Thursday, March 16,  2016
                                     Winter Edition 293

"To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it. But we must not drift or lie at anchor."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes


"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will themselves not be realized. Make big plans' aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once reordered will not die." 

-Daniel H Turnham
"The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder."

-Thomas Carlyle


"All external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." 

-Steve Jobs


I'm back. 

My last ski vacation of the year is over. I'll miss skiing, but I sure am glad to be back at work.  Yes, I enjoy my work and my clients. 

Tonight I am giving a keynote speech, and it's local, so many of my friends will be in attendance. Phew, they will 'critique' me for sure. 

The weather is breaking, people are thinking of being outside more, boats, tennis, golf, and picnics.  So, let's get a lot of work done now, right now, so we can enjoy the good weather. 

Accountability has been a big issue of late. Those who have someone to hold them accountable get more done, are happier, and more successful.  Be sure you have someone, not a close friend or a family member, that you can be accountable to and who will hold you accountable. You may well be surprised at what you can and will accomplish. 

I have two spots open for Friday morning accountability coaching if you can't find someone else. If interested, call or email and we can discuss it. 


Russell signature  




Author, Speaker, Navigator 


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You don't quit skiing because you're old, you're old because you quit skiing 

I saw the above sign on a T-shirt in Park City where I am now skiing. 

At lunch we saw a woman who appeared to be well over seventy. We asked her friend how old she was. She told us the woman was going to be eighty the next month.  

At what age should we stop doing certain things? At what age should we start?

Me, I believe age is only a number. We are as young and as old as we feel we are, and we act based on how we feel. 

There are many 'old' people who are still very active. Many ski into their 80's and some beyond. Some drive at 100.  Some graduate from college in their 70's and 80's. 

Sure, skiing is dangerous, and as we age we might not want to do a double black diamond nor ski on a busy Saturday when the injury rate is high. But, we can still ski if we are so inclined. 

Keeping up a sport as we age is great. Because we want to be active and engaged, we also take better care of our bodies. We eat better, and we exercise.  Exercise is both for the body and the mind. 

Think of the people you know who decided, too early, that they were old and had to give things up. Then, what did they do? They sat around bored waiting to die. That's no way to live, that's not living. 

Engage with life until the last day. Engage with activities you enjoy, be it skiing, cards, volunteering, or reading.  Help others. 

Years ago my son, Chris, and I were playing golf in a tournament and Chris's opponent was about 85 years old.  Chris could hit the ball 250 yards off the tee and his opponent could only hit the ball 125 yards off the tee. 

Chris looked at me and smiled, he was going to win. Fast forwarding several holes Chris was losing each hole. Sure, the older gentleman could no longer hit the ball as long as he used to, yet he was accurate. He had skill and experience on his side. The older gentleman easily won. He made few, if any, errors. 

As we age, we may no longer qualify for the Olympics. But, who cares? As long as we can enjoy what we are doing, why, that is all that matters. We have nothing to prove to the world. Oh, but we do have to prove to ourselves we are living, living each day to the fullest.