Presbyterian Church (USA) Seal

Dogwood Blossoms

Presbytery of East Tennessee E-Newsletter
February 2013 
In This Issue
Presbytery Meeting - Feb. 23
From the Connect Mission Team
From the Youth Committee
John Knox Center News
Presbyterian Center at UT-Knoxville
From the Serve Mission Team
From the Peacemaking Committee
Exqual Exchange and the Presbyterian Hunger Program
From the Support Mission Team
News and Events Around the Presbytery
Quick Links
Presbytery of East Tennessee  


Synod of Living Waters
Presbytery Staff
Judd Shaw
General Presbyter
865-688-5581 ext. 103

James McTyre
Stated Clerk
865-688-5581 ext. 104
Bri Payne
Executive Director, John Knox Center

Dana Hendrix
Office Manager
865-688-5581 ext. 101
Gwen Pyle
Financial Assistant
865-688-5581  ext. 102

Office Mailing Address
P.O. Box 5436
Knoxville, TN 37928-0436

Office Fax

Office Hours
8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday
Join Our Mailing List
Presbytery Meeting - Feb. 23
The Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of East Tennessee will be held on Saturday, February 23 at Lake Forest Presbyterian Church in Knoxville.  Registration will begin at 9:30am and the meeting will begin at 10:00am.

the packet for this meeting will be posted on the PET website on Friday, February 8. On the agenda for this meeting will be voting on Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the PCUSA.  These amendments were made available in paper format at the last PET stated meeting. These are also available online at:


Proposed Amendments Part 1

Proposed Amendments Part 2

From the Connect Mission Team
Presbytery Golf Outing - Waynesville, NC
April 12-13

Waynesville Inn golf course  

If you're looking for fun, fellowship and affordable golf (or shopping or a trip to Biltmore), look no further than this outing with fellow Presbyterians from all around the East Tennessee area. This is the perfect combination with southern charm in scenic Waynesville.


Rustic accommodations are in the Historic Main Lodge at The Waynesville Inn.  ( We will dine on Friday evening and Saturday morning with a cookout to send us on our way Saturday evening. Join us for this wonderful trip with our church family, friends, and neighbors. 


Registration deadline: March 8, 2013

Trip information and registration

Connect to Resources through the Yellow Pages

Just a reminder that the Yellow Pages are on the Presbytery website. Availing yourself to this resource will save time while you are working on improving current ministries or adding new ministries. On the Presbytery website ( under "Resources", and "Packets & Minutes", click on "Directory of resource people...". This page is password protected - contact the presbytery office if you need assistance.
From the Youth Committee

PET Youth Summit - March 1-3 

Edgewater Hotel, Gatlinburg


John Craft
Special Speaker:
John Craft 



Theme: Hero Up!


Registration is 7-8:30pm Friday evening at the Edgewater Hotel. 

The weekend concludes at 11:00am on Sunday.

Cost: $75 


 Registration materials will be sent via email to each church very soon!





Presbyterian Youth Triennium - July 16-20 


Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2013 logo Every 3 years Presbyterian youth from all over the country (and even some from across the globe!) gather at Purdue University in Indiana to experience God in a very unique way.  Through small groups, keynotes, worship, recreation, and other activities, the week's theme comes to life and begs young people to explore the scripture further. 


During the 2013 Triennium participants will explore, each day, one of the significant "I am" metaphors from the gospels. Jesus used the "I am" images to help the rookie disciples understand his purpose, depth of care, everlasting presence and wide redemptive love. We hope to do the same in hearing and seeing and praying these stories at Triennium!


The Presbytery of East Tennessee will be taking a group of 20ish students to Triennium this summer (July 16-20, 2013).  The total cost will be $600, however the Presbytery is committed to paying 1/3 ($200) of each of the youth in our delegation.  We suggest that the youth's home church pick up another 1/3 of the cost leaving only $200 to be paid out of pocket.  (Finances should not be the reason that youth cannot attend--please ask about scholarships for hardship cases.) 


Do you know a youth who would represent the Presbytery of East Tennessee well at this event?  Contact Katina Sharp (  or 865-742-2292) for an application or with any questions you have.  Applications and a $200 deposit are due by February 14, 2013, so be sure to hurry, hurry, hurry!  You don't want to miss this amazing opportunity! 

John Knox Center News

Project:UnFinished   February 22-24, 2013


craft projects Enjoy a fun weekend of sewing, knitting, scrapbooking, painting, etc.   Bring those "unfinished projects" you never find the time to start or finish.  Our relaxed schedule allows you to enjoy the get-away as you like.  The retreat "officially" begins with dinner Friday at 6:00 pm in our Dining Hall but feel free to arrive as early as 9:00 am for coffee.  A small refrigerator and microwave are available, just pack a sack lunch and a drink for an early start to the weekend.  The event ends at 3:30 pm on Sunday afternoon.  The cost is $115.00. 


