
     December 2013
In this Issue
Smart Commute Awards
Walk Friendly Designations
Spotlight on Smart Commute MRH Workplaces
News & Interesting Reads
Laughs for the Road
Season's Greetings
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Smart Commute Awards
  Congratulations to the winner of this year's Smart Commute MRH Employer of the Year award - the Town of Richmond Hill! 
L to R: Lindsay, Wincy, Basil, Flo (SCMRH), George Flint, Sundeep Virdi (Town of Richmond Hill), Kevin Phillips (URS; Vice Chair Advisory Committee), Megan Lui (Town of Richmond Hill)
The Town of Richmond Hill has been honoured with a Smart Commute Employer of the Year Award for 2013. This award recognizes outstanding leadership, commitment, effort and results in implementing the Smart Commute program, helping employees get to and from work sustainably and reducing single occupant vehicle use.

The Town has also made great strides in the continued implementation of their Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan with a network of more than 160 km of dedicated, signed, or shared, bike lanes. In addition, they have installed front entrance public bike parking at the main municipal building, plus 17 bike lockers at various community centres around Richmond Hill.  The Town has also increased the number of bike valet spots at community events, and continuously promotes active transportation through their Shift Gears cycling campaign and maps.


Mayor Dave Barrow says, "The benefits of active transportation are endless; we hope that we can inspire the community to take advantage of the many safe, convenient, healthy and earth-friendly ways to get around Richmond Hill". 


Way to go Richmond Hill!

Markham and Richmond Hill recognized  in the WALK Friendly Awards!

Canada Walks, a national organization, created the WALK Friendly designation award in hopes of encouraging municipalities to be more pedestrian friendly.


Among the winners, the Town of Richmond Hill achieved a bronze designation and the City of Markham received an honourable mention for their efforts to encourage pedestrians to walk in their communities.




More than 150 participants from across Ontario attended Linking for Healthy Communities: Collaborating for Change, learning and sharing new strategies that would support healthy communities.

To apply for the designation, communities were required to report their progress on more than 200 key walkability indicators. It included sidewalk policies, connected walking infrastructure, progressive design standards, street festivals, public art, staff training and citizen engagement. 
Congrats to both municipalities! 
To read more Click Here

Spotlight on Smart Commute MRH Workplaces
Elgin Mills Professional Centre
Elgin Mills Professional Centre wrapped up their baseline survey this month.  Sophia Cao was the survey winner of an HBC gift card.
CAA South Central Ontario

CAA South Central Ontario completed their follow-up survey.  From left to right: Gina Banwait (Community Relations Specialist)Jennifer McCue (Prize Winner), and Basil Marcello
Johnson & Johnson Medical Company
Asmath Haniffa won the follow-up survey prize for Johnson & Johnson Medical Company. From Left to Right: Lindsay, Asmath Haniffa, 
Max Iglesias, Wincy
YRT/Viva Yonge Line Information Session
 Nimisha Raja & Flo McLellan participated in the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) information session for the new Yonge line in Richmond Hill. 
Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce
The Smart Commute team posing with Mayor Barrow at the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce holiday party. 
News & Interesting Reads
  • Check out our new Facebook Page for daily traffic updates, community reminders and interesting reads!
  • Check out CivicAction's "What Would you do for 32?" campaign and pledge to support greater investment in our regional transportation system Link
  • York Region using new technology as part of its winter roads maintenance program Read
  • Ever think about life without your car? This Courtice woman gave up her automobile, lost 63lbs and gained $675 a month. Pretty inspiring! Read 
  • What it takes to sell biking to North Americans Read
  • Safe winter driving begins before you get into your car and start your engine. Take an afternoon to get your car ready for winter driving. Read

  • An invisible helmet? Now there's a fashion statement! Read
  • According to a recent study, living near good transit may make you a happier person Read
  • Wondering if you're eligible for a Public Transit Tax Credit? Check out this helpful video by Canada Revenue Agency
    Public Transit Tax Credit
    Public Transit Tax Credit

Laughs for the Road!


Smart Commute Markham, Richmond Hill is trying to lighten the traffic conversation by providing weekly commuter comics.  


 Make sure to check our Facebook page each Thursday for a new Commuter Comic! 


Season's Greetings!


Smart Commute Markham, Richmond Hill would like to wish you happy holidays and a sustainable new year! Want to save time, save money and be more productive next year? Contact the SCMRH office to find out your commute options for 2014 and make your resolution a sustainable one!   

What is Smart Commute Markham, Richmond Hill?


Smart Commute is a sustainable transportation program of the municipalities of Markham and Richmond Hill, York Region and Metrolinx. We help local employers and commuters, like you, explore different commute choices like carpooling, cycling and transit. 


Our goal is to ease gridlock, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while making your commute less expensive 

and more enjoyable.