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September, 2013

Hopefully you've now had a chance to view the new and improved website, and if you haven't, you can view it here!

What's New?

Owner Makes New Record!

Owner of Domestique Tours by Shuttleguy, Tym Allison, made his own great strides in the world of bicycling recently and reached new goals:
"In my ride today (September 11th, 2013), I exceeded 1000 miles in the past two months. The most in a season since I biked across the US when I was 25. And set a new personal 40k speed record for the year too. A great way to overcome a difficult day."
Bravo Tym, what an accomplishment and inspiration for many!
Lost Item
Lost Item!

Upon cleaning out the lost and found bins to finish up this season of tours, a pair of glasses were discovered.

For those of you who may suggest we contact Racheal Bordayo, we are unable to locate any record of her joining Shuttleguy, or being with us on a tour!

So, if anyone has any information please contact us!


Featured Rider: Kathi Baird and Dale Trone

Dale complete his first 50 mile when he was 13 years old, using the brakes on his two speed bike to change gears. After that, he completed a 75 mile journey, and the rest is history.

Kathi always had a bike, but "never what [Dale] did," in fact, Dale was the one that encouraged Kathi to begin riding. When Kathi began riding, however, she did have one large obstacle to overcome: "The bikes just weren't built for women. My bike was bigger than I was.

I almost quit. The sizing was poor, there were no specific bikes for women.

So in the mid-90s when they began to fit better, I just took off when women were finally catered for."

However, that wouldn't be the last obstacle that Kathi, and Dale for that matter, would face.

Dale chuckles as he says, "On our first tour, we almost killed each other."

Fortunately, they both made it through intact, and now, they've toured almost 30 states together. "The midwest is good," Kathi notes, and Dale adds: "Touring is a frat.

You start meeting people, and then you keep running into them. You talk and trade stories and you grow to develop bonds with these people. It is an interesting society, but we love it."

Sadly, the time to interview Dale and Kathi was cut short by the allure of great beer and delicious cheese on this August's BREW Tour, but one thing was clear during the time that I did have with these two:

Bicycle tours start out as a new adventure in fresh territory.

But they grow to become something so much more touching and profound. The camaraderie between riders is heartwarming, the bonds that are forged are lasting, and the memories made are priceless.

Domestique Tours by Shuttleguy thanks Kathi and Dale, and wishes them well!

 Links of the Month:

Each month we will be passing on a few links that we think you might enjoy or find useful!
Hoping to impress someone with your expansive grasp of theoretical and applied mechanics? Just want to explain why a bike can stay upright? Then you should check out this fascinating Ted Talk about why bikes can stay upright while being ridden!

 However, if you're not feeling that cerebral, perhaps a video chock full of tips on how to stay warm while riding in cooler climates is for you: 

 (click on the image to view the video)

Doemstique Tours by Shuttleguy specializes in superior bicycle touring services for bicyclists with discriminating taste. Let us make life easy for you this summer on one of the many tours we support.  
Tym Allison
Domestique Tours by Shuttleguy