 Doug Butler and his family recently established the Butler Family Scholarship Fund at Servite to provide ongoing tuition assistance for students whose parents cannot afford tuition. The Fund is part of a series of endowed funds Servite seeks to address the ongoing need to help approximately 30% of Servite students who need more than $1.3 million in tuition assistance each year to attend Servite. For those who pledge or contribute $50,000 or more to the Servite Endowment Program, Servite allows for named fund accounts. If you would like more information about establishing an endowed fund at Servite, please contact Mr. Steve Beaird, VP of Advancement,, or 714-774-7575 x1168. Thank you Doug for leaving a legacy for future generations of Servite students! |
...Steffanie Early and Jomylene Ruiz to the Advancement Staff. Steffanie is Annual Giving Director taking over for Marjan Dunn who, due to family circumstances, is taking over her late mother's restaurant business.
Steffanie will work with Kelly Boulger '73 on the Alumni Association and direct annual giving appeals. She is a Notre Dame grad who previously worked at the Irvine Public Schools Foundation and is mother of Servite freshman Michael '18.
Jo Ruiz is Advancement Events Director who will assist alumni in organizing reunions and other alumni events. Previously, she was director of special events at United Way and is married to Kevin Ruiz '95. We are delighted to welcome them to the Servite family and hope you will too.
They can be reached at: (714-774-7575 x1127), or (714-7747575 x1604).
Servite recognized Spanish voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers, Jaime Jarrin and Todd Hart '81 at the Fifth Annual Excellence in Leadership Dinner March 28th. Jarrin received the National Leader Award for excellence in his 56 years of broadcasting for the Dodgers and for his work to help Latino youth receive a quality education. Servite is starting a scholarship in his name for Latino students to receive tuition assistance at Servite.
Todd Hart received the Distinguished Alumnus Award for his example in battling a life-threatening college football injury. Six alumni who aided his recovery - Paul Kelly '81, Brian Molloy '81, Jeff Mook '81, Gene Ramos '81, Kurt Sardella '79, and John Stoody '81 - received the first Brotherhood Award. The Class of 1981 presented a ceremonial check for $29,100 in honor of Todd.
If you would like to see one of the most shining examples of Servite brotherhood click here to watch the Todd Hart story.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Sixth Excellence in Leadership Dinner will be March 19, 2016.
The Servite Legacy Advisory Board is hosting a dinner for alumni and parents Wednesday, May 13th at the Summit House Restaurant in Fullerton, 5:30 pm social, 6:30 pm dinner. Estate planning attorney Don Hunsberger (father of Evan '03) and CPA Gary Belz '71 will present Charitable and Estate Planning opportunities. Key topics include: tax-favored trusts, charitable planning for business succession, how to pass on highly appreciated assets. Seating is limited to 60 guests. RSVP to Cherise in the Advancement Office, 714-774-7575 x1140, or
Don Hunsberger Gary Belz '71
Thank you to all Alumni who made a pledge or donation to the Servite Annual Fund. Thank you especially to members of the Class of 1976 for inspiring a spirit of competition between classes to stimulate giving participation.
So far, the leaders in the class giving competition are:
- 1971 - 18%
- 1972 & 1976 - 16%
- 1973 - 15%
- 1962 & 1975 - 11%
Honorable mention: 1988, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1980, 1964. It's not too late to send in your gift or pledge. Servite will host a pizza and beverage party at a future alumni event for the class with highest participation.
Click here to accept the Class Competition Challenge and make a 100% tax-deductible gift online at Thank you for helping Servite form young men into the next generation of faith-filled leaders.

The 2015 Friar Baseball season is under way. Come out for an upcoming home game and enjoy the company of other alumni at a post game social. The Alumni Office is hosting alumni socials following these games: Friday, April 17 3:15 pm v. Orange Lutheran
Tuesday, May 12 3:15 pm v. Mater Dei RSVP for Alumni socials to , 714-774-7575 x1604. |

Congratulations to members of the classes of 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993 and 2003 celebrating milestone birthdays! The Advancement Office encourages celebration of your special new year. If you would like to have help coordinating a 'Milestone Birthday Party,' please contact Advancement Events Director, Mrs. Jo Ruiz, 714-774-7575 x1604, She can provide updated class lists and assist in coordinating arrangements with hotels and restaurants.