Cynthia Mishtal of Athens, Tennessee will have scrapbooking supplies from Creative Memories available for purchase.  Creative Memory "your life your story your way" is a great way to keep your memories alive. Check out Cindy's website to see what her company has to offer. Contact her by Feb. 1st and she will bring the supplies to the retreat.


As an option, we will be making rectangle pillows for chemo patients. Finished pillows should measure approximately 16X6 and be of comfortable fabric. When choosing fabric, keep in mind that both men and women will be using these. Fabric will be available at the retreat.


Prefer Saturday only?  A one-day option on the 23rd is available for $60.00.  The day will begin with Continental Breakfast 8:00-9:00 am and conclude with dinner at 5:30 pm.  For more information, check it out on our website or call the office at 865/376-2236.

Fun, Games, & Silly Songs...


Boys in the sand at Camp "Camp is where it is ok to be me. It is my favorite place on earth" - Hailey (10 yrs.) Summer Camp at Camp John Knox has been building the faith and confidence of the youth in our congregations and communities for 53 years. Whether it is a 60 year old Elder, a second career Columbia seminary student, or a camper from last summer, all tell the story of significantly growing in their faith during their time at camp. The pictures are goofy, the songs silly, and many times "parents just don't understand," but it is being immersed in the intentional Christian community surrounded by love, support, and encouragement that turns a week at summer camp into a life changing experience. We want to make sure every child has this opportunity. Help us get the word out in your congregation about the importance of the camp experience.  


Registration is available online NOW at or call our office (865) 376-2236.


Sewing on The River at the John Knox Center


2013 Sewing on the River project Forty-one women gathered with machines, fabric and patterns for 3-5 days of fellowship with friends old and new.  Ideas were shared, advice given and many beautiful items were made.  Pillows for chemo patients were made for the Thompson Cancer Center.  With the renovation of B Lodge, we welcomed new participants for the first time in 8 years!  This is a great chance to reconnect with those that we only see once a year, to get new ideas and help each other with "problem" projects".  Ginger said this is THE one event she looks forward to all year and would not miss it for anything!!  We are already taking registrations for 2014.  Why not sign up and join us.  We promise fun, great fellowship and good food.  We hope to see you next year.
Presbyterian Center at UT-Knoxville

50th Anniversary Celebration - April 12 


Presbyterian Campus Ministry house at UT-Knoxville The Presbyterian Campus Ministry at UTK will be celebrating our 50th anniversary of ministry in our current location with a House Blessing and anniversary party!  Be sure to mark your calendars for April 12th at 6pm and join us for the celebration.  We will be showing off our newly renovated basement along with many more improvements we've made to the house in the last year.  We will also be celebrating the support YOU all have given to us over the years!  Come by and help us celebrate!


Spring Break Mission Trip

While many college students will be heading to the beach for spring break the students at the PCM are going on a mission trip to serve and love others!  The PCM is taking 16 students to New Orleans for to work with St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church and RHINO (Rebuilding Hope In New Orleans).  We will mostly be serving in construction but will also have opportunities to work and serve alongside families in need of housing.  We are currently trying to raise the funding needed to make this trip possible.  Please consider giving to this important trip.

Presbyterian Campus Ministry
1831 Melrose Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37916

Phone: (865) 394-9242  

From the Serve Mission Team

Presbyterian Mission Work in Northern Jordan  


This is the first of a series of reports about international mission work supported by churches in our Presbytery.


Zaitari Camp Douglas Dicks, the Presbyterian Church (USA) Regional Liaison to Jordan, Israel, Palestine and Egypt, is one of our denomination's mission co-workers supported by First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville. Late in November of 2012, Doug notified First Presbyterian's Global Mission committee of his recent tour of the Za'atari Refugee Camp in northern Jordan with leaders of the Christian churches in the region. The people in the camp were refugee victims of the civil war in neighboring Syria. Most of the children were still wearing only canvas slippers, and many had no winter jackets, hats, gloves, nor socks. The church leaders learned that the most urgent need was for appropriate footwear for the children and determined to organize a campaign to purchase rain boots for these children, most of them between the ages of 6 and 15. Winter had already set in, and winters in the Middle East, much as in East Tennessee, are cold, damp and rainy. Already, children had died of exposure to cold in the harsh conditions of the camp. The need was for 3,500 pairs of rain boots as quickly as possible.


