undoing. In fact, these seemingly unwarranted mental and emotional intruders rise to the occasion in our mind to create an impulse for us to extract more of our true essence and character. Heavily laced within these somewhat vintage frames are principles that point us in the direction of becoming honest with our heart of reconciliation and our forgiving selves. Letting go of pain and hurt is noteworthy. And learning the practice to put these principles into action may be elusive and quite slippery. But the footing gained in our journey on the road to our personal best is made clearer in the process. The first step is being willing to walk the path... to say "YES" to that inner voice that is calling us forward to a greater way of being and becoming, a healthier way of living and a broader way of sharing our gifts in the world. Recommended reading: Between Me and Dad, by Charles Holt.


Suggested Love Offering: $20



Charles Holt is a gifted Broadway actor and dynamic inspirational speaker who inspires audiences around the world with his message of healing, empowerment and freedom. Charles is an accomplished vocalist. His debut album, I Am, as well
 as his sophomore album project, Rushing Over Me, garnered wide recognition and received high acclaim. Charles has authored two books. His first, Intuitive Rebel, chronicles his journey from small town Tennessee, to the bright lights of Broadway,
 to his spiritual awakening that lead him into the path of self-discovery. Between Me and Dad, released April 2014, reveals a personal, yet painful account with his father that was halted by a date with a courageous leap into faithful forgiveness and
patient journey with reconciliation. At his father's passing, Holt uncovers a treasure
of self-worth and wisdom that ultimately lead to a path of self-emancipation
 and freedom.


In the Presence Meditation
This meditation provides the opportunity to go into a deep, deep experience of the Presence. Meditation does wonderful things to our human bodies, giving them time to revitalize and heal themselves. At the same time, our souls experience their real, true selves, going to the place inside that is timeless and eternal. After the meditation, there will be a sacred prayer circle to share and honor one another's prayer intentions. You'll experience such serenity you'll want it to go on forever.


Suggested Love Offering: $10   



Debra Baker is a spiritual counselor, energy worker, Reiki master, Oneness blessing giver and teacher who has been helping people heal their lives since 1988. A gifted medium and intuitive, Debra is the author of Amazing Intuition, Expanding Your Most Important Resource, which is available in the UCOP bookstore.
Spiritual Marketing

It's time for a new paradigm in marketing. Attend this two part seminar and learn seven powerful ways to grow your holistic business. Monetize your message! What does that mean? Money is an energy exchange. Learn how you can get your message, service and/or products out into the world while you enjoy your work and make money doing it. You were meant to succeed! This class is based on spiritual principles combined with practical marketing tools. Seminar leader, Rev. Diana Kennedy has been teaching this material for over seven years and attendees have had great results!


The two-part seminar is $55 plus a $7 materials fee.



Diana Kennedy has been in the Unity movement over twenty years and currently serves at Unity Worldwide Ministries. She is a Unity Minister, a Certified Q Coach
and an Intuitive Change Agent. A powerful speaker, Diana is passionate about sharing spiritual teachings and supporting individuals on their journey. Her approachable style inspires her students to dive in deeply and get the most
 from her transformative workshops.


Women in Unity Meeting - March 21
Saturday, March 21 - 10 am to noon
Get ready for a continuation of February's meeting as we work with our white stones and our intentions. We will continue our exploration of the masks we wear, how they serve us, how they limit us and how to work with them to continue to bring the power of our intentions into our lives and our community using paper, scissors, glue, feathers, color, sparkles and music! We are going to get creative!!   Please bring a snack to share with the group! We will meet this time in the Y.O.U. classroom.
For questions or to RSVP email Suzanna at connectwithsuzanna@gmail.com
or Heather at hbeckettnc@gmail.com


Fillmores on Healing & Wholeness-Part 2

This is the second part of the course titled "Myrtle and Charles Fillmore on Healing and Wholeness." The whole course is based on the spiritual laws and universal principles that support the expression of health and wholeness in our minds, bodies and affairs. We will be working with Myrtle and Charles Fillmore's interpretation of how Jesus used and demonstrated those spiritual laws and principles in his own life. The purpose of the course is to support participants in developing a practical understanding of Myrtle and Charles' theology as heart-centered metaphysicians. It is our expectation participants will be inspired to become heart-centered metaphysicians themselves. We also expect them to expand their "tool kit" for using healing principles in their daily lives and in supporting other people in their own healing process.

10 SEE Core Credits available


Suggested Love Offering: $10



Required Reading: How to Let God Help You, by Myrtle Fillmore, Myrtle Fillmore's Healing Letters, by Myrtle Fillmore, Jesus Christ Heals, by Charles Fillmore, and Christian Healing, by Charles Fillmore.


