Chris Ruisi The Coach - Monday Morning Wake-Up Call
Chris Ruisi The Coach

Business Success Truths

We live in a fast paced, demanding, and competitive business world. We know that at times, action is better than overthinking an issue in order to either gain or maintain critically important momentum.

Here are five of what I call "Business Success Truths". They are factual and to the point, and when adopted at the appropriate time will put you on a path to success. You can disagree with how they are written or the words I've selected if you want. But I don't think you can disagree with the concept or message contained in them.

1. Stick to your vision. Don't let other people tell you that your ideas are bad; find out for yourself. If you throw away your ideas when others tell you to, when they exist only on a pad or whiteboard, you are slowing your new reality and future. A great entrepreneur can take a bad idea and turn it into something incredible.

2. A business leader's life is dictated by questions: How much? How fast? What do I need to make it happen? Will it meet my revenue and earnings goals? And then you take action. You ask questions and then decide on the information - whether it's perfect or not - you have available at that particular time. If you wait for all of the information before you decide and act, you'll always be playing "catch up".

3. You can't drive a car on a cross country journey by constantly looking in the rear view and side view mirrors. Those mirrors exist for reference only. Reflecting on the past does little good, aside from providing context for future decisions. Spend most of your time looking forward. That's where the challenges and rewards can be found. 

4. Never underestimate the value of adding to your expertise and knowledge. Just because you've been around the block doesn't mean you know the entire neighborhood. Coach Wooden once said (and it's worth repeating), "The best learning takes place after you think you know it all." 

5. Stop trying to study all of the sides of a circle when you need to make a decision involving evaluating an opportunity. You'll never be finished and you'll paralyze yourself with fear and doubt waiting for the "right time" to act. There's no "right time" to act. Take the leap. There will always be some type of risk. But, you can always fix what might not work the first time.


Leadership Quote to Download




  Weekly Mind Jolt
  • Are you having difficulty getting over that hump; the one that's preventing you from achieving your goals?
  • Do you lack clarity and direction? 
  • Do you find yourself fighting distractions and not working on the right things and wasting time?
  • Does your business "own you" as opposed to you owning it? 
  • Can you describe your business growth now the same level it was last years?
  • Are your leadership skills working for you or do you avoid dealing with the team issues hampering your company's growth?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then it's time to make a change. 


The fact is, it's time for a JOLT - specifically The Step Up and Play Big Weekly Mind Jolt Series - to change the path you are on. It's a weekly video series delivered directly to your in-box, each one dedicated to you and your on-going learning. It's part conversation, part presentation...all designed to give you that jolt you need to change your business and your life!  And it's available now at this special, limited-time offer...


It will take you about 5 minutes each week to watch the video and then another 5 minutes to implement what you learned. That's a total of 10 minutes of your time each week to put you on a path to success! Are you ready for a JOLT of REAL CHANGE???


Step Up and Play Big Moments JUST RELEASED!
Chris' New Step Up and Play Big Moments Podcast
Chris Ruisi's "Step Up and Play Big Moments" is all about personal and business success. Chris's goal is to offer today's entrepreneurs, CEO's and business leader's practical guidance, tips, strategies and tactics that work in today's challenging business climate. Click here for the first episode: Problem Solving.

Chris Ruisi on VoiceAmerica Radio


Hunting Big Sales - If You Don't Someone Else Will

Chris and his special guest Tom Searcy, CEO and founder of Hunt Big Sales explore what it takes to be an exceptional sales professional and achieve a consistent and high level of success. Through his company Hunt Big Sales, Searcy has helped clients accelerate the growth of their businesses and land more than $6 billion in deals. During his interview, Tom will explore with Chris how the world of sales has changed and what the implications are for companies over the next 3 to 5 years; what are the characteristics of high performing sales people; how to "hunt" for larger customers; how a CEO can create an explosive growth culture in their company; how personal motivation is related to success; and much more. 


Tom Searcy, an expert in sales strategy, works with thousands of executives around the world each year through his workshops and keynote speaking. Through his company Hunt Big Sales, Searcy has helped clients accelerate the growth of their businesses and land more than $6 billion in deals. Searcy is the co-author of Whale Hunting: How to Land Big Sales and Transform Your Company and author of RFPs Suck! How to Master the RFP System Once and for All to Win Big Business. Searcy's newest book, How to Close a Deal Like Warren Buffett: Lessons from the World's Greatest Dealmaker, was released in late 2012. More of Searcy's wisdom can be accessed through his online columns for Forbes, Inc. and CBS MoneyWatch.


This Wednesday at Noon ET/9am PT


Did you miss...


  Join Chris and his guest, Ted Rubin as they discuss why relationships are so important and what makes them different now. 



"Being a guest on Step Up and Play Big was a phenomenal experience! Chris Ruisi is a true radio professional. Polished. Prepared. Engaging. Any entrepreneur that wants to share their Stores, Passion, and Knowledge...needs to be on Step Up and Play Big." 
- Adam Witty, CEO and Founder of Advantage Media Group 

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Monday Morning Wake-Up Call?  







Latest review...
"I heard about Chris Ruisi through an online radio interview and had to research further - what a refreshing treat to read a business book that was easy and quick to read and TO THE POINT - Ruisi's general rule of thumb.The big message is to have a plan - it's not brain surgery to figure that out, but his common sense approach to leadership and the practiced approach to achieving goals is well presented and clear. I felt inspired and compelled to action and I am sharing the book with a friend - and this review with other Amazon customers - to spread the word. To stay focused on the big goals, you need to set them first. Coach Ruisi does a great job of providing the game plan!" 


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