"Stranger Than Fiction"
We invite you to join Reverend Brandon Nagel
this Sunday, January 25 as he explores the idea
that everything is an out-picturing of Divine law.
When something happens that appears to be a miracle or beyond explanation, it is simply God in action. It is often times our own human mind that tells us something is impossible, but when we
trust God and allow God to be God in us
our results often appear stranger than fiction.

 We look forward to seeing you there!    



News from the Board of Directors
CLICK HERE to view the Board's announcement regarding our ministerial search process.
2015 Midwest Unity Men's Retreat


What does it mean to be a man? As your life unfolds and you continue to grow through the various roles of a man (partner, father, son, worker, teacher/learner, leader/follower), what do you use as your guide for understanding and becoming your true self? As a connected group of men, what agreements can we put into place to allow us to be vulnerable so that we can help one another in our continual journey of rediscovering our true self?


Reverend Albert Wingate has been exploring this topic and would like to share his thoughts and experiences. Albert is an avid storyteller. He uses the power of experienced story-telling to facilitate an active learning process that promotes connection and relationship building. Large group and small group discussions and activities will be used to facilitate this process. The goal is to deepen our understanding of developing as a man of wisdom and spirit through the various stages of our lives.


To register please contact Jason Haney at 816.825.1676 or
stop by the registration table in harmony hall January 18 - 25. 
You may also register online right here!  
Space is limited, so please register soon!


Book Signing January 25 with Mike McCord
Join Mike McCord in the lobby after services on Sunday, January 25 to purchase an autographed
copy of his inspirational book.


Mike McCord is a Nebraska native who has lived in Kansas City since 1986. He's the father of sons Sean and Ryan. In 1980 he was recognized in Outstanding Young Men of America, is a former chaplain at Unity Church of Overland Park, formed its Green Team in 2004 and co-founded Unity Worldwide Ministries EarthCare program in 2008.

Mike authored The McCord Saga, edits the "EarthCare Conections" newsletter and has been published in The Daily Word and magazines such as Unity Leaders, Positive Thinking, Evolving in Conscious Living  and "The Path" newsletter.

One Step at a Time, Memoir of a Former Quadriplegic chronicles one person's life journey from heartbreak to joy and from agnosticism towards spiritual enlightenment. The lessons learned along the way played a major role in overcoming a series of devastating challenges in 2001-2003 that many have called a miracle.  

From paralysis with a 10% chance of ever walking again, job loss and divorce, to ultimate triumph, the interconnectedness of scientific principles with the teachings of Jesus and New Thought spirituality is explored. Through these Truths, the power each person has to manifest his or her destiny is demonstrated. One Step at a Time validates Unity principles and the mind-body connection from someone who has not only talked the talk but walked the walk. It's a story to which each of us can relate. 
Find Your Perfect Match!

Are you yearning for a healthy relationship? Trying to figure out what it might look like? Wondering if it will ever happen to you? This interactive workshop is designed to help you internalize techniques to prepare you for and help you recognize your ideal partner. Walk with Sue as she takes you through the process she used after years of trying to find "the right one." Using some of the concepts in Kathy Freston's book, Expect a Miracle, Sue will take you on the journey which opened her arms to the man who later became her gift from heaven, her husband.


Suggested Love Offering: $10



National Presidential Award winning teacher, transformational life coach, motivational speaker and author of The Journey Through Metamorphosis Workbook, Sue Gibson-Wilson's intuitive, energetic and creative workshops have made her a successful "go to" person for those wishing to change old behaviors. Using spirituality as the basis for her work, Sue has developed and implemented powerful tools, based on research, to empower those who struggle with many issues. Sue has a Master's degree in Education, a BS degree in Science Education and has taught in public high schools and coached athletic teams for twenty four years. As a dynamic, successful high school science teacher, Sue was a recipient of several local, state and national awards. She maintains her Kansas Licensure in Education. Sue is currently facilitating two extensive Twelve Step Studies, teaching workshops and coaching individuals, as she builds trusting relationships with those willing to step out of their comfort zones and grow with Spirit.


Bible Overview: Christian Scriptures

Join Rev. Jesse as he explores the Gospels,  

Book of Acts, Letters and Apocryphal literature  

(Book of Revelation) that comprise what is more commonly known as the "New Testament." Throughout this five week course we will work to develop our understanding of the Christian Scriptures' meaning for the people to whom they were originally written. As we explore the books of the Christian Scriptures we will address the idea that the Christian Scriptures are a Testament about Jesus Christ rather than a Testament of Jesus Christ, which frees us to appreciate and become inspired by them in new and powerful ways.


Suggested Love Offering: $10     SEE Core Credit Class   REGISTER HERE!    


Rev. Dr. Jesse F. Tanner is an ordained Unity minister and professor of Scriptural and Religious Studies at Unity Institute and Seminary. He holds a Master of Theological Studies from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL where he studied New Testament Greek, textual criticism and early Christian history. Jesse also holds a Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Religion from the University of the West in Rosemead, CA where he focused on interfaith encounter as a form of interpretation and the power it has to bring transformation.  