Lois Hootz was the spiritual leader of Unity Church of Temple. She has been involved with Unity teachings of over 17 years. She brings the richness of experience gathered from hospital chaplaincy, social work as a child abuse investigator, a teacher, a trainer and a minister. She has a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Divinity Degree. She has served in Unity churches as a board member and board president, a prayer chaplain and trainer, workshop leader and Sunday school teacher.


Unity Basics

This class has been designed for those who desire a basic understanding of Unity's teachings and principles. Each of the five basic teachings will be explored, along with 'identity statements' that further expound upon what is meant by the teachings and how they are expressed by Unity as a spiritual movement. Focused attention will be given to prayer and meditation and the positive, affirming ways in which they are taught and utilized by Unity.


Suggested Love Offering: $10



Rev. Brandon Nagel is the former Director of Youth & Family Ministries and the current Minister of Spiritual Growth & Development here at Unity Church of Overland Park. Rev Jan Stromseth is the Associate Minister of Congregational Care.


How to Pray Without Talking to God
Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett is the brilliant author of the book
How to Pray Without Talking to God. In this book she shows us how to develop a true spiritual practice by re-forming the words of traditional prayers, by cultivating a habit of daily prayer and meditation, as well as by learning to pray with others. In this class you will know your Divine Identity, learn affirmative prayer, reform your language, develop or enhance your daily prayer practice and embrace Wholeness. Join us and allow your prayer consciousness to awaken to the next level and transform your life.


Suggested Love Offering: $10.00



Rosie Dominguez knew she'd found home the first day she walked into UCOP in 2009. The minister's words that day deeply resonated with her. She was thrilled to finally find a spiritual home with like-minded individuals. She challenged herself to learn the Unity teachings and understand the Principles at a profound level. She has attended numerous classes, workshops and retreats at UCOP and Unity Institute. She has served as a Fall Faith circle facilitator, Core Values Team member and is currently on the Small Group Support Team. She has a passion for sharing what she learns and therefore enjoys facilitating classes at UCOP. Rosie's journey has led her to understand prayer in a completely different manner. She grew up in a traditional church, which she practiced up until the week before walking into UCOP. Rosie is currently serving her third year as a prayer chaplain. Affirmative prayer has transformed her life and played a significant role in her awakening. Rosie has been married for 24 years with two grown children. She attributes being a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and all around person to affirmative prayer and the understanding, through prayer, of the Christ in her.
Environmental Fast Fact of the Week


Brought to you by your Green Team!

Scientists have concluded that when the amount of carbon in the atmosphere exceeds 350 parts per million, the effects of global warming result in rampant melting of arctic ice, drought spreading across the planet and rampant increases in diseases like dengue fever and malaria occurring in places where they've never been seen before. The bad news is that we've exceeded 400 parts per million.


Each week between now and April 5th, the Green Team will offer 10 "Environmental Fast Facts" highlighting something you can do to become a better steward of the earth as well as the average reduction in pounds of CO2 emissions each household will realize.


This Week: 

What you can do:  Recycle paper, glass and #1 & #2 plastic bags.    

Average reduction of CO2 emissions: 1000 pounds per year.


Why: Recycling saves natural resources, energy and landfill space. It also results in less air pollution and water pollution.

How:   Bridging the Gap services several community recycling centers through the Kansas City metro region.  You can recycle glass and many other materials there. If you live in Kansas City, MO you may be eligible for curbside recycling (KC Recycles), which picks up both paper and plastic.  For more information on recycling in the greater Kansas City area visit www.recyclespot.org.     


Youth & Family Ministry Summer Camps!

Parents grab your calendars and save these dates for the UCOP Youth & Family Ministry Summer Camps! More details about each camp will follow. To register your kiddos just contact Kelly Sturgeon at ksturgeon@ucop.org or call 649-1750 x-3010.


Pre-K Camp (ages 3 through Kindergarten - must be potty trained)

June 1-3   6:30-8:00pm



(Theatre, Boys & Girls camps are for 1st graders and up)  

Theatre Camp

June 15-19 6:00- 8:30pm



Boys Camp

June 29 - July 1 6:30-8:30pm



Girls Camp

July 13-15 6:30-8:30pm


Adult Bible Study - new ongoing class

Adult Bible Study

Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:45 am in harmony hall 3

with Dan Beckett, ministerial student at Unity Institute and Seminary


Join Dan Beckett for this weekly exploration of the Bible. Each week Dan will have a different topic for the group to explore. Together we will take a look at everything from historical foundations to traditional Unity metaphysical interpretation as we explore how to uncover the many layers of meaning that are contained within the Holy Bible.
This will be an ongoing class and is open for you to join at any time.


