Every month, JINSA has various events around the country. Now you can find out about all these events in one place and add them to your personal calendar. This calendar is updated frequently so check back often to see when JINSA is holding an event near you!
Gemunder Center Associate Director and Policy Analyst Author Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal on the Threat of Iranian Cruise Missiles
On February 21, Gemunder Center Associate Director Jonathan Ruhe and Policy Analyst Blake Fleisher authored an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal on why the focus on Tehran's ballistic missiles overlooks the fact that Iran already possesses cruise missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead. Neither the nuclear agreement, nor the U.N. Security Council resolution endorsing it, mention cruise missiles despite the threat they pose.
Chief Llanes and JINSA's Steve Pomerantz speaking to leaders and friends in Miami.
On February 12, Miami Police Chief Rodolfo Llanes briefed JINSA leaders and friends on his participation in the 2015 Law Enforcement Exchange Program and the current national threat situation. He was joined by JINSA Director of Counter Terrorism, Steve Pomerantz.
Ambassador Alberto M. Fernandez, Vice President of the Middle East Media Research Institute, explains the elements of ISIS appeal and how to combat them in this article for The Journal of International Security Affairs. The new issue of The Journal will be released over the course of the next several months. Stay tuned for more articles coming soon!
On February 10, JINSA CEO Dr. Michael Makovsky spoke to a large group of RJC members in Sarasota, Florida. He addressed Obama's foreign policy and the challenges of U.S. foreign policy going forward.
Jeff M. Smith, Kraemer Strategy Fellow and Director of South Asian Security Programs at the American Foreign Policy Council, reviews The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower by China expert Michael Pillsbury.
JINSA is currently seeking full and part time interns. The Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy and JINSA's Outreach Department both have opportunities available.