Salud y Saludos
Salud y SaludosFebruary 2013
In This Issue
Rehab Counseling
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Public Health
El Paso Children's Hospital
Health Sciences MDA Walk Team
New Building 
Calendar of events

March 9, 2013 at 8:00am

In the News 
Public Health Graduate Student Paves Way for Women in STEM

Campus Leaders Offer Tips to Mitigate Windstorm Effects
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From the Dean's Desk 
Dean Curtis
February has been buzzing with activity.  Not only are our faculty and staff active in the community and conferences across the state and nation, this is also the season for applications and admissions to our professional programs.  With increasing popularity among our available fields, we are proud to offer so many programs that provide education required for the forecasted top careers of the 21st century:


U.S. News and World Report projects the best employment opportunities annually.  Two of our nine programs (Physical Therapy and Pharmacy) are in the top ten  Best Jobs of 2013 and another five  programs (Occupational Therapy, Clinical Laboratory Science, Master of Public Health, Speech Language Pathology and Master of Social Work) are included  in the  U.S News and World Report 100 Best Jobs of 2013.This translates into solid job opportunities and the brightest of futures for the UTEP students who are preparing to join the next generation of the health care workforce!  


Health Sciences Degrees
Click here

UTEP is uniquely positioned to provide bilingual, bicultural 21st century health professionals to serve our growing population. Our professional education programs contribute hundreds of key personnel to clinical practice and leadership roles in our regional health care system.  Approximately 2/3 of the graduates of our programs fill key roles that contribute to the health of our regional community. The remaining 1/3 seek opportunities outside of the area and offer their skills to employers nation-wide. We are immensely proud of the contributions that our graduates make to their professional fields and enjoy hearing from our alumni about their achievements and experiences.


Watch for more details in future issues of the newsletter featuring stories about our alumni and community partners who create opportunities for our students and offer key services within our regional community.


Go Miners!


Rehabilitation Counseling Faculty Working with NIDRR 

Since 2010, the faculty members of the Master's of Rehabilitation Counseling program have been working with investigators from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Stout, and Michigan State University on a project funded by the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The Rehabilitation Research & Training Center: Evidence-Based Practice in Vocational Rehabilitation (RRTC-EBP-VR) is designed to generate knowledge and evidenced based vocational rehabilitation practices that improve employment rates, and quality of employment for persons with disabilities.


Through collaboration with key stakeholders (VR, community partners, rehabilitation researchers, families and individuals with disabilities), the RRTC engages in a comprehensive research process to identify, study and exchange essential elements that contribute to successful outcomes. The RRTC recently completed data collection aimed at answering two questions: 1) "What are the best models of effective practice, policy and procedures among state VR agencies that result in the effective delivery of services to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve employment outcomes?" and 2) "What are the specific best practices approaches that appear to be evidence-based and transportable to other state VR agencies? Intensive case studies were conducted with four state vocational rehabilitation agencies during which interviews were conducted with administration, managers, supervisors and rehabilitation counselors. The RRTC research team is in the process of reviewing documentation provided by the state vocational rehabilitation agencies and analyzing the transcripts from the interviews. Over the next six months, the findings from the four agencies will be developed into a single report intended provide agencies across the country with practices that can be integrated into existing practices toward improving employment rates and the quality of employment for persons with disabilities.


Very Active Physical Therapy Professors and Students

Three Physical Therapy Professors Present at National Conference


Three members of the Physical Therapy program's faculty presented posters at the annual American Physical Therapy Association's Combined Sections Meeting in San Diego, CA, January 21-24.  


Dr. Connie White



Dr. Conny White presented her poster, Assessment of the Acromiohumeral Distance during Isometric Shoulder External Rotation with and without Adduction in Healthy Participants.





   Dr. Loretta Dillon



Dr. Loretta Dillon presented her poster, Creating an Innovative Interprofessional Environment during a Simulated Hospital Day.






Dr. Celia Pechak presented her poster Capacity Building in Guatemala: Lessons Learned from an Early Partnership Between Universidad Mariano Galvez and Health Volunteers Overseas.


Congratulations to all three professors for representing UTEP well!



Physical Therapy Students Attend National Conference 

PT students from the Class of 2013 were afforded the option to attend this year's American Physical Therapy Association's Combined Sections Meeting in San Diego, CA from January 21st to the 24th. Six students took advantage of this opportunity to network with Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, and fellow students from throughout the country and beyond.

PT Students

Students from Class of 2013 meet World Confederation for Physical Therapy President Dr. Marilyn Moffat while attending the Global Health Reception at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in January 2013.


The annual Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) focuses on programming designed by all 18 of APTA's specialty sections. CSM 2013 brought together more than 9,000 physical therapy professionals from around the nation for several stimulating days of exceptional programming, networking opportunities, and an exhibit hall filled with products and services in San Diego.

PT Students

Students from Class of 2013 and Texas PT Association President & UTEP Adjunct Faculty Dr. Cynthia Fisher at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in January 2013.



Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Ferraro

Dr. Ferraro was selected as a mentee for the Texas Physical Therapy Association's (TPTA) inaugural Tom Waugh Leadership Development Program (TWLDP). The TWLDP Program is named after longtime member (40 years), Tom Waugh. Tom was active in the association during his many years of practice as a physical therapist in the El Paso area. He was known across the United States due to his many years as a Delegate for the Texas Chapter at the American Physical Therapy Association's House of Delegates. Everyone who knew him felt his passion for the profession and Leadership Development. He mentored many students and professionals throughout the years. Tom passed away in April, 2012 after battling cancer.      

