Update on Downtown Projects:   




Downtown Placemaking Investment Strategy Report


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Monterey Road Reduction Pilot Program Staff Presentation


Downtown Specific Plan





It is an exciting year ahead in Morgan Hill's Downtown as we begin to implement the Downtown Placemaking Investment Strategy.  2015 holds in store the construction phase for many of the projects in downtown.

It is a lot to keep track of!

In an effort to keep the community informed, this downtown project update is provided on a biweekly basis.

Please feel free to share, check the links that interest you, and
reply to us with your questions and comments.


                        Maintenance/Construction Impacts in the Next Two Weeks



  • Ongoing through mid November- Parking structure construction



Community Engagement Opportunities

March 17, 2015 6pm Library, Culture and Arts Special Meeting


March 18, 2015 7pm Successor Agency Meeting

  •  Adopt resolution authorizing the following actions:

    a. Site 2 - Approval of Purchase and Sale Agreement and Initial Escrow Instructions by and Between Lonestar Development and the Successor Agency to the former Morgan Hill Redevelopment Agency;

    b. Site 3 - Approval Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Option and Initial Escrow Instructions by and between City Ventures and the Successor Agency to the former Morgan Hill Redevelopment Agency;

    c. Site 4 - Approval of Agreement of Purchase and Sale and Initial Escrow Instructions by and between the City of Morgan Hill and the Successor Agency to the former Morgan Hill Redevelopment Agency.

    d. Direct the City Manager to take any and all actions to execute and implement these agreements, and

    e. Authorize the "market sale" of Site 1-A Duplex for a minimum of $625,000 utilizing Smith Commercial Management, the current property manager and broker, for non-exclusive market and sale of the property.



March 18, 2015 7pm City Council Meeting




Downtown Happenings



Visit the following Community Calendars for all the Downtown Happenings!


Look for lots of exciting downtown activities coming in April!


Morgan Hill Downtown Association Calendar of Events

Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce Calendar of Events

Complete Streets Pilot Project


It's not about the bike lane... It's all about traffic calming!


The Complete Street Six Month Pilot Project, which began February 18,  is a test of a road improvement that many believe will help us reach the goal to make downtown the most..... walkable, bike-friendly, urban, family-oriented, and transit oriented neighborhood in Morgan Hill.  The pilot temporarily narrows Monterey Road through the downtown core (Main Avenue to Dunne Avenue) to one lane in each direction as a traffic calming measure, repurposing the number two lane as a buffered bike lane. 


This past week the City of Morgan Hill was asked to present on our Complete Street 6 Month Pilot Project at a local National Association of Transportation Officials conference.  Our pilot project is being noted across the country for our process which has included significant community outreach in the planning process, a weekend demonstration and now the 6 month pilot to collect data to inform the long term decision.  View the PowerPoint presentation.


Pilot Project Overview


Frequently Asked Questions 


 So What Exactly Is a Road Diet? 



Downtown Parking Structure        

 Site preparation has been underway for a few weeks.  Several trees were removed last week and will be repurposed for use in the 3rd Street Plaza and walkway.  A segment of the drying sheds on the property were removed as well.


Huntington Station Sports Pub ,which is directly adjacent to the parking structure site, is OPEN FOR BUSINESS all through construction.  Stop by for drinks and a meal and check out the progress of the parking structure in the same visit!


Tentative Schedule

  • Site Prep/Utititlies/Foundation :  February - May
  • Structure :                                   June - September
  • Hardscape/Landscaping:            August - October
  • Acceptance of Project:                Mid November

Conceptual Designs 




Placemaking and Public Art



Downtown Gateway Art Project

The Downtown Gateway Art Project is the next public art project planned for in the 2014 Downtown Plackemaking Strategy.     


An overview of the project will be presented this coming week at the Library,Culture,and Arts meeting on 3/17/15 and the City Council Meeting on 3/18/15.


Look for a Call to Artists to be issued next week.


Art and Placemaking Mini Grants 


Mini Grant Projects will be installed beginning in mid April.  


Tentative locations for murals, and temporary placemaking art


Tentative locations for public art in the public right of way


Downtown Development Opportunity Sites                    

For March 18, 2015 Successor Agency and City Council Agenda Items related to the Opportunity Sites see Community Engagement Opportunities Block above.


2/18/15 Staff Report to Successor Agency  

Video of Report to Succesor Agency 



2/18/15 Staff Report to City Council  

Video of Report to City Council 



2/25/15 Staff Report to Oversight Board 


 More information about the Downtown Development Opportunity Sites 



Streets, Traffic Calming, Pedestrian Safety, Bikes and Transit                       
Pedestrian Activated Crosswalks

The Pedestrian Activated Crosswalks will now be implemented in 3 locations. 

1) Del Monte and Dunne  

2) Del Monte and Main 

3) Central and Monterey


The installation of the crosswalks is anticipated to be complete by May 2015. 


Streetscape Design Concepts 

The Monterey Road Streetscape project is moving along.  The first submittal of  the Fourth Street plan has been submitted and reviewed. 


The City staff is working closely with the design team and meeting on a biweekly basis to ensure the project schedule is met.


Improvements are scheduled to begin in August.

Utility Undergrounding ( 1st, 2nd & 4th Streets and Parking areas between 1st & 2nd and 2nd & 3rd)

The design team has been coordinating with the utility companies to underground their overhead lines.   


City Staff will be forming an underground utility district for this undergrounding effort.  The Public Hearing for the district formation is scheduled for March 4, 2015. 


Undergrounding is tentatively scheduled to begin in June.



Downtown Parks, Trails and Recreation


The Parks and Trails team will continue to work with Joni Janecki & Associates to develop concept designs for the three locations, including: Depot Street Park, Llagas Creek Park, and Nob Hill Trail.



We encourage you to stay connected and engaged during this exciting time.

Maureen Tobin

Communications and Engagement Manager
City of Morgan Hill



Julie Behzad

Project Manager

City of Morgan Hill





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