Chris Ruisi The Coach - Monday Morning Wake-Up Call
Chris Ruisi The Coach

Consistency - A Building Block of Leadership

It's a known fact, that consistency builds trust and trust is one of the key attributes that a leader must have. Leaders need to constantly demonstrate to their teams that they can be trusted. When people trust someone, they tend to listen to that person and are willing to follow them. Acting in a consistent manner on a number of fronts is one if the best ways a leader can earn this trust. Let's look at five simple things a "would be" leader can do:

  1. Always be honest with your team even when it involves bad news. Your team can handle bad or tough news so long as you are honest with them about it. No spin; just the truth.    
  2. Always admit to your mistakes. When your team sees you doing that, they know that you are not only human but someone who values personal accountability and responsibility. When you consistently take responsibility for your actions (and mistakes) you earn credibility with your team.    
  3. Always focus on only those things you can control. A leader who tries to control everything usually goes in different directions at the same time. They are activity "rich" and results "poor". This scattered "try to do everything" approach wears a team down in both energy and spirit. They describe you in one simple but accurate sentence: "There he goes again." A leader who is not focused cannot be consistent or earn the trust of his team.    
  4. Always ask for your team's input whenever the opportunity presents itself. People are most productive when they feel involved. When the leader asks for their advice in the decision making process, it shows that he cares; and that builds credibility and earns trust. Teams trust a leader who has a genuine interest in their input.    
  5. Always do the right thing. One of the key responsibilities of a leader is to set the rules of performance for his organization reflected in "expectations". When performance expectations are not met, the leader can do nothing (worst choice), make an exception (second worst choice) or, do the right thing: confront the situation and take corrective action (obviously the right choice). When a leader does the "right thing" he demonstrates what his values are and that he or she has character. Teams trust a leader with character because they know he will consistently do the right thing for them. 

There is an expression I use when presenting at business growth workshops. It's simple really:  "Consistency builds trust, trust builds relationships, and relationships build businesses." Make no mistake: the relationship a leader has with his or her team will greatly influence the success of that organization in terms of financial results, market share, and reputation. If you're a leader, or want to be one, learn to be consistent.


 The Coach's PLAY BIG Quote

"As soon as a leader has earned the trust of his team, there are no limits on what they can accomplish together."    




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