His areas of personal and scholarly interest include religious pluralism and identity, interreligious dialogue, theological hermeneutics, and Christian origins and history. He publishes regularly in scholarly journals as well as more popular forums on religion and spirituality. Jesse is involved in a variety of ministerial and social justice activities and participates often in interfaith community efforts.


SoulCollage - February 2

Using images, scissors and glue, attendees design a 5" x 8" card depicting something unique about themselves -a gift from their Soul. Whether you make one card or many, you will have a great time and create inspired pieces. Making SoulCollage� cards with others is a powerful way to answer life's questions. Insights are shared in a circle of safety. Participants are inspired by, and feel acknowledged and supported in the community. Each member benefits from the perspective of the community's individuals. The world needs everyone's wisdom.


Nancy Oglesby (http://www.healthworkskc.com) is a health educator, speaker and group facilitator who guides her clients and students in becoming energetic, healthy and happy, using a holistic approach addressing all aspects of a person. Her mission is to inspire people to choose a lifestyle that nourishes their body, mind and spirit. Nancy is a UCOP prayer chaplain, is studying Quantum Touch energy work and was recently trained as a SoulCollage� facilitator by Audrey Chowdhury.


suggested love offering: $15, which includes a $5 material fee


Relationship Readiness

On Tuesday, February 10 at 7pm Joy Cherry and Rev. Diana Kennedy will facilitate a dynamic, leading edge workshop for women on creating healthy relationships.  

During our time together we will explore your deepest values and you will be empowered to carry them out in powerfully loving ways in your relationship with yourself and with others as well. Whether you are recently single and getting back into the dating game or if you've been active in the dating pool for a while, you will be supported in developing a clear spiritual vision for this area of your life.  

In a safe environment, Joy and Diana will support you through applying Unity teachings and spiritual principles to create a healthier relationship with yourself and others. You will learn tips and techniques that will assist you in releasing any limiting thoughts or habits that are not supporting you in creating your heart's desires around healthy relationships.


Suggested Love Offering: $22



Using a sense of play and passion, Joy Cherry helps clients listen to the language of their heart and find their inner inspiration for living their right life. Whether disheartened, disillusioned or having a complete melt-down, Joy Cherry's clients learn to re-connect with the oneness of life. They find everything they are looking for hidden within them; it was there all the time. They are healed, restored, energized, loved and loving. They change the world. Joy Cherry is a certified Martha Beck Life Coach with a M.A. in Business Development and 15 years of management and training experience.


Rev. Diana Kennedy has been in the Unity movement over twenty years and currently serves at Unity Worldwide Ministries. She is a Unity Minister, a Certified Q Coach, an EFT Practitioner and an Intuitive Change Agent. A powerful speaker, Diana is passionate about sharing spiritual teachings and supporting individuals on their journey. Her approachable style inspires her students to dive in deeply and get the most from her transformative workshops.


Hawaiian Ho'oponopono

The ancient Hawaiian practice of Pono is "being at one with everything"--being right with yourself, with Spirit, with others and with all of creation. Daily living often pulls us out of alignment with ourselves and our world. During this three week series you will explore the process of Ho'oponopono, a way of returning to the harmony that is natural to your spirit greatness. In addition, you will learn how to use your HA (Sacred Breath) to deepen your Pono (unity with all) and live the essence of Aloha.


Suggested Love Offering: $10



Ilene Kimsey, Ph.D has been working in the field of human development and spirituality for over forty years. She is an intuitive mentor/coach, seminar leader, song writer and author of the Evvy Award-winning book, Golden Wizdom Beyond the Emerald City: A Conscious Journey to Wholeness.

As an Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom practitioner she is honored to impart what she experienced during twenty years of living, working and studying the sacred culture of Hawaii. Ilene joyfully inspires people to claim their magnificence and express their essence in the world. She knows each person has a unique contribution to the evolution of humanity.


In the Presence Meditation
This meditation provides the opportunity to go into a deep, deep experience of the Presence. Meditation does wonderful things to our human bodies, giving them time to revitalize and heal themselves. At the same time, our souls experience their real, true selves, going to the place inside that is timeless and eternal. After the meditation, there will be a sacred prayer circle to share and honor one another's prayer intentions. You'll experience such serenity you'll want it to go on forever.


Suggested Love Offering: $10  



Debra Baker is a spiritual counselor, energy worker, Reiki master, Oneness blessing giver and teacher who has been helping people heal their lives since 1988. A gifted medium and intuitive, Debra is the author of Amazing Intuition, Expanding Your Most Important Resource, which is available in the UCOP bookstore.
Gemstone Class with Greg Pregon!