Fourteen of the sixteen selected mentees were represented at the TPTA's Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX. 
TPTA members

The goal of the TWLD program is to provide a structured mechanism by which members become more familiar with both leadership opportunities and operations of the TPTA and become encouraged to increase participation.  Completion of Phase I of the program means that a member has received personalized mentorship to facilitate a higher level of  involvement with TPTA at both the local and state levels. Completion of Phase II means that a person is recognized as having leadership capacity and is ready to assume any of a number of leadership roles in the TPTA. It will take two years to complete both phases.



Congratulations to Dr. Melissa Carroll

Dr. Melissa Carroll Dr. Carroll was accepted to and participated in the Assessment Residency of the American Society of Microbiology (ASM)/National Science Foundation (NSF) Biology Scholars Program. The Biology Scholars Program was developed with the support of the National Science Foundation under grant number DUE-1022542 and is sponsored by ASM with support from the NSF, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and American Association for the Advancement of Science BioSciEdNet Collaborative.


Making Plans to Attend AOTA Annual Conference 

The MOT Program is off to a busy start this spring semester!


MOT Program faculty Melissa Carroll and Kathy Lawson were accepted to present a poster entitled The Intermingled History of Occupational Therapy and Anatomical Education - A Retrospective Exploration at the Experimental Biology 2013 Conference in Boston, MA in April.


Katherine Lawson, OTR, PhD (c) and Dr. Guillermina Solis in the School of Nursing received a $5000 grant to conduct the study, Preventing Fall Injuries in El Paso Women.


Dr. Eugenia Gonzalez, PhD, OTR received a $5000 University Research Institute (URI) grant to conduct the study, The Health Effects of a Writing Intervention for Mothers of Children with Disabilities.


Representatives from the Executive Council of PT and OT Examiners (ECPTOTE) and the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners (TBOTE) met with OT and PT students on January 31, 2013 to discuss licensing processes and procedures and ethical practices in the clinic.


The MOT Program is in the process of reviewing application materials for the incoming class of 2015. Interviews took place in February, and the program anticipates admitting 24 qualified and talented applicants to begin their OT studies this May.


Most MOT program faculty and a number of students are planning to attend the American Occupational Therapy Association's Annual Conference and Expo in San Diego in April. This is a valuable time for faculty to gain additional knowledge and skills in their areas of teaching, research and service, while providing students with important opportunities for networking and professional development.


Kinesiology Club 

The Kinesiology (KIN) Club is off to a great start this semester. They communicated with school children and parents about UTEP and the Kinesiology Club at Harmony School of Innovation Spirit Night on January 31, 2013. Students in their booth handed out posters, jump ropes, and informational coloring books with stickers.  


Next, the KIN Club, AKA the Ballers, got active and joined the UTEP Recreation Center Intramural Coed Basketball league. The Ballers played their first game on February 14 and won! The next game will be on February 21st. Go KIN!


Another great community event for KIN Club was at the Young Achievers Forum (YAF) on February 16. This event was held throughout the UTEP campus,  teaching college readiness to over 1,000 sixth graders in the El Paso community, including middle schoolers from as far out as Fort Hancock and Tornillo. The KIN Club hosted activities in 5 different locations in which 5 separate 20-minute activities were conducted by our enthusiastic Kinesiology students. Activities included a short lecture on health, fitness, and exercise. This was followed by stretching warm-ups, as well as Frisbee, football, hula-hoop, and jump rope activities.
Kinesiology Club

CLS Student is Awarded Prestigious Scholarship  

Anguiano Stephanie

Stephanie Anguiano, a senior in the Clinical Laboratory Science program, is a recipient of a 2012-2013 Siemens-American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to only 50 of the nation's top undergraduate clinical laboratory science students who are in their final year of study from a NAACLS accredited clinical laboratory science program. The selection criterion for this award is based on GPA, professional goals, leadership abilities, and community activities. The Siemens - ASCP Scholarship Program was established in 2003 to help defray education costs, promote medical laboratory science as a rewarding career, and to help address the workforce shortage of qualified laboratory professionals. Our congratulations go out to Stephanie for receiving this award.


Health Promotion Among Young Achievers

The Department of Public Health Sciences was represented at the Young Achievers Forum on Saturday, February 16. The event, organized by Communidad en Accion that brought more than 1,100 6th-grade students from different school districts in El Paso to learn about careers in STEM, Medical Sciences, Business & Finances, Education & Liberal Arts, Health and Fitness. Dr. Maria Duarte, Professor and Department Chair, and Cynthia Chavez, Senior in the Health Promotion Program, presented the topic My Healthy Plate at the event in where more than 150 students participated in 20 minutes sessions. The concept of balanced meals was introduced using My Plate, a model that illustrates the five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet. Students worked in groups and each group used a variety of food replicas from the different food groups to build a healthy plate that represented breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The importance of consuming daily balanced meals and engaging in a physical activity program to prevent obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases was addressed throughout the session. Health Promotion student Cynthia Chavez demonstrated the sugar, fat, and salt content of common foods and emphasized on the importance of reducing the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, high fat and high sodium foods so all younger and adult populations can increase their chances to live longer and healthier lives.

           Health Promotion

El Paso Children's Hospital Visits UTEP 
The College of Health Sciences hosted our colleagues from El Paso Children's Hospital (EPCH) for a lunch and tour gathering on February 4, 2013.  EPCH representatives from various departments gathered information on UTEP's health professions education program curricula and requirements and took the opportunity to discuss student clinical placements at EPCH.  During the tour, our colleagues visited our state-of-the-art facilities for the education of future health care professionals. We look forward to working closely with EPCH in the future as together we address the needs of El Paso's children.  

 El Paso Children's Hospital Visit


MDA Muscle Walk
Join the UTEP-College of Health Sciences for the MDA Muscle Walk at Sunland Park Mall on Saturday, March 9 at 8:00AM.  To donate to our team or to join our team, please click here