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Makovsky in Washington Post
Houston Leadership Cabinet
JINSA Base Visit: Edwards Air Force Base
Leadership Conference Call w/ Sen. Talent
South Florida Leadership Cabinet
NY Leadership Cabinet
Makovsky Quoted in Washington Post
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JINSA National Leadership
June 9-10

JINSA National Leadership Meetings are open to JINSA leaders from the Patron level up to the Chairman's Circle level. Registration is $100 per person. To RSVP, please contact Andrea Smith at [email protected] or 202-524-5501.

Click here to download the registration forms

Upcoming Events
New York Leadership Cabinet - April 29


Major General Yaacov Ayish - Israeli Defense Attach� to the U.S. and Canada


Los Angeles Leadership Cabinet - April 29 


Rear Admiral Karl Schultz - Commander, Eleventh Coast Guard District

To learn more about these events, please click here 

JINSA Online Events Calendar 
Every month, JINSA has various events around the country. Now you can find out about all these events in one place and add them to your personal calendar. This calendar is updated frequently so check back often to see when JINSA is holding an event near you!


March 2014

JINSA's Michael Makovsky Quoted on Iran in the Washington Post 
On March 18, Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post wrote: "Mike Makovsky, chief executive of the pro-Israel group JINSA, tells Right Turn: 'The international sanctions regime is eroding, and with it crucial leverage of the United States and its P5+1 partners. Iran could earn $12 billion alone or more in oil exports revenue from the November initial agreement through July, when the deal expires, versus if sanctions were still in place.'"

Click here to read the full article 

Amb. Bolton Says "JINSA Has the Answers" 
On Wednesday, March 19, JINSA supporters Natasha and Michael Bleyzer hosted a high-profile group of JINSA leaders and friends at their home in Houston. The program featured JINSA Board of Advisors member Ambassador John Bolton and JINSA CEO Dr. Michael Makovsky discussing the critical issues of Iran and the Middle East. Host Michael Bleyzer also gave an important update on the continuing events in the Ukraine, where he is originally from.

Click here to read more about the event

JINSA Visits Edwards Air Force Base 
JINSA Leaders at Edwards Air Force Base in front of a
Global Hawk UAV surveillance aircraft
A group of JINSA leaders visited Edwards Air Force Base on March 25 & 26. The program began with dinner the evening before, where JINSA hosted senior officers from Edwards AFB. The group spent the night on the base and the following day featured high-level briefings, interactions with young Air Force personnel, observations of base activities, and other one-of-a-kind experiences. Stay tuned for a more detailed account of this exclusive trip!

Leadership Conference Call with Senator Jim Talent
On Tuesday, March 6, JINSA's National Leadership participated in an exclusive conference call briefing by Senator Jim Talent. Senator Talent served on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees and specializes in military readiness issues. The Senator spoke about defense budget cuts and their impact on U.S. national security.

Click here to learn more about becoming a member of JINSA's National Leadership 

Maj. Gen. Sid Shachnow, USA (ret.) Speaks to Capacity Crowd in Florida
On Monday, March 10, JINSA leaders Les and Beth Adler hosted a capacity crowd of JINSA leaders and friends at Temple Beth Am in Pinecrest, Florida. The program featured JINSA Board of Advisors member Major General Sid Shachnow, USA (ret.) who gave a thought provoking speech on the rules of engagement in war.

Click here to read more about the event

Medal of Honor Recipient Speaks to JINSA Leaders in New York City
On Tuesday, March 11th, Colonel Jack Jacobs spoke to JINSA leaders and friends at the Yale Club in New York City regarding his views on the current national security environment.

Click here to read more about the event

JINSA's Makovsky Quoted in the Washington Post 

On March 3, in the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin wrote: "Michael Makovsky, CEO of pro-Israel JINSA, commented on the president's anti-Israel diatribe: 'This public blast right now against Israel was not only unwarranted and unjust, but clearly counterproductive, making the motivation suspicious. But it should nicely lift the spirits of Iran and other enemies.'"


Click here to read the full article

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