Leader of the Paralegal Profession 


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                               CONTACT

                                                                       Dana Murphy-Love, CAE

                                                                       Managing Director





Edmonds, WA - October 2013 - The National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. ("NFPA") is pleased to announce that the members of NFPA have designated the first  week in May  as Ethics Week to coincide with National Law Day which is celebrated on May 1.  NFPA's member delegates overwhelmingly approved the resolution on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at NFPA's Annual Convention and Policy Meeting held in Hartford, CT.


NFPA has a history of being a national leader for the paralegal community and has a strong commitment to advancing the paralegal profession. One of NFPA's many distinguishing features has been its focus on ethics and the ethical behavior of its member associations and each association's members.  In May 1993, NFPA first adopted its Model Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility to delineate the principles for ethics and conduct to which every paralegal should aspire.  Furthermore, NFPA has established an Ethics Board to review questions regarding paralegal ethical conduct and to issue Ethics Opinion in response to such questions. Ethics Week will allow NFPA to highlight the importance of ethics to the paralegal profession and to organize special events to promote and provide further training in ethics. 


NFPA is a non-profit professional organization representing more than 8,500 paralegals and is headquartered in Edmonds, WA.  NFPA's core purpose is the advancement of the paralegal profession.  NFPA promotes a global presence for the paralegal profession and leadership in the legal community.


NFPA - The Leader of the Paralegal Profession



NFPA, NFPA - The Leader of the Paralegal Profession, PACE and RP are registered trademarks of the National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc.  





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