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     March 2013

In This Issue
LA Cabinet Briefing
Shelley Berkley
Law Enforcement Exchange Program
JINSA Report #1141
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2012 Annual Report

JINSA Members Visit Air Force Special Operations Command at Hurlburt Field 
AFSOC On March 21st-22nd, the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) hosted JINSA officers and members at Hurlburt Field, Florida as part of JINSA's Base Visit Program.  The visit provided an excellent opportunity for the JINSA group to gain a greater understanding of AFSOC operations and capabilities in support of current military operations as well as the sacrifices made by military families. Among the highlights of the trip, the group had lunch with airmen from various AFSOC units, observed hand-to-hand combat training and pre-SCUBA diving exercises for Combat Controller Training. The group also toured PC-12, AC-130U, and CV-22 aircraft.

Click here to take a look!

USAF Commander of Space and Missile Systems Center Briefs JINSA's Los Angeles Cabinet 
Pawlikowski On March 10, in Beverly Hills, Lt. Gen. Ellen M. Pawlikowski presented a briefing to JINSA Los Angeles Cabinet members and guests. Lt. Gen. Pawlikowski, Commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center of the Air Force's Space Command, addressed the health of U.S.-Israel cooperative missile defense programs - including Iron Dome, David's Sling, and the Arrow System - as well as American missile defense programs. She discussed the likely impacts of the severe defense budget reductions and the additional deep cuts made necessary by the budget sequestration.

Click here to learn more about JINSA's Los Angeles Cabinet

Announcement of New Board of Advisors Member Shelley Berkley appears in the National Journal

Berkley Former U.S. Representative Shelley Berkley join the Board of Advisors this month. Berkley, a Democrat who represented Nevada's 1st District from 1999 to 2013, had been a consistently strong supporter of U.S. national security and a closer U.S.-Israel strategic relationship.

Click here to read the article in the National Journal 

Check out JINSA's Blog: The Sentry

The Sentry is a forum for new thinking on foreign and defense policy. The blog is updated regularly from several different authors and many subjects.

Click here to take a look! 

Coverage of JINSA's Law Enforcement Exchange Program  

Jacobs ABC Last month's Law Enforcement Exchange Program was featured by media outlets in Columbus, Ohio and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Take a look at the coverage below.

Watch the coverage from Columbus, OH

Read the article from Baton Rouge, LA 

JINSA Report #1141 - President Obama's Visit to Israel: U.S. Policy Priorities 

Obama Given the high levels of instability and uncertainty in the Middle East at this time, we urged President Obama to make several things clear to both our allies and adversaries during his first presidential visit to Israel.

Click here to read the full JINSA Report 

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