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The Professional's Corner

TLC's Katherine Thomas School


May 2015
In This Issue


Please join us for a presentation and tour of our K - 12 Programs at 9:30 a.m., or for a presentation and tour of our Prechool Program at 1:30 p.m.


June 2 

Space is limited. Please RSVP.

For more information.   

Marjorie Theard
Admissions Director

301.738.9691, ext. 177 




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Life is full of transitions.  Cathy Burgess, our Lower/Middle School Director, has decided to retire after this school year. We support Cathy's transition to this next stage of her life, but are saddened to lose her at KTS. Cathy has been a wonderful asset to KTS and the entire community. We will all miss her tireless enthusiasm, endless caring for students, and her sunny disposition. Fortunately we have secured a strong replacement, Pam Kaizar, as the new Lower/Middle School Director.  Pam will lead the next stage of our KTS history.

Please take a moment to read the attached letter to learn more about Cathy's departure, Pam's experience, and the transition process.  Please contact me if you have any questions. In the fall we will host a meet and greet for Pam.  I hope you will join us!  

Thank you!

Executive Director
The Treatment and Learning Centers


Let Your Voice Be Heard Contest

by Laura Wilson, Teacher

KTHS  held the first "Let Your Voice Be Heard Contest" on Tuesday, March 31st. It was a wonderful success!  Initially, staff were concerned whether students would be interested in participating.  We were thrilled that 22 students had completed projects in the areas of writing, art, and multi-media and over 20 staff participated in preparing, encouraging students, judging, setting up, and presenting awards. 


All students presented projects that explored different types of discrimination and expressed their ideas about what discrimination is, what it feels like, looks like, and ways to solve these issues. Certificates were given to each student who participated and prizes were awarded to the top student in each category: Diego G for writing (Power Point on discrimination in Africa), Noel E for his poster and poem on equality, and Isaias M for his multi-media project including a papier-m�ch� sculpture and essay on racial discrimination. 


Projects discussed discrimination related to differences in race, religion, gender, age, pay and disabilities.  Ideas were expressed in all forms including, a skit, an interview, posters, art, essays, and poems.  Students certainly showed grit and let their voices and hearts be heard.

KTS Preschool - Where Play Rules!

by Shawna Page, CCC-SLP

Preschool Program Coordinator


In the KTS preschool, a large portion of the day revolves around play, sensory and gross motor activities, social interactions, and of course, communication. Our preschoolers are 4 and 5 year olds and to any child this age, play is where learning occurs. 


Play is a child's language and in our classroom we respect this and use it to our advantage. We place a strong emphasis on developing each child's foundational capacities of shared attention, sensory and emotional regulation, reciprocity and the ability to sustain continuous back and forth communicative exchanges with a variety of adults and peers across all contexts. By addressing these foundational capacities we are creating the basis for becoming a group learner. 


We use interactive, hands-on, motivating activities based on the children's interests in order to reach their highest levels of understanding and application. Movement is also incorporated into many social experiences and academic lessons throughout the day as it motivates, regulates and increases engagement and reciprocity in our youngest learners.


If you ever visit our school, look to the far end of the building behind the double doors to see our learning space.  Here you will see students riding on tricycles as they search for letters, or playing hopscotch on a number line, or even dressed-up like superheroes, remember that this may just look like they are having fun, but really there is so much learning  being done.


MetLife Brings Snoopy into The Reading Classroom at KTS

When second grader, Benjamin, was having touble becoming inspired in his writing class, teacher Kathy Hartley and Senior Speech Language Pathologist Esther Goetz decided to call upon outside help.  A relative who works at MetLife brought in a Snoopy, the Metlife mascot, for Benjamin. When Benjamin was introduced him to his new "writing buddy," Snoopy, it was amazing!  Benjamin talked to Snoopy and told him the story about the picture he had chosen to write about and wrote and wrote a whole story on his paper!  This break through started Benjamin on a path to writing.  MetLife heard about this success and sent a Snoopys for every student in the class!


Outcomes Hosts Mock Interviews for KTHS Students

TLC utilizes the talents of staff across departments to support those we serve. Outcomes is a program of TLC that helps adults with disabilities live independently and find and keep jobs through supported employment.

Recently, mock interviews were conducted at Outcomes for nineteen high school juniors and seniors. Shelley McGinness, Transition Support Specialist organized the event with the assistance of other specialists at KTS. "Thank you all for the incredible opportunity that you provided for our students! You made this experience both realistic and comfortable for them." 

Students had the chance to shine and they all felt confident about how they presented themselves. Staff provided positive feedback, constructive criticism and plenty of encouragement to students. 

Sarah Shick, Intake Coordinator, leads the Transition Advocacy program at Outcomes. "Interviewing can be challenging.  Opportunities like these, where students have a chance to work through the process, are a great benefit to job seekers."

Thank you for your support of our school. We welcome your feedback! 


Rhona Schwartz, Director, KTS High School 

Cathy Burgess, Director, KTS Lower/Middle School