  Living the Empowered Life! 

Join Reverend Patricia Bass, guest vocalist Claudia Carawan, and the entire UCOP band this Sunday as we continue our series, Living the Empowered Life! This Sunday's lesson is titled "Perfectly Imperfect". We will see you Sunday morning!


                sunday button            Patricia             Claudia Carawan                    

May is our month of Wholeness: 

I am a radiant expression of Divine Life.


Mulch Madness!


The church is planning a community-wide service and social gathering on Saturday, May 18th that we are affectionately calling the
Let's Make Our Grounds Look MuLch Better Day. It has been several years since the grounds have had a fresh layer of mulch applied.  So on Saturday morning, May 18th, we invite everyone who would like to help spread some mulch around to show up at the church at 9:00am with wheel barrows, shovels and rakes, and clothes you can get grubby in, and pitch in for a few hours beautifying our landscaping.  Many hands make light work, so we would like to invite all teams to join in the fun, plus family members!  If we start at 9:00 with a big group, we are bound to be done quickly and have the whole rest of the day to relax!


And if there are folks who aren't so crazy about spreading mulch around, but would like to serve on the "Mulch Support Team," we could use helpers to provide water and goodies (suitable for serving outdoors) to keep our laborers hydrated and nourished.






Sign-up now!


RAIN-DATE will be Sunday Afternoon May 19th, 2013... but we know it won't rain on our event.

If, when you drive down Antioch or 103rd, you often glance over and say, "Hey, that's MY church!"membership then maybe it's time to consider making a more intentional commitment.  Membership at Unity Church of Overland Park offers you the opportunity to gain a sense of ownership in this spiritual community, to grow in Spirit and express your commitment actively in the world. As you pursue your spiritual path we encourage you to consider membership here at UCOP. There are three classes to take prior to becoming a member. "UCOP & You" will be offered on Tuesday May 14th, "Unity Basics" will be offered on May 21st, and the "Membership Class" will be offered on May 28th.  We would love for you to join us for these classes and, of course, for Membership Sunday on June 2nd.  


Empowered Living Moment
Donna Crosswhite 
View Donna Crosswhite's Empowered Living Moment. Find out how Unity has inspired her to embrace her power. 
Open Position
Director of Communications (Full-time position)
This position is responsible for all communications at the church including production, creative development, management, marketing and social media in areas as graphics, slides, bulletins, website and Facebook. Those interested can send a resume/cover letter to Rev. Bob Barth.


Singles Group Sunday Brunch 
Singles Group 
Want to connect with other singles at Unity Church of Overland Park? Each Sunday at 12:30 this group meets at various local restaurants. Put these dates and locations on your schedule for the rest of May. We'd love to have you join us.
May 12th - Old Chicago Pizza, 119th & Metcalf
May 19th - Johnny Brusco Italian, 8909 W 95th just west of Antioch - south side
May 26th - Jose Peppers, 103rd & Metcalf
Contact Linda Riggs for more information at 913-634-5359 
Social Group Gathering

Our Social Group will be meeting on May 11th at Minsky's Pizza in the City Market Steamboar (http://www.minskys.com/city-market) at 12:30. After lunch we will head over to the SteamboatArabia Museum and spend the afternoon exploring the story of the sunken steamboat and the cargo that was lost of over 130 years. Learn more about the museum by visiting their website (http://www.1856.com).


Please RSVP to Brandon Nagel. This is a Family Friendly Event 

Oneness Family Course
Angela Reed
Saturday, May 11, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 
Cost - $100 per family
Register before May 5 for $75

Are you curious about Oneness courses, meditations, and teachings? Have you experienced the Oneness Blessing or heard about it? This spring, Oneness Trainers, Angela Reed and Kaya Hewitt are presenting a course that will open your hearts and your minds to amazing gifts of the Oneness movement, and this course is the very first of its kind in our area, designed and tailored to families! Parents and children will experience the Oneness Blessing, meditation, yoga, and so much more in a fun and relaxed environment! Experience healing in the relationships that matter to you the most, find easier ways to communicate, and have blissful moments accumulate more and more with the Divine tools Oneness offers.

The Oneness Blessing is a transfer of Divine Grace to balance the brain, provide healing and answer prayers. This is done by a trained Blessing Giver placing their hands on top of the head and allowing the Divine energy to flow through them to you.

You may register by calling (913) 514-4986, emailing, or visiting the table in Harmony Hall.
Celebrating World Fair Trade Day
CommUnity Books & Gifts is celebrating World Fair Trade Day Sunday, May 12th. Join us for   cake, prizes, and a discount on all Fair Trade products. Fair trade products are created in developing countries to help the local people build sustainable businesses that positively influence their communities. Sustainable Hope International is a fair trade company that sells lovely necklaces and earrings made by at-risk and orphaned youth. The company's mission is "to make a difference in the lives of poor, underprivileged, neglected, at-risk, and orphaned youth by providing education, basic life-skills, and leadership training, so they might become community role models and mentors." Please stop in the bookstore to learn more and purchase this beautiful jewelry.  
Unity Garden
Spring has sprung! Back by popular demand Unity Garden is having its spring plant sale April 14th  through May 19th. They will have a variety of veggies, herbs, and flowers for sale. The proceedsUnity Garden Greens will help cover the garden expenses for this season. Unity Garden will continue to support the families at Head Start of Shawnee Mission. Come to Harmony Hall after the services each week to see what new plants Kelly has for you to purchase for your own garden. 

To sign up to work at Unity Garden or help deliver our produce to Head Start, contact Brenda Brock  

Women In Unity
 Kaufman Memorial Garden 
Join the Women in Unity for a guided tour of the serene and tranquil Kauffman Memorial Garden, 4800 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, Missouri  (east of the Plaza) on May 18th.  We will gather at the entrance to the Garden at 10:00 am to begin our tour.  Please RSVP Brenda Brock and to let her know if you would like to carpool from UCOP. Admission is free.
Pre-K Jungle Camp 
Jungle Animals  
Youth and Family will be bringing back it's Pre-K Camp this year with a special three night camp experience. Join Kelly and Brandon on June 17th, 18th, and 19th for a fun filled three night jungle adventure complete with puppet shows, crafts, and even a safari! Registration begins May 19th. Email Brandon with any questions or to register!
P.L.A.Y.F.U.L. Parents Leading Aware Young Fulfilling Unity Lives


April 15-June 3   6:30-7:30 pm in the Nursery

Play and support group for parents of Unity infants through preschool age, who would like to talk and   learn about raising empowered and loving children.



2013 Prayer Chaplain Training begins soon

Is Spirit nudging you to step into service as a prayer chaplain at UCOP?  If so, you prayer hands will want to attend one of the upcoming Prayer Chaplain Informational meetings scheduled in the coming weeks.  Attendance is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commitment to serve.  Join us to explore whether being a Prayer Chaplain is the right path for you at this time.

Sunday, May 19th from  12:30-1:30 in the Peace Chapel

Tuesday, May 21st from 7:00-8:00 in Harmony Hall 2

Sunday, May 26th from 12:30-1:30 in the Peace Chapel

Does Unity Church of Overland Park feed you spiritually? Your gifts and tithes are greatly appreciated and lovingly accepted. Gifts are made through PayPal, a safe and secure way to make online donations. Make an online donation today. 
Get Involved 
Care & Support
About Us
Unity Church of Overland Park
10300 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, Kansas 66212
913.649.1750, www.ucop.org
We offer practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.