A Flood of Immigration
Satan is Attempting to Destroy the Remnant

And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. Rev 12:15

Ever since 1965, when the Immigration Act was passed, the effect of U.S. immigration policy has been to perpetrate genocide against the nation's European-American majority.

It is no "conspiracy theory" to say that this flood of immigration is a satanic plot for that is exactly what this verse says. And we have seen that the beast power at work in our generation is illuminati Masonic communism in the wilderness - Washington, D.C.

With this insight from the spirit of prophecy we can look back and see whose hand opened the deadly floodgate. To be a true fulfillment of prophecy it should be someone in the illuminati.

The Eighth Beast is Behind It
Illuminati, Masonic Communism is the Hidden Hand
The dramatic change in policy that blocked European and encouraged non-European immigration was largely accomplished through massive funding from the Ford Foundation. The influence of these monies is not visible to the average citizen.

McGeorge Bundy was appointed chairman of the Ford Foundation in 1966. He held that office until 1977. During his tenure the Ford Foundation became extremely liberal. It started Maldef and was a major financial support for the ACLU. Both are major players behind the immigration explosion. It supports a host of other organizations and initiatives toward this end as well. See the open borders link below.

His flagrant misuse of foundation money caused the remaining Ford Family members to resign in disgust.

Both he, his father and his brother (who was chairman of the CFR) were Skull and Bones. Anthony Sutton noted how Bundy received preferential treatment throughout his career placing him in positions of great influence.

Haman's Deadly Plot
A Type of Satan's Final Attack on the Remnant
bundyken In the Kennedy administration, Bundy oversaw the Defense Department, State Department and the CIA. He was so powerful Kennedy dryly commented, "Oh, I will continue to have some residual functions."

He was an advisor to Johnson when the disastrous Immigration Act of 1965 was passed. He and his brother are often blamed for escalating the Vietnam war and for many atrocities committed in that war.

Bundy was an advisor to presidents just as Haman was an advisor to the King of Persia in the book of Esther. Just like Haman, McGeorge Bundy and his Luciferian brotherhood were the hidden hand through which this plot was implemented. God anticipated Haman's deadly design and in the next newsletters we shall see that God has again provide an escape as he did then. (Rev 12:16)

Haman Consulted His Horoscope
A Curious Pattern of Thirteens
And the letters were sent by posts into all the king's provinces, to destroy, to kill, and to cause to perish, all Jews, both young and old, little children and women, in one day, even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey. Es 3:13

Haman used divination to find the most fortuitous day to carry out his genocidal design. He consulted the monthly prognosticators (Isa 47:13) and cast lots (the Pur). The lucky day was revealed to him on the 13th day of the 13th month. He was led to choose the 13th day of first month of the following year to destroy the Jews.

There is a remarkable pattern of 13s in the gematria of Haman's name, his wife and family as well. See the link from Bullinger below (pull down).

  • Haman the Agagite = 117 (13*9)
  • Zeresh his wife = 507 (13*13*3)
  • Haman's sons names total 10244 or (13*788)
  • Haman's family = 117+507+10244 or 10868 (13*836)

Mordecai and his family by contrast have names whose gematria are multiples of 8. Bullinger demonstrates that throughout scripture God's chosen are multiples of 8 while his adversaries are multiples of 13. See the link below to the chapter in his book where he covers eight and thirteen.

It is consistent to find this pattern of 13s in Satan's final attempt to destroy the seed of the woman with the 13 horned beast of Revelation 13 . This beast appeared on the 1335 (1992) and its national heraldry is multiple 13s. In the same chapter Bullinger shows a pattern of 13s in the gematria of the very verses of Revelation 13 describing the 13 horned beast.

Fritz Springmeir lists the Bundy family as one of the 13 illuminati bloodlines . Is it a coincidence that McGeorge Bundy has 13 letters? God has their number!

  • A Main Theme of the Bible
    Satan's Repeated Attempts to Destroy the Seed
    Satan's first attempt to destroy the race was the irruption of fallen angels. God saved a remnant on the ark. This flood of immigration is the final attempt to destroy the woman's seed.

    The link below has a good listing of other attempts that occur in the Bible including Herod's infamous slaughter at Christ's birth. These repeated attacks are a major theme of the bible and we are the target for the biggest one of all!