The Global Missions committee put out word of the need to the congregation of First Presbyterian. From initial responses we received, we reported to Doug that we might collect enough funds for about 150 pairs of children's boots. Our plan was to ask the Session at its meeting in mid-December to approve receiving an offering to support the campaign for Za'atari.


Moved by the plight of the Syrian refugees in the season we recall another refugee family in the Middle East of long ago, the Session approved $5000.00 - enough for 350 pairs of boots! First Presbyterian alone was providing a large part of the goal for the overall campaign supported by entire denominations in the U. S. It appeared that there would be sufficient funds left to provide winter jackets for at least a few of the children as well.


In this Epiphany season we pray for light, warmth, adequate shelter and peace in their homeland for the people of Za'atari.
From the Peacemaking Committee

Report on PET's Peace Discernment Process 


Peacemaking Logo - Dove On Jan. 12, six members of the PET Peacemaking Committee and three others, including a former PET Moderator, met to participate together in discerning current issues of peace and nonviolence. Following the guidelines of the 220th GA's Peace Discernment Steering Team, the group studied the Peace Discernment Interim Report and discussed 20 serious, in-depth questions about peace and non-violence. (Refer to:


Recognizing that this discernment resulted in eight pages of summary comments and that five hours was not nearly enough time to discuss such important issues, here is a summary of the major points:


- The church can hasten the day when war & violence are no longer an acceptable or inevitable means for resolving conflicts thru prayer, education of members, and embracing some new theological ideas informed by cultural and environmental issues.


- "Just war" theory serves primarily to rationalize war that is not just. The mere existence of nuclear weapons preempts any reality of "just war."


- The language of "peace church" can be misleading, but PCUSA should take a strong stand on non-violence, the environment, & concern for all people of the world, even at the risk of loss of membership & funds. We should adopt the principles of the Accra Confession.


- Cultural practices such as violence in entertainment media perpetuate the message that violence is acceptable, even necessary, leading to insensitivity.


- The church should be active in contemporary issues, not just focus on individual salvation.


- Recent/continuing LOCAL opportunities to support peaceful transformation include: reaction to the death of a worker on Henley St. bridge, action against the death penalty, Women in Black vigils for Israeli/Palestinian peace, nuclear weapons protests in Oak Ridge, etc.


For further information, contact Rev. Ann Brunger ( or Donna Schall (
Equal Exchange and the Presbyterian Hunger Program
Guilty Pleasures                  

By Laura Tappan, Equal Exchange representative 


Equal Exchange logo We all have "guilty pleasures", don't we? What are yours? Two items that can definitely be included on my list are morning cups of coffee, and occasional chocolate bars for a special treat. Are these on your list too? Have you given much thought as to where your guilty pleasures come from? Or how they get from their place of origin to your coffee mug or snack cupboard? I never did. But recently, I've learned much about the concept of "Fair Trade", where farmers receive a fair compensation for their work and talents.


Equal Exchange is a worker-owned cooperative that sells only items that are fairly traded. Through Fair Trade, small-scale farmers are better able to support their families, stay on their land, and care for the environment. As members of democratically run co-operatives, these farmers gain control of their own livelihoods. Middle men working for large companies, called "coyotes" by the farmers, cannot bully them into selling their products for less than the value of their time and hard work. Farmer co-ops are guaranteed pre-harvest financing of up to 60% of the value of their contracts, which allows for long-term planning. Child labor is common in the mainstream cacao industry, but with fair compensation, farmers are able to pay workers fair wages instead of using cheap child labor. Crops are grown organically, without the use of dangerous pesticides which cause many extreme health problems for the farm workers as well as the environment, and also produce a higher quality product. Much of the coffee is shade grown, which produces a richer, more flavorful coffee.


Every year, Equal Exchange gives back a part of its profit to the denominations that are partners in its Interfaith Program. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 15� for every pound of coffee sold in Presbyterian congregations, amounting to $19,190 in 2011, which goes to its Small Farmer Fund.


