 Beginning this Sunday!
This I Believe 2    
Join Reverend Patricia Bass on a two-week exploration of
our most deeply held core beliefs and how they work
and manifest in our daily lives. 
And, of course, our fabulous UCOP band and soloist, Molly Hammer, will be there blessing us with their amazing talents!


  Patricia  Molly Hammer   

We shall see you there!  


Reverend Patricia's Final Services at UCOP
Patricias farewell 
Living the Empowered Life!
  Our focus in September is upon Detachment.
"I surrender all and trust fully in Spirit."  
What Do YOU Believe?
Consider for a moment our series title for the next two weeks... "This I Believe." 
We invite you to give that some thought.  And if it feels comfortable to share those thoughts with us, our director of communications, Jan Chapman, will beJan roaming about after services during this two week series with her trusty video camera in hand. And if you wish, you will have an opportunity to share your core beliefs on camera.  All these clips will then be edited together for use on our website into a video montage of what we, as a congregation, believe at a core level.  So if you want to be part of this video project, just look for Jan after services this week!  
Men's Group Breakfast 
Saturday, September 7
8-10 a.m. in harmony hall   
Michelle Robin new 
Dr. Michelle Robin, founder/owner of Your Wellness Connection and author of two books on health and wellness; teacher of a number of classes at our church and nationally-known speaker will give a talk entitled,"Celebrate Your Regularity." The breakfast menu will be slightly different than usual. Although we may still have bacon, eggs and coffee, Dr. Robin will also help us prepare "smoothies" containing a number of fruits and vegetables.
World Day of Prayer at Unity Village!
 September 11-15  WDOP
Throughout World Day of Prayer, people around the world unite in prayer, heart to heart. Events begin with an opening ceremony on Wednesday evening at Unity Village, followed by a candlelight walk to the Silent Unity Prayer Chapel. For 24 hours, a prayer vigil takes place in the chapel, with every name submitted prayed for by volunteers. Some volunteers come from across the country or around the world for this sacred mission.
 Dr. Bowen White
Dr Larry Dossey
 A variety of events, activities and services happen at Unity Village, featuring guest speakers Dr. Larry Dossey and Dr. Bowen White. You are welcome to attend these events, or if unable to attend, several of these events will also be live-streamed. For more information visit www.worlddayofprayer.org
 Exploring World Religions

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Mondays, September 9- October 7

with Rev./Dr. Shannah McAleer 

  many faiths
Join us as we explore the major faith traditions of our world. We will learn the basic tenets of each religion and experience some of the practices of each. In addition, we will discover the commonalities shared by all the world's faiths. We are so much more alike than we are different and it is this understanding and open dialog that allows us to know and understand one another better. 


Suggested Love Offering: $10 per class Shannah McAleer


Rev./Dr. Shannah McAleer is an ordained Unity minister who grew up living all over the world. Born in Libya, raised in Greece, the Philippines, Turkey and many states, she has always had a keen interest in other cultures and more specifically other faith traditions. She has earned her Master's Degree in Social Work and her Doctorate in Divinity and has served in two Unity churches. She is currently an adjunct professor at Kansas University in the Social Welfare Department, teaching her students how to honor and appreciate the World's religions. 
Want to get PLAYFUL?
September 3 - October 22Playful
Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 12:00
P.L.A.Y.F.U.L. - Parents Leading Aware Young Fulfilling Unity Lives. 
Unity Church of Overland Park is providing a play and support group for parents and children. All  care givers, new and expectant parents and their children are welcome. This is a continuous 8-week course and can be joined at any time. Topics of discussion will vary to meet the group's needs and include the many factors that affect children and families from pregnancy through preschool. Please join us in the nursery! 
Two Oneness Courses Available!
 Introduction to Oneness: An Evening of Bliss and Exploration of Oneness

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 10

with Oneness trainer, Angela Reed


Receiving the Oneness blessing begins a process whereby the mind is "de-clutched" and one can experience life without the commentary or judgmental influence of our thoughts, conditioning and fears.  Join Oneness trainer, Angela Reed for an evening of sharing the Oneness blessing, meditation, and an in depth discussion about Oneness!Oneness

 Suggested love offering: $10

Oneness Awakening Course 
September 13 & 14  
Join Oneness trainers, Angela Reed and Kaya Hewitt in the Oneness Awakening Course, a two-day intensive course during which you will explore ancient teachings, deep healing processes, and sharing of the Oneness blessing.   
Friday, September 13th from 6:00-9:30 p.m. and
Saturday, September 14th from 9:00a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
$225 investment   Click here to register!
Yoganetics Fall Series

It's like riding a bike...it's never too late to begin-or to restart if you've been away. You can feel better, function better and look better with this gentle yoga system that moves you away from pain and stiffness toward streamlined alignment, greater energy and a toned physique. People with chronic pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia have found relief with this system.                       


The new Poet Laureate of Kansas, Wyatt Townley, has been teaching for over thirty years. Her Yoganetics book was deemed an "Editor's Choice" by Yoga Journal and her work has been featured in Self, Dance Magazine, Parents, Body and Soul and The New York Times.


