integrity compass
I speak, act and make decisions in alignment with my values
  Living the Empowered Life! 
Be True To Yourself 


TrueJoin Reverend Patricia Bass, Joel Morrison, and the entire UCOP band this Sunday as we continue our series, Living the Empowered Life!  We will see you Sunday morning!


        sunday button  Patricia    Joel Morrison  


June is our month of Integrity: 

                                  I speak, act and make decisions in alignment with my values


The Christ in the Bible

Eric Page Barbara Hadley Mondays, June 3 thru July 1, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  

with Rev. Barbara Hadley and Rev. Eric Page

Using the Bible as our primary text, we will explore the Christ idea as it relates to Jesus and all humankind. We will attempt to discover: what the Christ idea is, where it came from, what it meant to the people of Jesus' time, and how the Christ idea evolved during the period when the books of the New Testament were being written. Register Online

Relief Efforts for the People of Oklahoma
American Red Cross

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!


We raised $1,449.15 for the American Red Cross to be   used to help those affected by the tornado in Moore, OK.  

It's Recirulation Sunday 
This Sunday is Recirculation Sunday.  
We recently cleaned closets and storage areas
and made space here at UCOP and discovered many "treasures" that will be available for "recirculation" to anyone who would like to give these items new life in their own home.  Items will be given away on a love offering basis downstairs in Harmony Hall after both services. 
Men's Group Breakfast
Wright Brothers
Saturday, June 1, 2013.  8-10 a.m. Harmony Hall. Love Offering. Bill Nicks will impersonate Wilbur Wright, one of the inventors of the airplane. His presentation in December, 2012, was well received. 
Board of Directors Nominees
We will be electing our new members for the Board of Directors at the annual meeting on June 23 after the 11:00 service. Click here to read the bio for each of the nominees.
Pre-K Jungle Camp 
Jungle Animals  
Youth and Family will be bringing back it's Pre-K Camp this year with a special three night camp experience. Join Kelly and Brandon on June 17th, 18th, and 19th for a fun filled three night jungle adventure complete with puppet shows, crafts, and even a safari! Registration begins May 19th. Email Brandon with any questions or to register!
Singles Group Sunday Brunch 
Singles Group

Want to connect with other singles at Unity Church of Overland Park? Each Sunday at 12:30 this group meets at various local restaurants. Put these dates and locations on your schedule for the rest of May. We'd love to have you join us. 


June 2nd - Barley's Brewhaus at 119th & Quivira
June 9th - Talk of the Town at 119th & Quivira
June 16th - Famous Dave's BBQ - 119th & Metcalf - Happy Father's Day!
June 23rd - Coach's at 9089 W. 135th (just west of Antioch on 135th)
June 30th - The Elephant Bar at 119th & Metcalf - south of 119th
Contact Linda Riggs for more information at 913-634-5359 
Does Unity Church of Overland Park feed you spiritually? Your gifts and tithes are greatly appreciated and lovingly accepted. Gifts are made through PayPal, a safe and secure way to make online donations. Make an online donation today. 
Get Involved 
Care & Support
About Us
Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, Kansas 66212
913.649.1750, www.ucop.org
We offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.