So how can you help support these farmers as well as enjoy delicious coffee, tea, chocolate, almonds and olive oil? Invite Colleen Shannon or Laura Tappan to speak to your church's mission committee, serve Equal Exchange coffee at your church during fellowship time, hold Equal Exchange sales in your church, or have an Equal Exchange Fundraiser for your youth or mission programs. We will have a sales table at each presbytery meeting, and we invite you to stop by and discuss possibilities for your congregation. For more information, please visit: Colleen Shannon 865-406-5233,; Laura Tappan 865-742-4003,;


"Guilty" Pleasure? Not when it's Equal Exchange Fair Trade!
From the Support Mission Team

Ordination Anniversaries in 2013 


pastor in pulpit We are excited to announce significant ordination anniversaries in our Presbytery for those who are serving congregations, honorably retired, at-large, and serving in other places.  We encourage congregations to celebrate or plan a celebration for the Teaching Elders celebrating significant ordination anniversaries.  W.F. Wadsworth (7/21/53), Robert Larson (10/08/53), Richard Hettrick (6/1/63), Frank Jump (6/16/63), Thomas Farmer (7/1/53), Arthur Jones Jr. (6/15/68), Gerald Anders  (8/4/68), Eugene Thomas (8/11/68), John Muntz (9/8/68), Jeon Seop Moon (10/15/68), Robert Williamson Jr. (5/20/73), Ronald Lukat (4/23/78), David Bell (10/08/78), Darryl Baker (8/21/83), Bradley Palmer (9/3/83), Jon Faraone (7/31/88), Max Reddick (7/11/93), Peter McKechnie (6/21/98), Eun Bae Moon (1/15/03), Thomas Preston (8/8/03), David Webster (1/06/08), Laura Becker (11/16/08)


Praying for one another


Praying hands We are encouraging churches and ministries in the Presbytery of East Tennessee to pray for one another during the Eastertide, beginning March 31 and ending May 18.  We will provide prayers and a daily/weekly schedule of the churches in our Presbytery to pray for in the Presbytery packet and in upcoming PET newsletters.  We encourage church leadership, prayer groups, Presbyterian Women, individuals, etc. to pray daily and/or weekly during the Eastertide.
News and Events Around the Presbytery
Tusculum College Theologian-in-Residence Carol Howard Merritt
Carol Howard Merritt

The 2013 Theologian-in-Residence series will explore how churches can faithfully respond to the cultural changes around them.  The series will be led by the Rev. Carol Howard Merritt, who will explore "Reframing Possibilities: Looking at Cultural Changes and How Churches Can Faithfully Respond."

Sessions will include:

February 5 - Shifting Authorities
In this session we will be exploring how our power structures are changing in a new generation. From our commerce, to our communication, to our congregations, the way we interact with leadership looks different.

February 12 - Evolving Technologies

How is social media changing the way that we do church together?

February 19 - Changing the Story

Why is the art of narrative important in a Google generation? What do those narratives look like?

February 26 - The Frames

How are congregations faithfully responding to these shifts?

Registration Flyer

For more information about the Theologian-in-Residence series, please contact:
Eugenia Estes, Office of Church Relations
Tusculum College, P.O. Box 5040, Greeneville, TN 37743
Phone: 1-800-729-0256 ext. 5310 or 423-636-7304

Fat Tuesday Annual Community Pancake Feast
February 12 - 5:30 to 8:30pm
MardiGras graphic Eusebia Presbyterian Church
Corner of Burnett Station Rd. and
Sevierville/Maryville Rd. (US 411)

Eusebia Presbyterian Church in Seymour is hosting the Annual Community Pancake Feast on Fat Tuesday - February 12.  Proceeds will benefit CROSS Food Ministries (Christians Reaching Out Serving Seymlour).  Donations accepted at the door. Costumes welcome but not expected!

Event Flyer

Distinguished Scholar Series - March 15-16
Hosted by St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church at the Episcopal School of Knoxville

John Dominic Crossan  


John Dominic Crossan will be St. Elisabeth's Episcopal Church Distinguished Scholar speaker at the Episcopal School of Knoxville (950 Episcopal School Way) on March 15 and 16. Crossan was Co-Chair of the Jesus Seminar from 1985 to 1996. In the last forty years he has written twenty-five books on the historical Jesus, earliest Christianity, and the historical Paul. 



Lecture 1 (Fri 7:30-9:00pm): The World of Jesus

Lecture 2 (Sat 9:00-10:30am): The Life of Jesus

Lecture 3 (Sat 11:00-12:30pm): The Death of Jesus

Lecture 4 (Sat 1:30-3:00pm): The Resurrection of Jesus


Cost: $45.00 for four lectures on Friday and Saturday (includes lunch on Saturday). No refunds. Space is limited!


Register online by visiting the website: 


Maryville College Annual Report to the Presbytery

Maryville College's 2012 Annual Report to the Presbytery of East Tennessee is available.  Read about the covenant commitments made by Maryville College in its relationship to our Presbytery, our Synod and the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Spread the News!
We invite you to share your news with us.  All articles and news items must be submitted by the 20th of the month prior to publication.  Send your information to Dana Hendrix,