Issue: #26
March 2015 
In This Issue

What's the difference between planning in corporate America and planning in the church environment? The corporate world is worried about results while the church thinks in terms of process.

In this issue, we discuss the fundamental elements that are necessary to plan a successful church campaign. We also give you some tips on when you should contact Church Campaign Services.


Corporate vs. Church - What's the difference?

When church members know that I've spent thirty-five years in business before working for their church, they often ask, "What's the biggest difference between corporate life and the church?" The answer comes easily.

Life in corporate America is always about results - How much time? How much will it cost?

When asked to fund a project in the church, the questions change dramatically. Whose vision is it? Who came up with the plan? How many people know about and have added their perspective to the plan? These are questions of "process," and the church will always be about process and participation.

In their study of the changing paradigm of church funding, the Lake Institute has identified twelve elements of the changing nature of church giving. Of these twelve elements, several speak directly to the process that was used to create the plan as the first step in funding fundamental changes to the mission and ministry of the community of faith.
  • Donor cultivation
  • Donor centered vs. institution centered
  • Donors are collaborative partners
  • Giving is creating change
  • Embraces business principles and practices

(There are seven additional elements; no less important but with a different focus.)

When we tell churches, "It's never too early in the process to bring your consultant on board," this is what we mean. If these principles are not fully developed and participation of members is not an aim of the steering committee from the very beginning, the plan is less likely to be fully funded to the true potential of the congregation.

Church Campaign Services assists in directing these early process steps and also provides guidance on when and where various groups may participate. This may mean via focus groups, surveys, and possibly personal interviews to explore their input into the finished product. When the church speaks and leaders listen, the campaign becomes a labor of joy.


When to Call Church Campaign Services...

When is it a good time to contact Church Campaign Services? Any time you have questions about conducting a capital campaign - and the earlier in the planning process, the better. Learn more in our blog: When Should You Call Church Campaign Services?


Experience the fun in fundraising for ministry! To find out more, call Church Campaign Services (CCS) at 888.558.6873 today.

Yours in Christ,


Bob Kukla

Church Campaign Services


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