Awaken to your true spiritual essence! The primary focus of some therapeutic gemstones is awakening and developing higher consciousness. Working with these gems can help heighten spiritual awareness, abolish impediments to higher states of consciousness and strengthen the intuition. By wearing certain gemstones you can become more aware of the fluidity of the physical universe and of your ability to master all situations. Join Greg Pregon on February 23 to learn about these gemstones and how to use them for your own spiritual growth.                                                                Suggested Love Offering: $10



Greg Pregon has been attending UCOP for the past four years. He has served UCOP as a prayer chaplain and is one of our Youth and Family volunteers serving as a classroom teacher. He is an educator and has taught children and adults alike. He has served in several school districts across the metropolitan area and taught at UMKC and the Metropolitan Community College at the Longview Campus. He has also taught adults with disabilities, children in behavioral health centers, children from preschool through high school and is currently working with children who are deaf or hard of hearing. In the last year his diverse interests and abilities have led him to studying and working with gemstones for health and spiritual growth. He has completed Gemstone Energy Medicine Foundation and Advanced Color Ray Healing Color Dynamics classes. Greg wants to use his newly gained knowledge and abilities as a way to serve our community.


Yoganetics Spring Series

Begin again in the New Year by coming home to the body, giving it the nourishing motion it craves. Our gentle-yet-deep approach promotes greater flexibility, less stress and a stronger core. People with back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia have found relief with Yoganetics.  

Poet Laureate of Kansas, Wyatt Townley, has been teaching yoga for over thirty years. Her Yoganetics book was deemed an "Editor's Choice" by Yoga Journal, and her work has been featured in Self, Dance Magazine, Parents, Body and Soul and The New York Times.

For more information or to register,  call (913) 381-1984 or visit www.yoganetics.com. (Fee-based class-first class free for new students!)


New Spotlight Gallery Artist

We have a new artist featured in our Spotlight Gallery. The works of Cheryl Schroeder will be on display through February. Cheryl has attended UCOP since 1990 and currently serves on our First Voice team. She enjoys painting detailed portraits of people, animals and the countryside, working in both oils and pastels. Cheryl has been painting since 2006. The paintings on display are for your viewing pleasure, however, none of them are for sale.
Inclement Weather Information
In the case of severely inclement weather, please consult the following sources to determine if the church will be closed:
* Media sources (TV Stations) will be notified
* Call the church (913) 649-1750. If it has been closed there will be a recorded message stating as much.
* Check the website at www.ucop.org.  Any church closings will be prominently displayed on the home page.

In general, the church follows the same closing criteria as the Shawnee Mission School District.  If Shawnee Mission is closed FOR SNOW, we will also be closed.  If they are closed for extreme cold conditions, we may still be open, so check the above-listed resources.

T3 - Time - Talent - Treasure

We at Unity Church of Overland Park are so grateful for the overwhelming demonstration of commitment that took place here on Commitment Sunday.  We thank you for your support of this spiritual community.

For those who would like to know more about our T3 Culture here at Unity Church of Overland Park, please visit the T3 page of our website here.

If you are ready to grow spiritually and make a commitment yourself, you may do so at any time while at church, or right here online.
Small Groups Webpage
You can view all the latest information on our new small groups on our website. Learn what groups have formed and how to get involved with them. Learn what steps you can take if you're interested in forming a new small group yourself.  You can find the Small Groups page under the "Get Involved" tab of our website homepage at www.ucop.org.  Or, you can just click right here!

Singles Group Sunday Brunch 
Singles Group

Want to connect with other singles at Unity Church of Overland Park? Each Sunday at 12:30 this group meets at various local restaurants. Put these dates and locations on your schedule. We'd love to have you join us. 


January 25th- Conroy's Irish Pub, 55285 W. 95th St -  Overland Park

February 1- Jose Peppers, 10316 Metcalf Ave -  Overland Park

February 8- Bo Lings, 9055 Metcalf Ave - Overland Park

February 15- Johnny's Tavern, 8719 W. 95th S - Overland Park

February 22- Cinzetti's Italian Buffet, 7201 W. 91st St - Overland Park

Contact Linda Brozanic for more information at 913-219-7538.
Please arrive at the restaurant no later than 12:45. 
CommUnity Books & Gifts
20% off all personal growth books  
in January!   
Bookstore hours: Monday-Thursday 12 to 5pm
Friday & Saturday closed /Sunday 8:30am to 1:00pm

Do You Shop on Amazon?

Many of us do our shopping these days from the comfort and convenience of our own homes using the Amazon marketplace.
Did you know that if you go to our website first, and then enter the Amazon site through our link, the church will then get a small percentage of that purchase?  It's like free money for the church!  And it doesn't have to be a spiritual book or something church-related either. We will get a small percentage of anything you purchase on Amazon, if you go through our site first on your way there. How cool is that?!  It doesn't cost you anything to help support your spiritual community because you were going to shop anyway, weren't you!  Now you can do it and help UCOP at the same time. Just click here and it will take you to the UCOP Amazon access page.  You can also find the Amazon access page from a link on our Homepage as well at www.ucop.org.

So happy shopping and thank you for your support! 
We truly appreciate you.

Does Unity Church of Overland Park feed you spiritually? Your gifts and tithes are greatly appreciated and lovingly accepted. Gifts are made through PayPal, a safe and secure way to make online donations. Make an online donation today. 
Get Involved 










Care & Support

About Us
Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, Kansas 66212
913.649.1750, www.ucop.org

Office Hours:     Monday-Thursday:  9am to 5pm
Building Hours:  Sunday  8am to 1pm; Monday-Thursday: 9am to 9pm
We offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.