Chris' Monday Morning Wake-Up Call has as its only purpose to help you learn, grow and get results.
It's Your Choice to Become Exceptional
People who choose to be exceptional think differently than people who work at being average or (worse yet) mediocre. They - a person who is exceptional - have this small but convincing voice in their head that tells them, "Yes you can." They have a courageous spirit that is more than willing to tackle barriers and obstacles to keep them moving forward towards a desired result.
So, make the committed choice to raise your personal success bar to become exceptional. It involves hard work. But it's not impossible; it's very doable. I cannot think of a reason why you would limit yourself. Can you?
Your Monday Morning Wake-Up Thought 
"Some people work very hard at doing just enough to get by. It's a choice they make. A modest increase in effort and focus would put them on a path to be exceptional. That's a choice they need to make also.
- Chris Ruisi

Your Learning Edge: Road Kill
Chris discusses the 3 factors that can define whether you become a success or "road kill".

Looking for more ways to learn? Check out Chris' video resources:

Motivation x 2:
Get the Double Play

Now available: Order both Step Up and Play Big Motivational quote books and save. Only $27 including shipping and handling (you save $9). As an added bonus, I'll include a personal inscription.

Visit the store for more products to help you and your business grow.

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