July 2014 - Summer Newsletter

20 Years

As we reflect on the past 20 years the unprecedented changes that we have all undergone in our business practices and how technology has driven much of this change is undeniable. Change is absolutely necessary and it will happen; what have we done and where do we go?

New technologies now provide a full array of capabilities to our clients

We have seen how making use of powerful business and technology initiatives has allowed us to engage with new ideas and products. New technologies now provide a full array of capabilities to our clients� needs by applying a range of analytics�from telematics to cyber protection. This all matters as the battle for competitive advantage can be won or lost in this ever changing world of technology.

To capture the potential of this anniversary, Paul Hanson Partners is embarking on a new journey of embracing technology, searching for new solutions, and transforming as the world changes around us to continue to supply our customers, brokers, and the transportation industry with the continued service and expertise that we offer. I believe that as we reflect on the past and embrace the future, you will share our confidence in Paul Hanson Partners/Mover�s Choice�for the near term and beyond.


In this newsletter we are focusing on technology and its impact on traditional operations, disaster recovery, and claims.


As we have learned, the key to success is getting the big things right, being innovative, and challenging ourselves to adapt.

I am deeply proud of the Paul Hanson Partners� team for bringing us this far, and I am grateful to our customers and brokers for the unwavering support. I hope you share our excitement about your company�s path and the shared opportunity we that have to continue to grow together.


Lisa Paul

If large corporations such as Apple, Facebook, and Target are vulnerable, where do small businesses stand?

By some estimates, network-based attacks, such as DDOS (Distributed Denial of Services), which have the ability to take down large computing networks, increased by 700% in 2013.

Ironically, auto accidents, provide us with a nice analogy when it comes to how much we should worry about, and, how we can prepare for malicious and targeted cyber activity against our businesses and livelihoods.

With driving, most of us choose to mitigate our risks a number of ways. It involves training, awareness, the safety standards of our vehicles, and of course, insurance coverage.

AIG has expanded their cyber insurance to include property damage and bodily injury exposures. This new cyber coverage provides commercial customers a way to manage risk to their operations from cyber-attacks and cyber security failures. We found this article in the �Insurance Journal� interesting.



CyberEdge� is a comprehensive risk management solution for cyber insurance offered by AIG. In a rapidly changing landscape, CyberEdge� provides innovative protection to help businesses safeguard against sensitive data breaches, computer hacking, and identity theft.

Mover�s Choice has an informational piece on CyberEdge�


The DriveCam� Program provides a comprehensive program for identifying, prioritizing and correcting the causes of poor driving � before they lead to a collision. This approach will help transform your safety culture and better ensure bottom-line results by preventing collisions and fraudulent claims while saving lives.

Learn more from Mover�s Choice.




Disaster preparedness isn�t only being prepared for a natural disaster. It also very much involves the ability to conduct operations in the event of a glitch in technology.

Businesses can do much to prepare for the impact of the hazards they technology related threats such as malfunction of systems, equipment or software.

Businesses use information technology in their day to day operations: servers, computers, laptops, and wireless devices all create and manage our information. What do you do when your information technology stops working? Ready.gov has some great suggestions. Read more.

Our carrier partners also have information readily available to help you prepare and plan for the unexpected. AIG�s suggestions and recommendations are to create a business continuity plan.

Mover�s Choice online virtual library of safety materials is another of many resources available to help you prepare for the unthinkable. You can use the search function by entering a specific topic in the search bar, or, integrating Loss Control Recommendations following onsite loss control service inspections.




We have found a new solution to filing claims from the scene of the accident. Our custom app allows you to submit a claim to Mover�s Choice directly from your mobile device. Not only can the claim be filed, but, the app has the ability to take photos of any damage and built in GPS to pinpoint the loss location.

Download the Mover�s Choice App. Available at iTunes or Google Play.




Did you know that we are celebrating our 20th anniversary with our customers? If you missed our first contest to win a case of Domaine Chandon champagne, please look for our ad and QR code in �Directions Magazine� for another chance.

Congrats to our first winner, Nanette Vaudreuil.

Please join us in welcoming our newest team members. As our family grows we like to brag about the additions!

Curtis Paul

Curtis Paul
Alisha Martinez

Alisha Martinez
Jean Bernier

Jean Bernier
Janet Gates

Janet Gates
Jean Bernier

Jean Bernier




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Physical Address: 1319 First Street, Napa, CA 94559
Toll Free: (800) 852-1968
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