 (Fee-based class  -  first class free for new students!)
In the Presence Meditation

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept. 17

with Debra Baker

In presenceThis meditation provides the opportunity to go into a deep, deep experience of the Presence. Meditation does wonderful things to our human bodies, giving them vital time to revitalize and heal themselves. At the same time, our souls experience their real, true selves, going to the place inside that is timeless and eternal. After the meditation, there will be a sacred prayer circle to share and honor one another's prayer intentions. You'll experience such serenity you want it to go on forever.


Suggested Love Offering: $10


Debra Darpel Baker has been helping people to heal their lives for 20 years as a spiritual counselor, energy worker, Reiki Master and teacher. She is a gifted medium and intuitive whose readings have been described as "life changing," "profound," and "extremely accurate."
Ministerial Search Team Prayer/Update Meeting 
Join members of the Ministerial Search Team and prayer chaplains Wednesday, September 18th  at 6:30p.m. in the peace chapel for a time of prayer and meditation followed by a brief update from the MST team at 7:00.  
For all the latest news on our search for a new senior minister, just
click here to visit our Minsterial Search Team webpage.
Spiritual Cafe
Wednesday evening, October 2nd  
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.robin cropped
with Reverend Robin Ferguson   
Spiritual Cafe
Our first Spiritual Cafe experience was a rousing success so we can't wait to do it again next month! So join us in harmony hall for a time to relax, unwind and explore the spiritual topics that are relevant to our lives today. Your spiritual barista, Rev. Robin Ferguson, will introduce the evening's topic, followed by small group discussion and a time of meditation and music to awaken your spirit. We will enjoy delicious coffees and teas and healthy treats, available for puChris Fosterrchase, during the evening.
We will also be blessed by the sounds of Chris Foster on guitar. Chris is well known for his original compositions in both secular and New Thought music. As a musician and entertainer he performs a wide variety of styles from Latin jazz, folk, rock to pop.
  So join us! This is your time to get away and lean into your spiritual path amidst the relaxed vibe of Spiritual Caf�.
Change for Change 

 Our "Change for ChAngels" (you know who they are... those smiling folks rattling little green cups full of change in the lobby between services) wish to thank you for your vital support as we adventure through this transformative time in our church history. By way of thanks, our ChAngels will be giving away chocolate gold coins to everyone who brings their cup in full of change next Sunday!

Change for Change

The "Change for Change" program will continue until September 15th. 

So remember those cups!  

Thus far, in coin we have raised $3427.10 and $2010 in pledges, for a combined total of $5437.10 as of September 1st.  Thank you to everyone who has donated so generously.
Fall Faith is just around the corner!
This fall we will be coming together on an adventure in faith that will take us deeper and call us higher. For 5 weeks, beginning October 6th, we will be looking at how the courage to be vulnerable can transform the way we live, love and lead. During this powerful and transformative time in our community's journey we will be given an opportunity to support each other in discovering and Daring Greatlyexpressing our true selves as we study the book Daring Greatly by Bren� Brown.
Our theme will be "Daring to Live the Empowered Life" and we'll begin Empowered Living circle sign-ups on September 15th. And stay tuned for more details about our culminating celebration event as the time draws closer.



The books are available in our bookstore, at 40% off the retail price, so we invite you to stop by and get a jump on this great opportunity.  

Couples Brunch
September 8th, 12:30-1:30 p.m.  couples brunch
The UCOP Couples Group will meet for brunch at the First Watch restaurant at College Boulevard & Highway 69. It's fun, food and fellowship.  So if you plan to join us please RSVP to couples@ucop.org.
Singles Group Sunday Brunch 
Singles Group

Want to connect with other singles at Unity Church of Overland Park? Each Sunday at 12:30 this group meets at various local restaurants. Put these dates and locations on your schedule for the rest of June. We'd love to have you join us. 


September 8th - Joy Wok at 119th & Metcalf
September 15th - BRGR at 4038 W. 83rd (Prairie Village in Corinth Square)
September 22nd - Old Chicago at 117th & Metcalf (east of Metcalf)
September 29th - The Big Biscuit at 95th & Nall (NE corner)
Contact Linda Riggs for more information at 913-634-5359 
ALSO... Saturday, September 21st from 5:30-9:00 p.m.
Singles Potluck and Game Night returns!
Join us in harmony hall for an informal social event. Bring a dish for potluck and your favorite game for the Game Night festivities after dinner. Doors open at 5:30. Dinner at 6:00. Games begin at 7:00.
Does Unity Church of Overland Park feed you spiritually? Your gifts and tithes are greatly appreciated and lovingly accepted. Gifts are made through PayPal, a safe and secure way to make online donations. Make an online donation today. 
Get Involved 
Care & Support
Bookstore Open Position
There is a part-time position available in the bookstore, about 10 hours a week, occasionally a few more hours. Enjoy peaceful music, wonderful volunteers and being more involved in UCOP. The position involves working with the inventory computer program, ordering greeting cards, managing consignments, and assisting customers. Must have excellent communication and computer skills. Send resumes to Karen Marie at  kmarie@ucop.org
CommUnity Books & Gifts
September Special    
All local authors' publications are 20% off!
About Us
Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, Kansas 66212
913.649.1750, www.ucop.org
We offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.