Yoganetics Spring Series

Begin again in the New Year by coming home to the body, giving it the nourishing motion it craves. Our gentle-yet-deep approach promotes greater flexibility, less stress and a stronger core. People with back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia have found relief with Yoganetics.  

Poet Laureate of Kansas, Wyatt Townley, has been teaching yoga for over thirty years. Her Yoganetics book was deemed an "Editor's Choice" by Yoga Journal, and her work has been featured in Self, Dance Magazine, Parents, Body and Soul and The New York Times.

For more information or to register,  call (913) 381-1984 or visit www.yoganetics.com. (Fee-based class-first class free for new students!)


Inclement Weather Information
In the case of severely inclement weather, please consult the following sources to determine if the church will be closed:
* Media sources (TV Stations) will be notified
* Call the church (913) 649-1750. If it has been closed there will be a recorded message stating as much.
* Check the website at www.ucop.org.  Any church closings will be prominently displayed on the home page.

In general, the church follows the same closing criteria as the Shawnee Mission School District.  If Shawnee Mission is closed FOR SNOW, we will also be closed.  If they are closed for extreme cold conditions, we may still be open, so check the above-listed resources.

T3 - Time - Talent - Treasure

We at Unity Church of Overland Park are so grateful for the overwhelming demonstration of commitment that took place here on Commitment Sunday.  We thank you for your support of this spiritual community.

For those who would like to know more about our T3 Culture here at Unity Church of Overland Park, please visit the T3 page of our website here.

If you are ready to grow spiritually and make a commitment yourself, you may do so at any time while at church, or right here online.
Small Groups Webpage
You can view all the latest information on our new small groups on our website. Learn what groups have formed and how to get involved with them. Learn what steps you can take if you're interested in forming a new small group yourself.  You can find the Small Groups page under the "Get Involved" tab of our website homepage at www.ucop.org.  Or, you can just click right here!

A Reminder from the
 Nutrition Kitchen group:

Naturally, we would all love to eat healthier. But how do we prepare healthy meals that actually taste great and don't cost an arm and a leg? Chef Gary Hild will show participants of the Nutrition Kitchen how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals inexpensively, with items most of us have around the house already. Contact Chef Gary or Gary Spaulding at cookinggroup@ucop.org for more information. The next meeting of the group will be held in the UCOP kitchen and harmony hall from 6:30 to 9 pm on Monday, March 9. 


Singles Group Sunday Brunch 
Singles Group

Want to connect with other singles at Unity Church of Overland Park? Each Sunday at 12:30 this group meets at various local restaurants. Put these dates and locations on your schedule. We'd love to have you join us. 


March 8 - Le Peep, 7936 Quivira Rd - Lenexa

March 15 - Conroy's Irish Pub, 55285 W. 95th St - Overland Park

March 22 - Jack's Stack BBQ, 9520 Metcalf Ave - Overland Park

March 29 - Old Chicago Pizza, 11721 Metcalf Ave - Overland Park 

Contact Linda Brozanic for more information at 913-219-7538.
Please arrive at the restaurant no later than 12:45. 
CommUnity Books & Gifts
20% off A Course in Miracles in March!   
Bookstore hours: Monday-Thursday 12 to 5pm
Friday & Saturday closed /Sunday 8:30am to 1:00pm

Do You Shop on Amazon?

Many of us do our shopping these days from the comfort and convenience of our own homes using the Amazon marketplace.
Did you know that if you go to our website first, and then enter the Amazon site through our link, the church will then get a small percentage of that purchase?  It's like free money for the church!  And it doesn't have to be a spiritual book or something church-related either. We will get a small percentage of anything you purchase on Amazon, if you go through our site first on your way there. How cool is that?!  It doesn't cost you anything to help support your spiritual community because you were going to shop anyway, weren't you!  Now you can do it and help UCOP at the same time. Just click here and it will take you to the UCOP Amazon access page.  You can also find the Amazon access page from a link on our Homepage as well at www.ucop.org.

So happy shopping and thank you for your support! 
We truly appreciate you.

Does Unity Church of Overland Park feed you spiritually? Your gifts and tithes are greatly appreciated and lovingly accepted. Gifts are made through PayPal, a safe and secure way to make online donations. Make an online donation today. 
Get Involved 










Care & Support

About Us
Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, Kansas 66212
913.649.1750, www.ucop.org

Office Hours:     Monday-Thursday:  9am to 5pm
Building Hours:  Sunday  8am to 1pm; Monday-Thursday: 9am to 9pm
We offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.