Update on Downtown Projects:   




Downtown Placemaking Investment Strategy Report


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Monterey Road Reduction Pilot Program Staff Presentation


Downtown Specific Plan





It is an exciting time in Morgan Hill's Downtown as we begin to implement the Downtown Placemaking Investment Strategy

Downtown is now very obviously under construction! The Parking Structure, 3rd Street Plaza, Monterey Road Streetscape, 4th Street and Utility Undergrounding are all in process.  While we will work diligently with all contractors to minimize construction impacts, there will be impacts.  We ask for your patience and flexibility as we move through this intense construction time. 
More importantly... DOWNTOWN IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS DURING CONSTRUCTION! We encourage the whole community to come downtown during the construction time. There is still so much to enjoy even with construction! Patronize our downtown businesses!  SHOP, DINE, PLAY, and ENJOY OUR DOWNTOWN!

Please feel free to share this email, check the links that interest you, and
reply to us with your questions and comments.


Maintenance/Construction Impacts in the Next Two Weeks


August 8, 8am - 5pm:  4th Street 

Utility under grounding work will occur on 4th Street this Saturday.  Access to parking lots off of 4th will be available with potential delay to access.


August 11, 8am - 5pm:  Bike Hub Park/Adjacent Parking Lot 

The Bike Hub Park on the corner of 3rd and Monterey and the adjacent parking lot will be closed to allow for surveying of the property by the new developer.


July 13 - September 11:  Monterey Road

The buffered bike lane and on street parking will continue to be sporadically unavailable during Phase 1 of the Streetscape Project.  This affects both northbound and southbound travel. The number one travel lane  (closest to the median) will continue to  be available for vehicle travel through the downtown.  Pedestrian access is not affected. On street parking will be available on weekends.


1st Street

Vehicle access will be available with some delays.  Sidewalk trenching on the south side of street.  Pedestrians should us north sidewalk.


August 11 - August 21:3rd Street  

Cement work will begin on August 11.  There will be no vehicle access allowed 24/7 on the east side of 3rd Street as cement work is done on the east side of the roadway. 


4th Street

Trenching for wet utility work continues as they work toward the east end of the street. Vehicle access will be limited to residents, businesses and business customers.  Expect delays to access roadway.  Access to parking lots off of 4th Street will be available. 


August 13, 20, 27 and September 3:  Parking Structure

Work will begin at 5am.




Community Engagement Opportunities


August 8, 10am - 11:30 am

  • Coffee with the Mayor @ BookSmart

Downtown Happenings


Every Friday Night  (through August 28th) 

Every Tuesday Night





Morgan Hill Downtown Association Events Calendar

Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce Events Calendar

City of Morgan Hill Calendar


 Complete Streets Pilot Project


It's not about the bike lane... It's all about traffic calming!


The Complete Street Pilot Project has ended. 


On Wednesday night a full report was provided to the City Council on the Complete Street Pilot project. Approximately 45 community members and business owners spoke both for and against continuing with a one lane configuration on Monterey Road through the downtown core. After significant conversation and deliberation, the City Council made a decision to return to four lanes on Monterey Road (two lanes in each direction) with further traffic calming measures implemented.


Due to the current construction on Monterey Road there will continue to be only one vehicle travel lane available through the end of October/mid November. When the construction is complete you can expect the roadway to be returned to 4 lanes with new traffic calming measures (i.e., speed bumps, pedestrian activated crosswalks, etc). 



Presentation to City Council


Full Report to Council 





Downtown Parking Structure

Beginning July 30th for six consecutive Thursdays work will begin at 5 am. The dates are:  July 30th, August 6th, August 13th, August 20th, August 27th and September 3rd. 


Construction continues...take a peak through the construction fence.


Huntington Station Sports Pub ,which is directly adjacent to the parking structure site, is OPEN FOR BUSINESS all through construction.  Stop by for drinks and a meal and check out the progress of the parking structure in the same visit!



Tentative Schedule

  • Site Prep/Utititlies/Foundation :  February - May
  • Structure :                                   June - September
  • Hardscape/Landscaping:            August - October
  • Acceptance of Project:                Mid November

Conceptual Designs 




Placemaking and Public Art


Downtown Gateway Art Project


The Downtown Gateway Art Project is the next public art project planned for in the 2014 Downtown Plackemaking Strategy.  Nearly 100 applications were received from many incredible artists.
After a rigorous process including a selection jury, review by the Library, Arts and Culture Commission, the City Council selected the recommended Gateway Art Piece on June 17, 2015.


Overview of the project as presented to the City Council  


Art and Placemaking Mini Grants


Downtown Development Opportunity Sites                    

Status of Sites

Site 1 (Downtown Mall)

On June 17th Successor Agency approved the right to negotiate exclusively with Leal Vineyards, LLC for the development of Site 1, Granada Theater and the Downtown Mall.  The 60 day term is intended to be used for the due diligence and to determine the terms of a Development Agreement. Leal is proposing the re-use of the Granada as an event venue and the demolition of the Downtown Mall to provide for construction of a Market Hall/Restaurant and Boutique Hotel.  Leal owns vineyards in the area, the Grove and the Barn in Hollister, Willow Heights Mansion in Morgan Hill, and Hacienda Leal Boutique Hotel in San Juan Bautista.