Don't miss your chance to have a piece of Servite history and to have this beautiful representation of motherly love in your home! Order online at
 Calling all Servite Volleyball Alumni! You are invited to the Volleyball Alumni game Saturday, April 11th! JV vs. F/S Scrimmage 10:00am Varsity vs. Alumni 11:00am April 8, 2015. |
Members of the classes of 1977, 1985 and 2004 may want to rejoice in the presentation of one of their classmates at the Hall of Fame Banquet Thursday, May 28that Orange Hill Restaurant. Inductees include Jon Weiglin '77, Doug Beuerlein '85 and Adam Hewko '04. For tickets and more information, contact Ann Cross in the Athletics Office, 714-774-7575 x1119.
The field of legends is taking shape for the annual Legends Golf Tournament Monday, June 8th at Yorba Linda Country Club. 36 foursomes will fill the field of play. Beuerlein Bingo, raffles, silent auction, breakfast burritos will all be part of the fun. Call Ann Cross in the Athletics Office, 714-774-7575 x1119 to reserve your foursome or register online here.
The Servite Alumni Office would like to host a reunion planning committee social for classes with milestone reunions: 1965, 1975, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2005, 2010. If you are interested in helping plan your class reunion, please contact Mrs. Jo Ruiz, or 714-774-7575 x1138. Servite assists classes planning reunions by providing a class list with address, phone numbers and emails; sending reunion notices; suggesting venues for dinners/lodging/reunion activities; providing class displays and prizes at reunions.
Servite will host a fall event for classes wanting to tie their reunion to the Mater Dei game weekend, October 22 - 25. Stay tuned for more details.

We wish you and your family Easter blessings and pledge our ongoing prayer support at Mass and prayer services of the Servite community.
(This portion of the Alumni Newsletter is written by Alumni during phone conversations with Servite Advancement staff. We'll be calling you!)
Marc Woods '65 is taking over Database Management duties in the Servite Advancement Office. The greatest need is to fill missing contact information for alumni which is part of a major focus to reconnect alumni with Servite and each other, and to send reunion and other event notices and communication.
Last fall, Mark Baker '74 participated in an ultramarathon, a 100 km trail run with 17,000 feet of climbing. He has participated in five Ironman competitions. He and his wife Lisa were married by Father Fitz+ in 1985. They have three daughters and live in Hawaii.
Fr. Michael St. Paul '77 has been pastor at St. Polycarp Church in Stanton for the past four years.
John Ashbrook '85 is a Managing Director with FMV Opinions, Inc. in Irvine where he just celebrated an 11 year work anniversary. He graduated from USC in 1990, and Notre Dame in 1997 (MBA ), spent a few years working in New York, then moved back to California. He resides in Laguna Niguel, and has a son Garrett who attends JSerra High School.
Mike Butier '85 graduated from LMU in 1990 in graphic design and started Butier Design in 2002. He and his wife of 20 years live in Laguna Niguel with their two children, ages 16 & 14.
James Vanderpool '89 is City Manager for the City of Buena Park.
Martin Ayala Jr. '95 is the creator and producer of Tony Pitch Comics, a free online comic about soccer. He is a Talent Scout for First Wave Sports Marketing.
Matthew Mallard '95 recently moved to Australia, where his wife is from. Currently, he is the Research and Reference Librarian for the Redland City Council. He and his wife welcomed their first daughter, Hannah, December 3, 2014.
Dr. Nick Golda '97 is Assistant Director of Dermatology and Director of Dermatology Surgery at the university of Missouri School of Medicine. He and his wife, Stephanie, enjoy living there with their two children.
Chris Blanco '03 is Player Personnel Scout for the Houston Texans in the NFL.
Chris Kanne '04 married Marissa Denny from Austin, Texas on March 28th. She also graduated from LMU.
Andrew LaForge '08 completed a Masters Degree at Stanford and is now CEO of Fotobom, an iPhone app that is live on the Apple App Store. Fotobom is an app that makes cutting edge photo editing tools fun, accessible, and easy-to-use. Check it out at:
Vincente Ciancio '12 organized a 'Hack for Homeless' event at Santa Clara University. Companies donated cell phones that students coded smartphone apps to help homeless individuals find services, food and shelter.