MAY 26TH, 


Wool & Honey banner

We cannot believe the turnout we had on Saturday night. Absolutely gobsmacked, we are. It was, BY FAR, the best day we have ever had. Ever. EVER. 

However, I woke up on Sunday morning feeling terrible.

There were so many of you who came out to support us and to wish us well on our anniversary (and brought us flowers!) and to buy yarn...and left without a goody bag, because silly us, we thought we'd have enough. 

We ran out within the first 30 minutes.

We are so embarrassed--some of you drove so far just to come to the party!--and we told you we had an extra special something for our special customers.

So. Give us a little time (another few weeks to re-order supplies)--we're putting together more of the goody bags for those who didn't get one.

We didn't have nearly enough time to chat with all of you (Betsy E. and Karen C., we didn't have the chance to tell you how gorgeous your shawls were!), so we are sure we're missing some of you. If you were at the party and didn't get one and your name is not on this list, please please PLEASE reply to this email and let us know that you would like one. 

Cathy B.
Judy B.
Pam B.
Karen C.
Betsy E.
Carol F.
April K.
Kay K.
Elizabeth K.
Marcie K.
Jill P.
Alison L.
Mary L.
Margaret S.

We'll send these goody bags out with next month's yarn club shipments (on June 15th) or you can pick them up on Saturday, June 13th.

A view from Saturday night--our BIG surprise....we're now fully stocking Quince & Co. Chickadee!

And the winners of the 3 giveaway kits are:

Betsy E.
Marcie K.
Alison L.

 * * * * *

We love you and all of the success Wool & Honey has had over the past 15 years would mean nothing without you. The past nine years that I've owned the shop have been the best years of my life. You've watched the store change and grow and you've each been a huge part of who I've become as a person. Thank you for welcoming Liz as my partner and Sasha as my daughter--you're our second family.

Here's to another 15 years together!

Melissa & Liz
Wool & Honey is a bricks-and-mortar yarn shop located in Cedar, MI,
just 15 minutes west of Traverse City,
smack dab in the middle of The Most Beautiful Place in America
We love cherries, wine, beautiful beaches and you guessed it--yarn. 
Can't stop in to see us?  We ship worldwide every day.