Site 2 (SE corner of Second and Monterey)

Lonestar Development ( now 17390 Monterey Road, LLC)  has completed their due diligence for the purchase of Site 2.  Escrow closed on July 6 and they have taken possession of the Tryst/Royal Clothiers building.  The City Council will review a request to enter into a revocable easement agreement for both the parking lot and the pocket park to provide for temporary public access until the site develops.


Site 3 (Depot Center)

City Ventures completed  their due diligence period for the purchase option for Site 3 on June 29, 2015.  


Site 4 (former liquor store, SE corner of Third and Monterey) 

At the May 20th City Council meeting Council approved an agreement to negotiate exclusively with Kenneth Rodrigues and Partners, Inc/Imwalle Properties, Inc for the development of this site. Negotiations are going very well.  It is anticipated that construction will begin sometime in January.


Relocation Program 

Nine Downtown businesses are eligible for the Downtown Economic Development Business Reimbursement Program.  All of the businesses submitted letters of intent to apply for the program by the June , 2015 deadline and all have received eligibility letters for a combined total of $927,000. 


Cherisse's Hair Salon has found a new location on the west side of 2nd Street in the small strip mall.  Plans for the move to her new downtown location will soon be available.


United Academy of Martial Arts (UAMA) has purchased a 3200 square feet place at 330 Digital Drive.  They are delighted to be owners of their new business site and are now moved in and open for business at their new location.  Over $23,000 in reimbursement claims has already been processed for UAMA.


The Peking Chinese Restaurant is working on lease negotiation for 1,250 square feet at the Candy Park Center located at 16375 Monterey Road, south of Downtown.


Jesus Mexican Restaurant is working with a Colliers Commercial broker to find a suitable replacement location.  They had previously identified a relocation space at Cochrane Plaza, near Hobby Lobby, but the landlord decided against another Mexican restaurant concept for that shopping center.  Jesus Restaurant was approved for eight employees and is eligible to receive up to $280,00 in reimbursements. 



More information about the Downtown Development Opportunity Sites 




3rd Street /3rd Street Plaza 


Stage 1  (July 6 - August 21)

After two weeks of no work on 3rd Street, cement work begins on August 10.  

1/2 of 3rd Street will be closed to vehicle traffic from 57 E. 3rd east to Depot Street 24/7 beginning Monday, 8/10 - 8/21. No through traffic will be allowed at any time. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout.



Parking for residents of 57, 65 and 75 E. 3rd Street is reserved in the public parking lot adjacent to 45 E. 3rd Street.  Parking permits are required.  Unauthorized vehicles parked in this reserved parking can expect to be towed at this juncture of construction. 


Monterey Road Streetscape 


The first few weeks of the the Monterey Road Streetscape project have been challenging as we have worked to better manage traffic control, lane/parking closures and construction work during the lunch time.  Several changes have been implemented to minimize the impact to downtown residents and businesses:

  • A new construction inspector, Curtis Brian, has been hired by the City to oversee the Monterey Streetscape Project as well as the Utility Undergrounding Project.  Curtis is now on on the street Monday - Friday, 6am - 3pm.  He can be reached on his cell phone at 510.299.7668.  He can assist you with any construction issues that may arise.
  • No construction will take place in front of outdoor dining areas between the hours of 11:30am - 1:30pm.
  • Curtis Brian will stop by businesses regularly to keep them informed of upcoming construction impacts. 

During Phase 1, July 17 - September 10  the buffered bike lane and the parking on Monterey Road will be sporadically unavailable as trenching will take place adjacent to sidewalk from Dunne Avenue to Main Avenue.  During this phase, vehicle traffic will continue to use the lane closest to the median.  Vehicle access and pedestrian access will not be impacted.  Work is scheduled to take place 6am - 3pm, Monday - Friday. 



During Phase 2 , September 12 - October 30 vehicle traffic will be moved to the lane closest to the sidewalk , (the lane that is now being used as the buffered bike lane).  The lane closest to the median will be closed to traffic as work on the median and trenching related to that work is done. Vehicle access and pedestrian access will not be impacted, but there will continue to be no bike lane during this phase.  All Monterey Road parking will be available during this phase


Utility Undergrounding ( 1st, 2nd & 4th Streets and Parking areas between 1st & 2nd and 2nd & 3rd)







1st Street

Monday July 20th, dry utility work and electrical work began. The sidewalk on the south side of 1st street will not be accessible to pedestrians but access to the businesses will be maintained. Vehicle access will in general be maintained although the roadway may be closed sporadically as necessary.


4th Street

 Starting on Monday July 27th, vehicle access to the roadway will not be allowed except for residents and businesses. Parking lots with access from 4th Street will be accessible, but there may be some delays. Residents and businesses should expect delays trying to access 4th Street from Monterey Road for approximately four weeks.

Downtown Parks, Trails and Recreation

jogging-women.jpgDesign concepts have been shared with the community and the Parks and Recreation Commission. 


September 2 the concept designs will be taken to the City Council for review.

For questions regarding the downtown parks and trails contact Chris Ghione at  chris.ghione@morganhill.ca.gov or 408.782.9154.



We encourage you to stay connected and engaged during this exciting time.

Maureen Tobin

Communications and Engagement Manager
City of Morgan Hill



Julie Behzad

Project Manager

City of Morgan Hill





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