Should U.S. Policy Change?
Preventing a Nuclear Iran in
the Age of Rouhani

JINSA invites you to a panel discussion of the first report issued by the Iran Task Force with:

Ambassador Dennis Ross

Iran Task Force Co-Chairman and former special assistant to President Obama and NSC Senior Director for the Central Region


Steve Rademaker

Former Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control

and Nonproliferation


John Hannah

Former National Security Adviser to U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney


Ray Takeyh

Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign Relations


Mortimer Zuckerman, Moderator

Editor in Chief of U.S. News & World Report and Publisher of

the New York Daily News


Introduction by

Dr. Michael Makovsky

JINSA Chief Executive Officer


Please join us on September 4, 2013


1307 New York Ave, NW 

(Intersection of 13th St., H St., & New York Ave. NW)

Large Conference Hall

Washington, DC 20005

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


JINSA has formed the Iran Task Force to address the challenges to U.S. national security of Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability. The task force will examine the strategic, economic and military options available to the United States and develop a robust U.S. strategy to prevent a nuclear Iran. The first capstone report will be available on September 4th on JINSA's website. Further reports will be issued this year on the options available to the United States and its allies as they pursue the goal of "zero enrichment" for the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Click here to register for the panel 


For media inquires, please contact Jamie Cetrone at [email protected] 


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